【題目】 We just waved goodbye to this year's Mother's Day.1, but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day.

The founder fought back.

Although Julia Ward Howe first suggested a day for mothers, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a national day for moms, in memory of her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who had spent years working to provide resources for poor mothers in West Virginia.2, but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(請愿)to cancel the holiday.That clearly didn't come to pass.

It is an active day on the phone lines.

3. One study suggests that the more widespread use of cell phones has greatly increased the amount of contact adult children have with their mothers. So don't be lazy: your mom definitely expects to receive your call, and not just with a text message.


If you're thinking about taking your mom out to eat, you might want to consider which time of the day will have enough open tables. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with some 80 million adults dining out, which tops even Valentine's Day. Therefore, if you'd like to treat your mom to her favorite cuisine, go earlier on that day.

All in all, Mother's Day is set up to honor mothers' love and care for the family, so even a handmade card can show your appreciation.5

A.Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914

B.Their devotion deserves your attention and respect

C.Some of you may find that day not new to you at all

D.Some of you might have forgotten to send greetings

E.Many people honor more than one mother in their life

F.It is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry

G.Call volume in the US goes up 11 percent on Mother's Day










根據(jù)空后“but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day(但是關(guān)于母親節(jié)可能仍然有你不知道的事情)”中的轉(zhuǎn)折連詞but可知,空處應是講關(guān)于了解母親節(jié)的,C項“你們中的一些人可能發(fā)現(xiàn)那一天對你們來說一點也不陌生”符合語境,且C項中的“that day”指代“Mother's Day”。故選C項。


空后提到“but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(請愿)to cancel the holiday(但是幾年后,Jarvis開始厭惡這個節(jié)日變得商業(yè)化,于是她發(fā)起了一個廢除母親節(jié)的請愿活動)”,是關(guān)于設(shè)立母親節(jié)后發(fā)生的事情,由此可推斷出,前文應是提到了母親節(jié)的設(shè)立,A項“1914年母親節(jié)成為一個官方節(jié)日”符合語境。故選A項。


本段的主題句是“It is an active day on the phone lines.(母親節(jié)這天通話數(shù)量大增)”,G項“母親節(jié)這天美國的電話呼叫數(shù)量上升11%”與主題一致,且空后一句“一項研究顯示,手機的廣泛使用大大增加了成年子女和母親們的聯(lián)系次數(shù)”是對G項的進一步說明,上下文銜接自然。故選G項。


本空是段落主題句,根據(jù)本段內(nèi)容尤其是“Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants(母親節(jié)是餐廳一年中最忙碌的日子)”,F項“母親節(jié)是餐飲業(yè)最忙碌的一天”切題。故選F項。


空前提到“母親節(jié)是為贊揚母親對家庭的關(guān)愛而設(shè)立的,所以即使一張手工制作的卡片也能表達你的感激”,B項“她們的付出值得你的關(guān)注和尊重”承接上文,符合語境;且B項中“Their devotion”呼應前一句中“mothers' love and care for the family”,故選B項。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 GPS has completely transformed how we get around. But other animals have long had their navigation (導航) systems built right in --- like ants and bees.

“We know their eyes are quite sensitive to polarized light (偏振光), and the sky has a particular pattern of polarized light, connected with the position of the sun.” says Barbara Webb, a bioroboticist at the University of Edinburgh. You can see polarized light firsthand if you take a pair of polarized sunglasses and spin them against the sky --- the light passing through the lenses changes. Webb says the insects have polarization like that built into flat sides of their compound eyes. “You can think of it as the equal of having a little polarization directional filter (濾鏡) over them or lots of sunglasses pointed in different directions.”

But Webb was curious about whether there's really enough information in the sky to give insects an accurate sense of direction. So her team built a sensor modeled after a desert ant eye and put it under artificial light meant to simulate the sky. They then fed that sensor input into a model meant to copy the brains of desert ants and other insects with a sky compass. And they found that with the insects' natural sensing and processing equipment, they can likely sense compass direction down to just a couple degrees of error.

