
Hakka Earth Building is a bright pearl of Chinese civilization. It is praised as a magnificent architectural work of village houses in 1 world for its long history, unique style, smart structure and magnificent scale, which is 2 (close) related to the history of Hakka people in the mountainous areas in Fujian.

Earthen houses are made 3 earth, stone, bamboo and wood, all readily available materials which are used 4 (form) walls up to 6 feet thick. The end result is a windproof, quake-proof building that is warmer in winter and cooler in summer 5 others. The top has gun holes for defensive purposes. In addition to the unique function of defending against the 6 (enemy), the earth building also has the characteristics of fire prevention, guarding against wild animals and good lighting. What is amazing about these earth buildings 7 (be) the fact that some of them are over 700 years old, surviving through natural elements, including earthquakes.

In 2008, a total of 46 Fujiantulou sites 8 (list) as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. They’re exceptional examples of a building tradition and function 9 (represent) a particular type of group living and defensive organization in a 10 (harmony) relationship with their environment.





4to form




8were listed







3考查固定短語。句意:土屋是由泥土、石頭、竹子和木頭制成的,所有這些材料都是現(xiàn)成的,用來建造高達6英尺厚的墻壁。be made of表示“由……制成的”,表示制成成品后仍然可以看出原材料。故填of。

4考查不定式。句意同上,sth be used to do表示“某物被用來做”,故填to form。



7考查時態(tài)和主謂一致。句意:這些土樓的驚人之處在于,其中一些已經(jīng)有700多年的歷史了,它們在包括地震在內一些自然元素中幸存下來。陳述的是客觀事實,用一般現(xiàn)在時,主語是What is amazing about these earth buildings,謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù),故填is。

8考查時態(tài)語態(tài)。句意:2008年,共有46處福建土樓遺址被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列為世界遺產(chǎn)。時間狀語“In 2008”表明事情發(fā)生在過去,46 Fujiantulou sites list之間是被動關系,所以用一般過去時的被動語態(tài),主語是復數(shù),謂語動詞也用復數(shù)形式,故填were listed。

9】考查非謂語動詞。句意:它們是建筑傳統(tǒng)和功能的特殊例子,代表了一種特定類型的群體生活和防御組織,與他們的環(huán)境保持著和諧的關系。分析句子結構可知此處使用非謂語動詞, a building tradition and functionrepresent之間是邏輯上的主謂關系,表示主動,用現(xiàn)在分詞作后置定語,故填representing


注意be made ofbe made from都表示“由……制成”,主語為制成品,區(qū)別在于: be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材內料是什么,保留原材料的質和形狀,制作過程僅發(fā)生物理變化,如:The kite is made of paper.風箏是用紙做的;be made from 表示制成的東西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作過程中發(fā)生化學變化,在成品中已無法辨認,如:The paper is made from wood.紙是木頭做的;Butter is made from milk.黃油是從牛奶中提容煉出來的。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Stories are shared in many ways. They are described in books and magazines. They are read around the campfire at night. They are randomly distributed from stand-alone booths. But what else?

To revive (復興)literature in the era of fast news and smartphone addiction, Short Edition, a French publisher of short-form literature, has set up more than 30 story dispensers (分發(fā)機)in the USA in the past years to deliver fiction at the push of a button at restaurants, universities and government offices.

Francis Ford Coppola, the film director and winemaker, liked the idea so much that he invested in the company and placed a dispenser at his Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco. Last month public libraries in some other cities announced they would be setting them up, too. There is one on the campus at Penn State. A few can be found in downtown West Palm Beach, Fla. And Short Edition plans to announce more, including at the Los Angeles International Airport.

“Everything old is new again," said Andrew Nurkin, the director of the Free Library of Philadelphia, which is one of the libraries that set up the dispensers. “We want people to be easily exposed to literature. We want to advance literacy among children and inspire their creativity.

Here's how a dispenser works It has three buttons on top indicating choices for stories that can be read in one minute, three minutes or five minutes. When a button is pushed, a short story is printed. The stories are free. They are chosen from a computer category of more than 100,000 original submissions by writers whose works have been evaluated by Short Edition's judges, and transmitted over a mobile network. Offerings can be tailored to specific interests, like children's fiction or romance. Short Edition gets stories for its category by holding writing contests.

Short Edition set up its first booth in 2016 and has 150 machines worldwide. “The idea is to make people happy," said Kristan Leroy, director of Short Edition, “There is too much unhappiness today. ”

1What do we know about the stories sent by dispensers?

A.They are expensive.

B.They are short in form.

C.They can be read on smartphones.

D.They are mainly taken from magazine literature.

2Where can you find the popularity of story dispensers in America?

A.In paragraph 3.

B.In paragraph 4.

C.In paragraph 5.

D.In paragraph 6.

3Which is the main purpose of setting up the dispensers according to Andrew Nurkin?

A.To get rid of people's smartphone addiction.

B.To reduce the financial stress of libraries.

C.To make people have access to literature.

D.To advertise the network literature.

4What is the best title for the text?

