When Sheila left home this morning, her mother advised her to bring an umbrella.She told Sheila that according to the weather report, there would be a thunderstorm(大雷雨).Shelia looked at the clear sky and did not take her mother‘s advice.
While she was at the bus stop, the sky began to turn dark and soon there was a slight rain.By the time the bus arrived, it was raining very heavily.There were a few empty seats in the bus but they were all wet.So Sheila had to stand throughout the journey to school.It was also very stuffy(通風不良)in the bus as all the windows were closed.When the bus arrived at the bus stop outside her school, Shelia got down quickly.She had to walk a short distance from the bus stop to her school and Shelia knew that she would be drenched if she did that.However, she might be late for school if she waited for the rain to stop.Shelia regretted(后悔)not having taken her mother's advice.
Just then, her classmate Amy came along.She was carrying a big umbrella and offered to share it with Shelia.Shelia was very happy.