

Giant Pandas ??????????????????????????????? bamboo.

2.這只大熊貓?zhí)幵谖kU(xiǎn)中, 我們應(yīng)立刻采取行動(dòng)。

The giant panda is ______________ , we should take action right way.

3.The forest ______________________ (提供食物和庇護(hù)所) for the wild animals.

4.The water in the lake is getting ____________________ (越來(lái)越少).

5.The weather in Hainan is quite warm __________________ (一年到頭).



1.live mainly on

2.in danger

3.provides food and cover

4.less and less

5.all year round



1.“以……為主食”即live on;故答案為live mainly on

2.be in danger意為“有危險(xiǎn),處于危險(xiǎn)中”;故答案為in danger

3.provide sth for sb意為“為某人提供某物”;故答案為provides food and cover

4.“越來(lái)越少”用less and less來(lái)表示。

5.“一年到頭”,用all year round來(lái)表示。



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

1. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句)
Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing.
2. He's friendly and helpful. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ is he ________?
3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同義句)
There is ___________ ___________ in the fridge.
4. Amy is the best girl in her class. (同義句)
Amy is __________ than __________ __________ girl in her class.
5 You should walk your dog once a week. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
_________ _________ you ________ your dog?
6. Walk the dog at 7 a.m..(改為否定句)
___________ ___________ the dog at 7 a.m..
7. This picture is more beautiful than those two pictures.(同義句)
This picture is _______ ________ _________of the three pictures.
8 We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (同義句)(2分)
We stayed at home ______________________.
9. Her sister is more careful than Ann. (同義句)
Ann is not ______ _______ ________ her sister.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年度江蘇省連云港市灌南縣堆溝港中學(xué)八年級(jí)第一次月考英語(yǔ)卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

1. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句)
Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing.
2. He’s friendly and helpful. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ is he ________?
3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同義句)
There is ___________ ___________ in the fridge.
4. Amy is the best girl in her class. (同義句)
Amy is __________ than __________ __________ girl in her class.
5 You should walk your dog once a week. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
_________ _________ you ________ your dog?
6. Walk the dog at 7 a.m..(改為否定句)
___________ ___________ the dog at 7 a.m..
7. This picture is more beautiful than those two pictures.(同義句)
This picture is _______ ________ _________of the three pictures.
8 We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (同義句)(2分)
We stayed at home ______________________.
9. Her sister is more careful than Ann. (同義句)
Ann is not ______ _______ ________ her sister.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年度連云港市灌南縣堆溝港中學(xué)八年級(jí)第一次月考英語(yǔ)卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

1. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句)
Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing.
2. He’s friendly and helpful. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ is he ________?
3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同義句)
There is ___________ ___________ in the fridge.
4. Amy is the best girl in her class. (同義句)
Amy is __________ than __________ __________ girl in her class.
5 You should walk your dog once a week. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
_________ _________ you ________ your dog?
6. Walk the dog at 7 a.m..(改為否定句)
___________ ___________ the dog at 7 a.m..
7. This picture is more beautiful than those two pictures.(同義句)
This picture is _______ ________ _________of the three pictures.
8 We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (同義句)(2分)
We stayed at home ______________________.
9. Her sister is more careful than Ann. (同義句)
Ann is not ______ _______ ________ her sister.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆度江蘇省連云港市八年級(jí)第一次月考英語(yǔ)卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

按要求完成句子。(每空0.5分,共13分,其中第9題2分) [來(lái)源:學(xué)#科#網(wǎng)Z#X#X#K]

1. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句)

  Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing.

2. He's friendly and helpful. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

________ is he ________?

3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同義句)

  There is ___________ ___________ in the fridge.

4. Amy is the best girl in her class. (同義句)

  Amy is __________ than __________ __________ girl in her class.

5 You should walk your dog once a week. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

  _________ _________ you ________ your dog?

6. Walk the dog at 7 a.m..(改為否定句)

   ___________ ___________ the dog at 7 a.m..

7. This picture is more beautiful than those two pictures.(同義句)

  This picture is _______ ________ _________of the three pictures.

8 We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (同義句)(2分)

  We stayed at home ______________________.

9. Her sister is more careful than Ann. (同義句)

   Ann is not ______ _______ ________ her sister.


