—Is she Maria?     —    , she ____.

A. Yes; is   B. Yes; isn’t                  C. No; are





試題分析:英語中以yes或no開頭回答的問句叫一般疑問句,且其回應只依據(jù)事實進行回應。只要事實是肯定的就用肯定回答。事實是否定的,就用否定回答。一般為:肯定回答:Yes, +主語(通常是代詞)+助動詞;否定回答:No, +主語(通常是代詞)+ 助動詞 not.(的縮寫形式).注意助動詞和人稱代詞人稱與數(shù)上同問句保持一致。當be動詞是am時,am與not不縮寫.根據(jù)上文,她是瑪利亞嗎?可知選A,選項BC前后不一致。




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】 Li Hua plays the piano t____ a week.
【小題2】Gina likes art very much. She wants to join an art c___.
【小題3】— Jack, could you please l____me your bike? Mine is broken.
— Certainly.
【小題4】We should____ / w?? / our hands before meals.
【小題5】The girl is a little ____ / ?a? /. She is afraid to speak in public.
【小題6】 Bob's birthday is in ______/ ma:(r) t? / .
【小題7】We can't _____(投擲) stones at the window.
【小題8】Mary has a _____(白色) dress.
【小題9】I think it's best to travel to Harbin in___(冬天).
【小題10】 I bought a new____(雨傘) in the shop last weekend.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年四川省瀘州市中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


1. Li Hua plays the piano t____ a week.

2.Gina likes art very much. She wants to join an art c___.

3. — Jack, could you please l____ me your bike? Mine is broken.

— Certainly.

4.We should____ / w?? / our hands before meals.

5.The girl is a little ____ / ?a? /. She is afraid to speak in public.

6. Bob's birthday is in ______/ ma:(r) t? / .

7.We can't _____(投擲) stones at the window.

8.Mary has a _____(白色) dress.

9.I think it's best to travel to Harbin in___(冬天).

10. I bought a new____(雨傘) in the shop last weekend.



科目:初中英語 來源:四川省中考真題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

A: Who is your best friend, Ma Li?
B: Cathy.
A: (1)W______ is she a good friend?
B: Because she likes to do the (2)s______ things as I do. She is popular, too. And she is good at (3)s______.
A: Are you (4)g______ at sports, too?
B: Well, I like sports, but Cathy is (5)m______ athletic than me. I'd say we are both pretty outgoing.
A: What else do you like about Cathy?
B: She is funnier (6)t______ I am, and she is wilder. I'm a (7)l______ quieter.
A: How about you, Tim? Who is your (8)b______ friend?
B: My best friend is Lana.
C: What do you like (9)a______ her?
B: Well, she is a good listener, and she can (10)k______ secrets- that's important to me.
C: Is she a lot like you?
B: Some people say that we (11)l______ the same. We're both tall, and we both have a long curly hair.
    But Lana is (12)m______ quieter than me, and she is also smarter. I'm more outgoing.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容和所給的首字母, 在每個空缺處填入一個適當?shù)脑~,使整段對話意思完整。

A: Who is your best friend, Ma Li?

B: Cathy.

A: W  1   is she a good friend?

B: Because she likes to do the s  2   things as I do. She is popular, too.

And she is good at s  3  .

A: Are you g  4   at sports, too?

B: Well, I like sports, but Cathy is m  5   athletic than me. I’d say we are both pretty outgoing.

A: What else do you like about Cathy?

B: She is funnier t  6   I am, and she is wilder. I’m a l  7   quieter.

A: How about you, Tim? Who is your b  8   friend?

B: My best friend is Lana.

C: What do you like a  9   her?

B: Well, she is a good listener, and she can k  10   secrets- that’s important to me.

C: Is she a lot like you?

B: Some people say that we l  11   the same. We’re both tall, and we both have a long curly hair. But Lana is m  12   quieter than me, and she is also smarter. I’m more outgoing.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


1.I have two______(watch).

2.Are_______(that)your books?

3.Let's_______(do)our homework.

4.That sounds______________(well).

5.---Is she English?

    ---Yes,______(She)name is Mary.

6.Kate and I______(be)good friends.

7.She can________(play)basketball well.

8.Ma Ming can______(not like)her yellow ruler.