A system based on that of insects could someday be a cheap, low-energy alternative to GPS. “Insects have very tiny brains, a brain that's using hardly any energy. And yet they're still able to navigate better than we can with GPS, which is a huge system.” Webb is now working on building a robot that can, like the desert ant, use light to get its direction. Although after sundown, it may have to ask for directions.

1What make(s) it possible for ants and bees to sense the direction?

A.Flat eyes.B.Polarization.

C.A directional filter.D.Polarized sunglasses.

2Why did Webb and her team build a sensor?

A.To copy the brains of desert ants.

B.To model after the desert ant eye.

C.To satisfy their desire for answers.

D.To test an accurate sense of direction.

3What is the future navigation system supposed to do?

A.To save energy.B.To be a substitute for GPS.

C.To guide the blind.D.To help GPS work better.

4What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce an invention.

B.To praise a scientific achievement.

C.To present new scientific findings.

D.To encourage people to learn science.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 You already know many things that can reduce your chances of getting various types of cancer. Avoiding tobacco (煙草) products is an important thing, but have you ever considered your choice of dinner time as a reason for your risk of cancer? Probably not, but new research suggests that you might want to consider it.

A new study published in the International Journal of Cancer draws some very interesting connection between people’s time for dinner and their risk (風險) of developing certain types of cancers, including breast and prostate (前列腺) cancer, which are two of the largest killers of men and women.

“Modern life often means mistimed sleeping and eating that are connected with poor health effects in experimental studies,” the researchers explain. The research mainly focuses on how long before bedtime a person eats their last meal of the day. People who eat before 9 p. m or eat at least n couple of hours before hitting the sack have lower risks of developing cancers. The scientists find that these people enjoy a 20% drop in cancer risk when compared to those who eat dinner after 10 p.m. or eat right before climbing into bed.

The researchers followed the habits of thousands of people and tracked their nighttime eating habits and whether or not they developed cancer over the long term. The numbers seem to point towards early dinners being a very beneficial thing if you’re hoping to avoid some of the more common types of cancer, but the scientists still don’t know exactly why that’s true. At the moment they believe circadian rhythm (生物鐘) is playing a role, though they can’t say exactly how.

1Why are tobacco products mentioned (提到) in Paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the topic.

B.To make comparisons.

C.To advertise some products.

D.To show the harm of smoking.

2What does the underlined part “hitting the sack” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Getting up.B.Going to bed.

C.Drinking some soup.D.Taking some medicine.

3What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The researchers didn’t have long-term research plans.

B.The researchers need further work to improve their study.

C.The researchers have confirmed the way of circadian rhythm works.

D.The researchers have found the real causes of some types of cancer.

4What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.Food and cancer.B.Tobacco and cancer.

C.Sleeping and cancer.D.Dinner time and cancer.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文, 請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤, 每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(∧), 并在其下面寫出該加的詞。


修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線, 并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。

注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10, 多者(從第11處起)不計分

I used to live in the country and our family lived on farming. In spring we could see the crop getting ripe with the passing of time. In the distance from our farm are the blue mountains, that turned golden at sunset. What wonderNot far away from our house lived an old couple. They always got up earlier and then went for a walk hand in hand. They were never quarreled. With no children lived with them, they took helping others as a way to ease our loneliness. I have been regarding them as my own grandparents gradual and I love them as they do me.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華, 你所在城市的博物館即將開展近代文物展。你想邀請你校的外籍教師Robert一起參觀。請你給他寫一封郵件, 內(nèi)容包括:

1. 展出的目的;2. 舉辦時間;3. 活動內(nèi)容。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié), 以使行文連貫。

參考詞匯:文物cultural relics

Dear Robert,



Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Last summer, I had to stay in the room during the period of my recovery from cancer after the operation. It was unexpected that life highlighted everything that I might tend to take for granted in the normal course.

On the first morning, my children presented me a coffee pot. I liked to begin the day with a cup of coffee and was eager to try the pot.

When I made coffee, it spilled out over the whole table. Fortunately, nobody was there to see my embarrassed look! I kept trying, but each morning would see me wiping up the coffee. Then I realized that if I poured very slowly there would be no spilling.

