We Have Different Ideas!
This may be the most important choice—the turning point in my life.  Never before have I been so serious.  For me, a Senior Three student, which university to choose is really a hard question, especially when I hold a completely different opinion from my parents. 
I’m longing for Beijing University for its long history, beautiful campus and academic atmosphere.  Besides, it’s a good chance to experience a different culture. 
But to my great surprise, when my parents heard this, they are strongly against my idea.  Moreover, I was shocked to find mum crying! She asked in tears, “Why don’t you stay in Guangzhou? So young a girl, how can you take good care of yourself? Beijing, oh! It’s too far away.  What if I want to see you or you want to see me?” My father also asked me a serious question, “Are you sure you can find a good job in Guangzhou after graduation?”
Actually, I’ve thought about all these.  As an independent and active girl, I certainly can handle all the problems.  I insist on my choice, but I really value my parents’ agreement. 
1. 概括短文要點,字?jǐn)?shù)為30詞左右;
2. 假設(shè)你是這位學(xué)生的班主任,該生向你求助,希望你能幫她說服她的父母,請寫下你要對家長說的話,字?jǐn)?shù)為120詞左右,至少包括以下內(nèi)容:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己親身目睹的或虛構(gòu)的故事,也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學(xué)校名稱。
3. 標(biāo)題自擬。
[評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)] 概括準(zhǔn)確,語言規(guī)范,內(nèi)容合適,篇章連貫。

Where to Go for University?
The author described a conflict between her parents and herself on whether to go to Beijing University.  As an independent girl, she wants to experience more in another city while her parents worry a lot. (35 words)
As her head teacher, I have the responsibility to help solve the problem even without her begging.  Firstly, I should admit I really understand your feelings.  Parents always love and care for their children no matter how old they are.  It actually is a great challenge for a young girl to study in another city.  What’s more, when in the 4th year, she may have to come back to Guangzhou several times to seek a good job here. 
As an old saying goes, every coin has two sides.  If you see it in a more optimistic way, you’ll find more benefits.  In my memory, she’s always independent and strong.  No matter what happens, she remains calm and intelligent.  As a consequence, I believe she could handle everything.  Additionally, Beijing University is a most famous university in China, so, if she spares no efforts to study, she’ll certainly get a dreaming job.  Most importantly, it’s a good opportunity to broaden her horizons and make more friends. 
All in all, I’m fully convinced that to study in another city is really a good way to enrich one’s life experience. 



科目:高中英語 來源:廣東省普寧僑中2009-2010學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期期中考試試題(英語) 題型:寫作題

[寫作內(nèi)容]          你要參加一場英語辯論賽,主題是 “青少年追捧流行音樂有必要嗎?” 在參賽之前,你要查閱相關(guān)資料,并準(zhǔn)備你的辯論發(fā)言,請認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,然后完成以下任務(wù)。
2.以約120個詞就  “青少年追捧流行音樂有必要嗎?” 這個主題寫一篇短文,短文包括下面要點。
There is a real joke.When some guys were talking heatedly about “F4”in the living room, the father came in and interrupted: “Which is more powerful, F-4 or F-16?” The boys burst into laughter.Obviously, the father took F4 for a type of fighter plane.He didn’t know that F4 is a pop group extremely popular among young people these two years.
Then what does the “F” in  F4 stand for? Fever or fortune? It is certainly not “failure” for sure! We look at the success and appeal of these 4 stars from the popular drama Meteor Garden 《流星花園》,who took the island by storm during their brief visit here.For sure, they look good.Each of them being 1.80 meters tall, they are all very popular throughout the world.
But what exactly is the appeal of these 4 young guys? Nobody can tell.Maybe some of young students are just following the fashion.Then why is Meteor Garden stopped from being shown on TV in China? Well, some young people just could not agree.In fact, students are not too young to tell black from white.And they must be clear that every coin has two sides.While they find interest in F4, they must be clear what bad that drama will do us.
(1)、可以使用實例或其它論述方法支持你的論點, 也可以參照閱讀材料的
[評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)]  概括準(zhǔn)確,語言規(guī)范,內(nèi)容合適,篇章連貫。


科目:高中英語 來源:廣東省揭陽棉湖中學(xué)2009-2010學(xué)年高二下學(xué)期期末考試試題(英語) 題型:寫作題

One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read:
For washing the car---- $5.00
Playing with little sister---- $0.25
Getting a good report card----$5.00
For sweeping the common corridor--- $2.00
His mother looked at him standing there expecting payment. She picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote:
For 10 months I carried you---- No charge
For the toys, food and clothes ---- No charge
The full cost of my love ---- No charge
When he finished reading, he had big tears in his eyes. He looked at his mother and said, “Mummy, I love you!” Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on the “bill”: “All paid.”
1. 以約30詞概括短文的內(nèi)容要點。
2. 以約120詞,以“母愛無價”為題,記一件有關(guān)母愛的感人事件,并包括:
(1)、你可以使用實例或其他論述方法支持你的論點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容,但是不要抄襲閱讀材料中的句子;       (2)、標(biāo)題自定。
[評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)]           概括準(zhǔn)確,語言規(guī)范,內(nèi)容合適,篇章連貫。


