1people from around the world came to the eastern Spanish town of Bunol. They threw tons of tomatoes 2each other in a yearly food fight. That made the street in red juice. A rocket 3from the town hall was the start of the event for which local government offered 120 tons of tomatoes.
Many people, including many from Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Asia, wore hard hats, glasses or protective plastic sheets. 4protect their things from the sea of red mush (糊狀物), shopkeepers 5huge plastic covers on the front of their stores. About 40,000 people took part in the tomato fight this year, 6four times the people of the town. 7amazing!
After the fight lasting about one hour, municipal(市政的) workers and local people used big water pipes to clean the streets which were covered with tomato mush. The joiners went to a nearby river to wash 8.
The tomato fight is held each year on the last Wednesday in August. The start of the event is still not clear although it is 9to have its roots in a food fight between childhood friends 10in Bunol.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
      Thousands of
    2. B.
      Ten thousands
    3. C.
      Thousand of
    4. D.
      Ten thousand of
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
      is fired
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
      was firing
  4. 4.
    1. A.
      In order to
    2. B.
      So that
    3. C.
      Because of
    4. D.
  5. 5.
    1. A.
      put away
    2. B.
      put off
    3. C.
      put up
    4. D.
      put out
  6. 6.
    1. A.
      more than
    2. B.
      much more
    3. C.
      many more
    4. D.
      less than
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      What an
    4. D.
      Is it
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      all right
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
      on the 1940
    2. B.
      in the 1940
    3. C.
      in 1940’s
    4. D.
      in the 1940S
2.此題考查固定短語throw at表示想…扔…
4.此題考查固定短語in order to表示目的,意思是為了…,后跟短語。
5.此題考查動(dòng)詞短語put up表示搭建,店主為了保護(hù)自己的商店的東西,在門前搭建起一個(gè)很大的塑料覆蓋物。
6.此題考查形容詞的比較級(jí),more than表示比…還多。今年參加食物大戰(zhàn)的人數(shù)超過當(dāng)?shù)厝藬?shù)的4倍還多。
8.此題考查反身代詞,此處wash themselves表示去洗澡。
9.此題考查被動(dòng)語態(tài),it is thought表示被認(rèn)為。
10.此題考查表示年代的表達(dá)方式。In the 1940s表示20世紀(jì)40年代。

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】Do you have any difficulty            (解決) the problem?
【小題2】Thank you for giving us some __________(建議) which are so valuable to us.
【小題3】I doubt ____________(if) he will attend the meeting tomorrow.
【小題4】 Plenty of pop stars             (take part in) the presentation last week.
【小題5】Mr. John received an expensive birthday gift from his friends, but he decides not to       it.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

A leading biologist has found the angels and fairies that sit at top of Christmas trees did not get there under their own power.
Prof Roger Wotton, from University College London, found that flight would be impossible for angels with arms and bird-like feathered wings.  
"Angels cannot take off and cannot use powered flight,” said Prof Wotton. “They would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off - such high winds that they would be blown away."
Some the world’s most famous religious paintings and architecture make most Americans believe in angels.
The study found that 68 per cent of the 36,000 adults thought that angels and demons (魔鬼) were at work in the world.
According to the latest study, angels lack the powerful muscles which allow birds to beat their wings.
Prof Wotton’s paper explores why there are so many stories about angels. “Angels are very powerful religious icons for people with faith. Their similarity to humans adds to their power. At the same time, they have wings on them because they are more than human. They take messages to heaven and therefore have to fly.” said the academic.
【小題1】What did the leading biologist find?
A.The angels and fairies are very powerful.
B.It’s impossible for angels and fairies to fly.
C.The flight would be possible for angels with arms and bird-like feathered wings.
D.The angels and fairies can sit on the tree under their own power.
【小題2】What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “architecture” ?
【小題3】According to the article, how many adults thought that there were real angels and demons?
【小題4】 Which of the following is True?
A.Angels can’t fly because they lack the powerful muscles which allow birds to beat their wings.
B.Most Americans don’t believe in angels.
C.Angels can take off and can use powered flight.
D.Angels are not the same to the humans.
【小題5】Why do many people believe angels can fly?
A.Angels are real human beings.
B.Angels with wings can take messages to heaven and therefore have to fly.
C.Angels are very similar to the humans.
D.Angels are powerful.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Today is Saturday. It’s sunny and warm. Many children from No. 1 Middle School are at the Old People’s Home. Now, they’re helping the old people.
Look! Li Min and Zhan Ran are cleaning the windows. Ma Lan and Liu Qian are washing clothes.
What’s Li Na doing over there? Many old people are clapping their hands(鼓掌)for her. Oh,  she’s singing for them. Her song is really beautiful. And where’s the American boy, Tom? He likes helping others and he often comes here. Listen! Who’s speaking English? It’s Tom. He’s teaching two old people to speak English.
All the children and the old people are very happy. “We are happy when we help others, ” says Tom. 
【小題1】How’s the weather today?
A.It’s snowy. B.It’s windy.
C.It’s Saturday. D.It’s sunny and warm.
【小題2】How many children in the passage?
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
【小題3】The old people are clapping hands, because Li Na sings ________. 
A.very wellB.very badly
C.really beautiful D.very good
【小題4】Where is Tom from?
A.the United Kingdom
B.the United States
D.The Old People’s Home.
【小題5】What is Tom doing?
A.He is singing English songs.
B.He is teaching English.
C.He is washing clothes.
D.He is cleaning the windows.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Mary Cassatt is considered one of America’s most famous female artists.

    She was born in Pennsylvania in 1844.When she was a child,Mary and her family spent five years travelling and living in Europe.Mary saw the great art museums,and she wanted to become an artist.

    When she was seventeen,she said that she wanted to go to Paris to study art.At that time people thought that only men could become painters.It was not considered proper work for a woman Her father refused to let her study art.Finally he said she could study it if she went to a school near their home.She attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

    At her graduation(畢業(yè))in 1866,she again said that she had to go abroad to learn more about painting.Her lather agreed to let her go.At 22 she sailed for Paris.She lived in France,but she went to other countries in Europe.She spent a lot of time in museums.She worked hard to improve her work.She studied the famous paintings of the old masters,and she copied and sketched(畫素描)for hours.

    She found,though,that she g referred the new ideas used by a group of artists living in Paris.They called themselves impressionists(印象派畫家).Like them Mary Cassatt tried to show real 1people and the real world.Because these ideas were new,it took some years before

people recognized(承認(rèn))her as the great artist that she was.

1.Mary Cassatt went to art school Dear home because________.

    A.she did not have enough money to go away

    B.she was frightened about leaving home

    C.her father would not let her leave home

    D.it was the best school

2.Mary Cassatt showed that she was serious about becoming an artist by________.

    A.spending long hours painting

    B.taking many trips to Europe

    C.reading many art books   

D.talking to older artists

3.From this passage we can learn that in the 1800s_________.

    A.a(chǎn)ll careers were open to women

    B.some careers were not open to women

    C.a(chǎn)ll women wanted to stay at home and have children

    D.male artists welcomed female artists

4.We learn from the passage that Mary Cassatt became a great artist because she_________.

    A.came from a rich family

    B.worked hard and never gave up

    C.had good teachers

    D.travelled in Europe