A.Online Reading: a Virtual Tour

B.Short Edition, a French Publisher

C.Everything Old Will Be Popular Again

D.Taste of Literature, at the Push of a Button


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Are visible tattoos an invitation to stare at a person? A blog post on LinkedIn titled “But You Asked Me to Stare At Your Tattoos” is causing debate after its author declared that if someone has a visible tattoo, they are inviting attention on themselves.

The magazine columnist Jeff Haden writes that while in a meeting recently, he met a man with a full sleeve tattoo. After looking at his body art for “a couple of seconds”, the man asked Haden, “Would it be easier if you just took a picture?” Haden goes on to write, “You have this huge, colorful, incredibly eye-catching tattoo. And you’re wearing a shirt with unusually short sleeves. It’s like you’re paraphrasing Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men: ‘You want me to see your tattoo. You need me to see your tattoo.’”

But not everyone who has a visible tattoo thinks about it when getting dressed in the morning, replied some commenters. For those with tattoos, they often become a part of the person. “For most people who have had their tattoos, it isn’t something that you think about with any frequency. I don’t even notice it as ‘different’. It’s just a part of you - like grey hair or a large nose.” Writes Kristen Stine. “People say to me ‘What’s that?’, pointing at my arm. I often get flustered expecting to see a bug when I look down. However, I just see my arm.”

Still others agree with Haden and say that visible tattoos have no place in the workplace. “If you don’t want people to stare, wear a long sleeve shirt in this air-conditioned office. Clearly you want people to stare,” writes Mike Avelar.

Haden closes his piece with the following: “Make a statement with your apparel, your tattoos, your piercings or your actions. I think it’s great. Just don’t get mad when people look for a bit longer than usual… and occasionally even stare. That must be your intention. After all - you invited us to.”

1What is the text mainly about?

A.The introduction of a magazine.

B.A hot debate about tattoos.

C.The bad effects of tattoos.

D.The blog of Jeff Haden.

2Jeff Haden thinks that ______.

A.more discussion should be made about tattoos

B.people with tattoos hope to attract attention

C.people with tattoos shouldn’t take pictures

D.it’s improper for people to get tattoos

3According to Kristen Stine, ________.

A.people needn’t worry about tattoos

B.people with tattoos should cover them

C.tattoos have become important for him

D.he didn’t pay much attention to tattoos

4What is Mike Avelar’s idea about tattoos?

A.Air-conditioned offices are fit for people with tattoos.

B.People shouldn’t show tattoos in the workplace.

C.It’s reasonable for people to have tattoos.

D.People with tattoos should be blamed.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及-個單詞的增 加、刪除或修改。

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號( N),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。

刪除:把多余的詞用斜線( \)劃掉。




We teenagers spend our pocket money on different ways. Almost half of us spent the money on meaningful things,and some cannot manage their money well. The following tips may be helpful. Firstly, divide the money into various part.This can be done basing on the importance of things. By doing so, we can well understand that where to spend our money and how much to spend. Second, make a budget, which helps us get into a habit of spending money wisely. Thirdly, open a bank account. If possiblysave some extra money up for future use. For example, I always put some money aside in case I buy parents a birthday gift or help people in need.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 As recently as 15 years ago, if you wanted to catch up on the news, you could look at a handful of publications or a few nightly programs. And if you wanted to listen to music, you could turn on MTV or fiddle with your radio. People in major cities had more options, because a large population can support specialty shops. 1.

Today, as we all know, access to information has exploded. One consequence, according to Toure, a cultural critic writing in Salon, is that the ability of pop culture to unify us-- he refers to the massive interest in Michael Jackson’s Thriller, or Nirvana’s Nevermind--has been eroded, probably forever. Steven Hyden, also writing in Salon, counters that whatever the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized pop-culture authority, the monoculture never actually existed.

2 Even when it supposedly existed, its content largely depended on other characteristics of your little corner of the world. In the 1992-1993 school year, I was a student at a multiracial and relatively urban junior high school in California’s central valley. We listened to Salt-n-Pepa, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Kris Kross, with the latter having inspired a trend in which kids wore their clothes backwards. The next year I was enrolled in a mostly white junior high school in leafy Chiago suburb. One of the houses was famous for having appeared in the 1990 film “Home Alone”; the popular bands were Nirvana, Hole and the Smashing Pumpkins; and the biggest pop-cultural event of the school year was Kurt Cobain’s suicide.

But Toure’s point is about the virtues of common cultural experience. It seems he is recalling centralized media only in so far as it’s a distribution system that fostered ( 促進) that outcome.

3 It doesn’t matter whether a record is released by an important label or an indie ( 獨立制片人); if it’s online, people can usually find, forward, share and promote it. But what’s interesting and perhaps surprising, given that both Toure and Mr Hyden seem to agree that the old distribution favored big media, is that we still have widely shared cultural experiences. Just think of Barack Obama doing the little hand gesture from Beyonce’s “Single Ladies ” video.

4. It’s safe to say that the monoculture never really existed, and that some artists still reach a wide audience, whether we like it or not.