This was at first a very painful experience. My normal practice was to rush through breakfast so that I could get on with my day. But at that moment I learned not only to pour slowly but to enjoy the experience: the smell, the taste, and the stillness of a new day.

It helped me to reflect upon whether there were other areas of my life 1 was rushing through. Most of life, it seemed. Strangely, those we consider loved ones may go of radar(雷達)when we would expect them to enquire about our well-being. However, others we seldom keep in touch with came into our lives suddenly, full of concern, well-meaning advice and love.

After the recovery period, I started to leave extra time to do even the most ordinary tasks. When shop owners would apologize for keeping me waiting, I would say, "Not a problem, I'm not in a hurry." Even hanging out washing became pleasurable when a couple of extra minutes of standing still, and listening to the birds singing in the trees around me became part of my routine.

Besides, one of my favorite experiences living in the inner city for many years was sitting on the front doorstep of our home spending time with strangers. We sat on the steps, each of us with a cup of coffee in our hands, listening to each other's stories. It was one of the warmest things about living in a busy city.

1What was the author's life like before the time of recovery from the illness?



2How did the author enjoy the pouring-coffee experience?

A.By pilling coffee over the table.B.By buying a new pot.

C.By chatting with the strangers.D.By pouring coffee slowly.

3What happened when the author changed her lifestyle?

A.She had more time for reflecting on her past.

B.She found joy in ordinary daily activities.

C.She became impatient with any shop owner.

D.She liked listening to mysteries in busy cities.

4What is the main purpose of this article?

A.To tell people how to make coffee tasty.

B.To advocate enjoying slow-paced life.

C.To show the gift from her children.

D.To recommend making friends with others.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 At times it can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while traveling. Here are some healthy habits to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying your travels.

Take driving breaks

When you are taking a long-distance trip, you may want to get to your destination as fast as possible. 1. You will feel healthier and happier if you take advantage of your ability to stop wherever you want, and take a few breaks. Make sure you take time to get appropriate rest, for everyone needs adequate sleep.


Everyone needs to get some exercise, and fortunately you have the opportunity to travel to some extremely beautiful and fascinating destinations. You will find that you get the opportunity to explore the real beauty of your destination by hiking and walking. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to develop the healthy habit of getting regular exercise.

Drink water

If you are traveling to a warm destination, especially a desert destination, make sure to stay hydrated. Water is rare in the desert and the sun and heat contribute to easy dehydration.3. Drinking enough water is also a good habit to practice even when you aren’t in the sun, so make sure to keep drinking water even after you leave the warm environs you travel to.

Stay sun safe

4. While enjoying the beautiful weather in your vacation destination, make sure to stay sun safe. This means using enough sunscreen, of at least 30 SPF. You can also wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, which provide great protection from the harmful rays of the sun.5.

A.Go for a hike or two

B.Eat enough fresh foods

C.Many places you may travel to are warm and sunny

D.This may lead you to drive for many hours continuously

E.Make sure you always have an abundant supply of drinking water

F.You can also park farther away from your destination and walk more

G.Other sun safe prevention measures like wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I don’t think it serves anyone if you force yourself to be selfless in a way that’s not ________.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Having trouble recognizing one furry panda from another? A facial recognition app will make it easy1you. The image analysis research kicked off in 2017. A database now contains about 120,000 images and 10,000 video clips of giant pandas. Close to 10,000 panda pictures have 2(analyse) and marked.

3(use) the database, researchers are able to carry out automatic facial recognition on panda faces 4(tell) one animal from another. The app and database will help us gather more precise and well-rounded data on the population, distribution, ages, birth and deaths of wild pandas, 5live in deep mountains and are hard to track. It will 6(absolute) help to improve efficiency and effectiveness in conservation and 7(manage) of the animals.

The giant panda was discovered 150 years ago and named in the city of Ya'an, Sichuan. It 8(remain) one of the world's most endangered species. According to the statistics, last year 9number of captive pandas was 550 globally as of November. Fewer than 2,000 pandas live in the wild, mostly in the10 (province) of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

