
  明天就是中國的中秋節(jié)了。Lin Li正在邀請Millie到他家去慶祝中秋節(jié)。閱讀對話并完成句子。

  Lin Li:Hi,Millie!Are you free tomorrow?

  Millie:Yes,I am.Why?

  Lin Li:Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  Millie:What's that?

  Lin Li:On Mid-Autumn Day.family members usually get together and eat a big dinner and mooncakes.Would you like to come to my home to celebrate the festival with us?

  Millie:Yes,that would be great.What is your address?

  Lin Li:Oh,my house is on Zhongshan Road,No.12.It is not far from here.

  Millie:How far is it from our school?

  Lin Li:It is about 2 kilometres.

  Millie:How can I get there?

  Lin Li:YOH can take the No.32 bus.It will take you all the way there,or you can ride a bike.

  Millie:When should I get there?

  Lin Li:You can come any time you like tomorrow afternoon.I will be at home all afternoon.

  Millie:How about 5 o'clock tomorrow evening then?

  Lin Li:That's good.See you tomorrow.


What is the Mid-Autumn Festival?


Where is Lin Li's home and how can Millie get there?


What time will they meet?


Could you guess what Millie will take to Lin Li's home tomorrow?

