精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情







2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

One evening after work John drove his secretary home because she failed to start her car. Not want to bother his wife, Maureen, he decided not to mention it to him. Later at that night, John and Maureen were driving out to eat while John spotted a high-heeled shoe hid under the passenger seat. Pointing to anything out of the passenger window to distract the wife, he picked up the shoe and throw it out of his window. They arrived in the restaurant a short time later. When they were about to get out of car,

Maureen enquired, “John, have you seen my other shoes?”


【1】want改為 wanting

2him改為 her

3at 改為去掉at

4while改為 when

5hid 改為hidden








【1】want改為 wanting. 動詞want與句子主語he構成主動關系,所以使用現(xiàn)在分詞在句中充當狀語。

2him改為 her. 本句中her指代John的妻子Maureen,指他決定不對妻子提到這件事情。

3去掉at. 短語this或that后面接時間名詞,如night等,可以單獨充當時間狀語。所以本句中的at是多余的。

4while改為 when. 本句是一個固定句式be doing something when...正在做某事在這時...;when是一個并列連詞,意為在那時,后面的句中表示意料之外的事情。句意:John和Maureen正要開車外出吃飯,在這時John發(fā)現(xiàn)一只藏在座位下面的高跟鞋。

5hid 改為hidden. 動詞hide與名詞shoe構成邏輯上的被動關系,所以使用過去分詞表示被動。本句使用過去分詞短語充當定語修飾shoe。

6anything改為something. 句意:為了分散妻子的注意力,John指著窗外的某個東西。本句是一個肯定句,所以使用something,而不是anything。因為anything通常用于疑問句和否定句中。

7throw改為threw. 句意:他撿起鞋子扔到窗外。本句中和動詞picked和threw構成并列關系,所以都使用過去式。

8in改為at 動詞arrive是一個不及物動詞,表示到達小地方使用arrive at...,到達大的地方使用arrive in...。

9of后加the. 本句中的car就是指上文提到的car,所以使用定冠詞the表示特指。

10shoes改為shoe. 句意:John,你看到我另外一只鞋了嗎?原來John扔錯了鞋。根據(jù)上文可知他扔了一只鞋,所以使用單數(shù)形式。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:








Several days before, I was out with my friends at a local fast food restaurant. The food we ate was good but we had fun together. Before we left for the restaurant, we found that it also sold ice cream. We got exciting because we hadn’t eaten ice cream for a long time. One of my friend decided to buy all of us ice cream and in the restaurant, they all screamed (尖叫) with joy! Then the man came in with his son, who wanted to buy ice cream either. In the end, he decides to pay for our ice cream. We moved by such an act of kindness on a hot day.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







In August 1996, Peter Hessler, an American teacher of English, arrive in the town of Fulig on the Yangtze River. He and a colleague were to spend two years there teach English at a teacher training college. They were the only foreigner in the town. The first semester finished and they had four weeks off. Though they could to anywhere they wished, but they deiced to tak a boat downstream. They finalllyl had a wonderful trip the Three Gorges.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


My classmate, Hanks, have been sick in hospital for a week. Yesterday our class

decided send him some flowers and asked me to buy the flowers. I have had a hard time get them since then. I went to town immediate after class yesterday afternoon only to found the flower shop there already closed. So I returned with nothing. I called it many times at this morning. But the line was always busy. While I finally got through at noon, a lady said she was a new hand and could not tell me the prices. Luckily, I have classes this afternoon, but I am about to go to town again. I must get the flowers for Hanks today.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







As students, all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination. Should we choose a good major and a good university first? Here are some differently ideas. Some more prefer to choose a major first so that they can learn something what they are interested in. In this way, they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future. Other believe that the environment is important to one’s develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs. As far as I’m concerned, maybe the choice should be a good university if we can’t obtain both.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit?

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people,however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their fifties or even earlier because of the regulations of a company or the nation. This essay will examine whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage.

Some people think there are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to carry out company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Age is irrelevant to a working life, surely if older employees are told they cannot work after 60, this is age discrimination. That they become old does not necessarily mean they are going to be sick. Old people could be more aware, experienced and committed than some youngsters.

