
1.Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments_______________ (他們成功解決)the problems, (succeed)

2.The secretary forgot to type her business letter, ______________________ (集中注意力去閱讀) an interesting report, (focus)

3.But for the warning message, more lives __________________(會死去)in the flood, (lose)

4.Many people, including some foreigners, __________________(一直被困在機場) because of the 9.0 magnitude earthquakes, (stick)

5.The report reveals that __________________________ (工人們一直面臨/被曝露)unacceptably high levels of radiation, (expose)

6._____________________(最吸引我去動物園的是)to that zoo was the the chance to see the panda, (attract)

7.This means that after a while your body ___________________(習(xí)慣于香煙有) nicotine in it.(accustom)

8.The first thing_____________________(我注意到的是)was all the vivid colors surrounding me—purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens, (aware)

9.Children should be taught_______________ (去分辨是非).(distinguish)

10.However, Australia has a federal government ________________________ (負責(zé)事務(wù)) that affect people all over the country such as defence, foreign policy and taxation, (responsible)




1.did they succeed in solving/settling

2.focusing her attention on reading

3.might/would have been lost

4.remained stuck at the airport

5.workers have been exposed to

6.What attracted me most/What made me attracted most

7.becomes/is accustomed to having

8.(that) I became/was aware of

9.to distinguish right from wrong

10.(that/which is) responsible for matters




科目:高中英語 來源:2012年人教版高中英語選修八 unit3 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


1.我今天不方便去逛街.(convenient)  ________________to go shopping.

2.可能會下雨,把傘帶上以防萬一.(in case)  It may rain. You’d better ________________

3.微笑能幫助我們渡過難關(guān)。(get)   A smile can help us __________________________

4.他們正和另一家公司聯(lián)合建造這座大壩。(association) They __________ with another firm.

5.學(xué)好英語不容易,但只要堅持你最后會成功的.(hang on)

It’s not easy to learn English well, _____, you will succeed in the end.

6.你所說的的確是做白日夢.( truth)   What you are saying____________


Although he is only an eight –year- old child, he can _______________


Not until my teacher pointed out my shortcoming_________________


I was just about to answer the phone when it _________  


She ate a light lunch _________a good dinner.



科目:高中英語 來源:2010屆福建省高三上學(xué)期期末考試 題型:完成句子



1. Don’t ________ ________ _______ (瞧不起) a person only because he has failed in an exam.

2. He’s giving her French lessons _____ _______ _______(交換) her teaching him Chinese.

3. We must ______ our attention _______ efficiency(集中).

4. They were wet to the skin because they _____ ______ ______(遇上) a shower on the way.

5. He has got a big room so he is not too ______ ______(貧窮).

6. Which driver was ______ _______ (負責(zé)) for the accident?

7. The picture ______ ______ _______(使我想起) my childhood.

8. They set up a monument ____ ________ _______(紀念) the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War.



科目:高中英語 來源:湖北省同步題 題型:翻譯題


1. Only that picture ____________________ those days when we were in the army. (remind)
2. The Smith couple ________ when a rescue team from the nearby town arrived.(give)
3. I shall never forgive you for____________________ to your parents. (wrong)
4. It's no use ____________________ giving up smoking. (try)
5. It was your fault____________________ when and where the celebration would be held. (clear)
6. But for the help of my English teacher, I ____________the first prize in the English Writing
    Competition. (would)
7. It ____________________Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (be)
8. It's important that we ____________________ at the gate of our school. (gather)
9. You ____________________ so carefully as it was quite an informal gathering. (dress)
10. The kidnappers ____________________ their hostages for several days to try to make them say
      where the money was. (starve)


科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:翻譯題

1. Only through study ________________(才能獲得知識). (obtain)
2. ________________(國與國之間的時尚不同)may reflect the cultural differences from one
aspect. (differ)
3. These profits are based on the assumption ____________________(物價在上漲). (rise)
4. I suggested not only ________________(他出席會議)but also give a speech there. (attend)
5. Little ________________(媽媽禁止我)to do whatever I like except when I play computer games
long. (forbid)
6. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need
______________(提高). (improve)
7. It is in the village school ________________(他積累了)a lot of teaching experience during the
past 10 years. (accumulate)
8. The news came, as expected, ________________(她被選中)to be a foreign aid doctor to go to
Africa where people are suffering a lot from AIDS. (choose)
9. There are laws in some countries which forbid ________________(上演廣告)at inappropriate
times and places. (show)
10. He was cast down by ________________(剝奪了機會)of attending the meeting. (deny)