科目:高中英語 來源:廣東省粵西北“九!2010屆高三下學(xué)期聯(lián)考試題(英語) 題型:書面表達(dá)




Let’s face it. You are constantly exposed to common uses. There is nothing you can do about them. However, you can greatly influence the effect of those viruses on your health. Don’t accept that the flu or common cold is something you have to suffer from time to time. Stop this thought and keep yourself and your entire family healthy regardless of the weather or season. These 4 easy tips will help you to reduce the number of times you are down with the flu or common cold.

1. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

They will provide you with important nutrients, mainly vitamins, which are needed to increase

your ability to win the fight against common viruses.

2. Drink plenty of water.

The water runs through your body, removing everything your body wants to get rid of. Stop drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and wait for 2 hours after a meal. This will prevent the water from diluting your digestive juices.

3. Sleep more than 8 hours per night.

If you often fail to have enough sleep, not only will you feel tired, but also your immune system will work less efficiently. You will be more easily affected by viruses.

4. Think positively and keep an optimistic view on your life situations.

Your mind and your immune system talk with each other. Your encouraging thoughts will bring the best out from your immune system. Keep always in mind that your reaction to the first sign of the flu or common cold should be something like: I am sure my immune system will easily win the fight against those viruses. I am going to stay healthy!


假設(shè)你們班要舉行一次關(guān)于 “健康生活”的演講, 請你以 “健康的生活習(xí)慣讓我們遠(yuǎn)離病毒” 為主題寫一篇演講稿。內(nèi)容要點包括:



(1) 病毒的危害及形成健康生活習(xí)慣的必要性;

(2) 結(jié)合自己的例子向大家介紹健康的生活習(xí)慣有哪些;

(3) 倡導(dǎo)大家培養(yǎng)正確的生活習(xí)慣。


在作文中可以使用自己親身的經(jīng)歷或虛構(gòu)的故事, 也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。




概括準(zhǔn)確, 語言規(guī)范, 內(nèi)容合適, 篇章連貫。

Boys and girls,

I am very glad to give you a talk about how to live a healthy life.


Thank you!



科目:高中英語 來源:廣東省潮州市2010屆高三下學(xué)期4月月考 題型:書面表達(dá)



Everyone must receive education from teachers at school or at university. Think about all the teachers who have taught you. Can you find which one is your favorite? And the reason? Are the teachers you liked best also the ones who were the most excellent teachers with good qualities? Before you read the following paragraphs, think about what qualities make a teacher extraordinary (優(yōu)秀的).

Most people will say that the several important qualities of a teacher are that he should love his students, that he needs to have an expert knowledge of his subject, and that he should devote himself to his jobs whole – heartedly. All of these can be the good qualities of a teacher but not all.

As we all know, it is impossible for a teacher to love every one of his students that he teaches in his life. Teachers must try their best to make most of their students interested in the subject so that they are able to teach themselves in the future. This requires teachers to master many teaching skills, which include how to control a class and so on. Teachers have to spend much time and energy on their work. However, students also imitate many things of the teacher, so it is also important for teachers to be well – balanced people with interest outside their schoolwork – family, friends, hobbies etc.












科目:高中英語 來源:廣東省20092010學(xué)年高一下學(xué)期期末考試試題(英語) 題型:書面表達(dá)



Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we come to realize that those challenges are the very things that shape us and make us who we are, it is the same with the challenges that come with friendship.

When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two choices: we can try to beat if off, or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenges isn’t worth the trouble and call it quits. Although there are certainly times when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most cases all that is needed is commitment and communication.

When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how painful or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to face it and work through instead of running away from it. Communication is making a space for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. If you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” rather than “You hurt my feelings.” You are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.

In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are: small hurdles you need to jump or get through on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is impossible to get over, and hurt only serves to make us stronger. It’s all part of growing up. It happens to everyone, and some day you will look back on all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it made me who I am today. And that’s a good thing.”




①   在生活或?qū)W習(xí)上,你曾經(jīng)遇到過什么比較大的挑戰(zhàn)?

②   你是如何面對這個挑戰(zhàn)的?你成功了嗎?

③   對你面對挑戰(zhàn)的經(jīng)歷,你有何感悟?




[評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)]      概括準(zhǔn)確,語言規(guī)范,內(nèi)容合適,篇章連貫。