A.That suggests that we like pop culture partly because it’s a shared experience, regardless of quality.

B.However, in vast areas of the world you had to work to get outside the mainstream.

C.Whether you like it or not, “monoculture” is here with us.

D.I think Mr Hyden is correct that the concept of a “monoculture” is a bit of a myth.

E.They see globalization as being the spread of a monoculture, based on western values, which is killing the cultural diversity of the world.

F.And it’s true that the ways we now consume pop culture to some extent level the playing field.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


While many countries are trying hard 1(deal) with increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥胖), Japan stands out. The country has both high scores for nutrition and very low obesity rates.

Where 2(do) the country's secret lie? Some say it's school lunches 3matter a lot. According to a UNICEF report, Japan tops the charts for childhood health indicators. with low rates of infant(嬰兒) deaths and few underweight children. It also has the 4(low) rate of childhood obesity among the 36 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Certainly, there are various factors at work, including a health-conscious society and 5(regular) scheduled health check-ups.

6, a nationwide school lunch program actually plays a key role. In schools, the lunches are compulsory, which means that no packed lunches 7(allow). While they are not free for most, they are financially sponsored, making them affordable 8students.

Each meal is designed to have around 600 - 700 calories, 9(balance) between carbohydrates(碳水化合物), proteins and vegetables. A typical meal is rice with grilled fish and a leafy vegetable, 10is served with soup with pork, alongside milk and dried fruit.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Your colleague’s sharp comment keeps replaying in your mind.Two of your students are trapped in a”he said/she said”battle.When you reflect on your emotional reactions,you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings,which can make you feel even worse.If so,the answer may lie in a skill called”self-distancing”,the ability to take a step back and view yourself more objectively.According to a research,when people adopt self-distancing while discussing a difficult event,they make better sense of their reactions,experience less emotional suffering,and display fewer signs of stress.

But what might self-distancing look like in action? Consider a typical”he said/she said”student conflict where they are each focusing on their own feelings.One is thinking,‘‘I can't believe he did that to me”And another insists.”She really hurt my feelings”However,if you ask them to take the self-distancing,they might step outside of themselves and ask broader questions:”Why was he so hurt in this situation?”or”How did her anger affect him?”

Although this approach may sound too simple to be effective,studies indicate that a change in point of view can have a powerful effect on the way people think,feel,and behave. Here are several different techniques you can try.

First,consider how a thoughtful friend might respond after quietly observing their situation.Besides,avoid using the pronoun”I”.Focus on using third-person pronouns,he,she,they,and they were able to see the stressful event as challenging rather than threatening.Finally,ask yourself,”How would I feel about this one week from now or ten years from now?”This form of mental time travel may be effective because our attention is directed away from our immediate,concrete circumstances.

1What is self-distancing?

A.Getting stuck in negative emotions.

B.A stressful situation.

C.A study on relieving emotional stress.

D.Reflecting on yourself objectively.

2Which of the following statement uses the techniques of self-distancing?

A.I’m angry with him.

B.How did these two people get to this point?

C.How I wish I could go back to the past!

D.He grabbed my notes,and thenand then…

3What is the best title for the passage?

A.Why Self-distancing Matters

B.The Disadvantages of Self-distancing

C.Breaking the Cycle of Negative Reflection

D.Ways to Reflect on Emotional Reactions


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film released on July 26th, sweeps the Chinese box office.1Please read more to find out.


Although Ne Zha’s appearance in this film first makes a strange impression on audience, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining.

The creative adaptation is not limited to Ne Zha’s appearance.3 Yang Yu, Ne Zha’s director, characterizes the role as a rebellious youth who tries his best to fight against prejudice and change his fate. Born as a ball of flesh, Ne Zha is hated, but he believes he can choose to be a monster or a god.

So this fresh reproduction of the ancient legendary figure pulls at the hearts of the young for they can see themselves in Ne Zha.

Contemporary values

The fact that the film can touch the audience comes down to the contemporary values presented in the film.

Ne Zha’s fight against prejudice mentioned above is the major value advocated by the film. Meanwhile his parents’ parenting style is another aspect.4 The importance of parents’ company during children’s growth is also discussed in the film through Ne Zha’s mother.

Fine production

In addition to the rich content, Ne Zha’s fine production, is another aspect that makes Chinese cartoon lovers proud. 5 As the most complex animated production ever made in China, Ne Zha has 1,318 special effects shots. To realize the film’s fairy tale setting, more than 1,600 people worked around the clock for three years.

Rich content, correct values and spectacular production. Cartoon fans cheered as they have every reason to be proud of Ne Zha.

A.Creative adaptation

B.Household legendary figure

C.Why does Ne Zha make such a huge success?

D.It makes people think about this question again.

E.It took the director two years to polish the script.

F.People can also see a major change in his character.

G.Many people consider it inspiring for contemporary parents.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】What is the relationship between the speakers ?

A.Doctor and patient.B.Husband and wife.C.Taxi driver and passenger.

