聽1段材料,回答1-5 題。
1. When is the charity show?
[     ]
A. This Saturday.
B. Next Sunday.
C. Next Monday.
2. What is she going to do in the show?
[     ]
A. Sing a song.
B. Be the host.
C. Design a post for it.
3. Who is Mr. Gu?
[     ]
A. Their teacher.
B. A writer.
C. An organizer.
4. What must Sandy do if she wants the show to be a success?
[     ]
A. Just try her best to remember each word.
B. Look at the right camera and remember all the words.
C. Look at the right camera and keep smiling.
5. Why are they going to ask Ricky for help?
[     ]
A. Because he is free.
B. Because he is Sandy's cousin.
C. Because he is a host.

科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇期中題 題型:聽力題

1. What is Mike doing?                                                  
A. Playing chess      
B. Playing volleyball.  
C Playing computer games.
2. What does the girl like?                                            
A. Painting.        
B. Collecting stamps.    
C. Writing e-mails.
3. How often does she write to her pen pals?                          
A. Every Sunday.      
B. Twice a month,      
C. Twice a year.


科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇期中題 題型:聽力題

聽1段材料,回答1-2 題。
1. What party is it?                                                      
A. A birthday party.  
B. An English party.      
C. A welcome party.
2. When will they have the party?                                          
A. On Friday night,    
B. On Saturday night.    
C. On Sunday night.


科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省期末題 題型:聽力題

1. What movie do they see at last (最終)
A. Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon (臥虎藏龍).  
B. Shaolin Temple.                                  
C. Mr. Bean.?
2. Does June like action movies? ?
A. Yes, she does.  
B. No, she doesn’t.    
C. Sorry, we don’t know.?
3. When do they go to movies? ?
A. In the evening.  
B. In the morning.  
C. In the afternoon.?


科目:初中英語 來源:廣東省月考題 題型:聽力題

1. Where are they talking?      
A. At Jim’s home.      
B. At the doctor’s.          
C. At Jim’s school.
2. What’s the matter with Jim?     
A. He’s fever.      
B. He’s got a cold.        
C. He doesn’t want to go to school.
3. How long has Jim been like this?     
A. About two days.      
B. Half a day.              
C. About a week.
4. Can Jim go to school?      
A. Yes, he can.          
B. No, he can’t.            
C. We don’t know.


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:聽力題

1. What did the woman ask the man about?
[     ]
A. The man's factory.
B. The workers in the man's factory.
C. The pollution form the man's factory.
2. What did the man's answer mean?
[     ]
A. Dead fish polluted the lake.
B. His factory had nothing to do with the lake pollution.
C. He would stop his factory pouring waste water.
3. How long has the shoe factory been open?
[     ]
A. Nearly ten years.
B. For ten years.
C. More than ten years.