Others, however, think that allowing older people to work indefinitely is not a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Old people are only ambitious workaholics who are too selfish and self-centered to believe that a younger person could do better. Actually, many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however, many people would continue to work purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. We now have youngsters who can’t find jobs because old people are choosing not to retire. Old people are not retiring because this new generation of “old people” think they will never die due to modern advances in medicine.

With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individual’s freedom and right to work and can deprive(剝奪) society of valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual.

【1】What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To explain the compulsory age limit.

B. To discuss the retirement age.

C. To examine people’s working life.

D. To introduce a particular stage.

【2】Which of the following is NOT a reason for allowing old people to continue working according to the passage?

A. Their contribution should be valued.

B. Their experience should be made use of.

C. They can help the youngsters.

D. They are loyal employees.

【3】It can be inferred in the fourth passage that ______.

A. The young people have more creative spirits

B. Modern advances in medicine make old people never die

C. Pensions and freedom are not given to the old now

D. Old people believe that a younger person could do better

【4】The passage is arranged as follows:


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







People always communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate with words?A smile on your face shows you are happily or friendly.Tears in eyes told others that you are sad.When you put down your hand in class, the teacher knows they want to say something.Other things can also express message.For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you know that which bus to take.Signs on the door tell you whether to go in and out.Have you ever seen that there is a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all time?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Rugby players have a reputation of being big, strong and rude on the field. But Takamasa Hoshiyama, 17, says the reality of rugby is very different from what it looks like.

“Whatever your size or speed, anyone can play rugby,” says the Island School student, who also plays on the U19 Hong Kong rugby team.

Taka has been playing rugby since he was just four years old, following in the footsteps of his father. “My dad played rugby and he was keen (渴望的) for me to play,” says Taka. A lot has happened to Taka since his first game with his father. In the 2014 New Year's Day game against the Overseas Barbarians, he was named Man of the Match, and has taken the role of captain in his club team.

And of course, he's grown throughout his years of playing rugby — in more ways than one. “When I started playing, I was scrum-half (爭球前衛(wèi)), usually the smallest guy on the field,” says Taka. “But as I grew, I changed position. Now I am a front row prop — one of the big guys that holds the scrum together.”

“Rugby has done a lot for me,” he says. “It has really made me focused, and that is thanks to my coaches as well as my teammates who brought me to where I am now.”

Taka says that being part of a team and experiencing that growth together is one of the best parts of the sport. “Rugby creates a unity within the team and helps develop a mutual (相互的) respect between other teams and players,” he explains. “Training is hard and matches are physically demanding, but it is a team sport and you have to do your job for the team.”

Now Taka wants to help others experience the same growth he has. In his free time, he coaches younger rugby teams. He says it is especially rewarding to find “unusual strengths and capabilities within players and encourage them to work on those.”

1What does Taka think of rugby?

A. It requires fast speed.

B. It has a role for everyone.

C. It's a game full of violence.

D. It's too competitive for kids.

2What has happened to Taka since he started playing rugby?

A. He has realized what his father never could.

B. He has built up both his physical and mental strength.

C. He has played for the Overseas Barbarians for three years.

D. He has taken the role of captain in the Hong Kong rugby team.

3According to Taka, what serves the most important role in playing rugby?

A. Having a high level of physical fitness.

B. Owning some unusual strengths.

C. Building a strong team spirit.

D. Having a fun-loving attitude.

4What's Taka hoping to do now?

A. To coach national rugby teams.

B. To become a professional rugby player.

C. To get the leading role in his club team.

D. To encourage more people to enjoy rugby.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







I go on a group walking holiday in the capital of my province last year. The activity, which lasted for two days, were great, and I made much good friends. However, we were from different cities, so it would be difficulty for us to meet each other very often. On my way home, I started talking to the girl next me, who also took part in the holiday. I found I had so much in the common with her and I decided to go back together next year. This activity not only helped me improve my health, but also helped me meet different peoples. I would like to taking part in other similar activities on the future.

