【題目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Wilderness Therapy

When most people hear the term “psychotherapy”, they picture traditional talk therapy – someone sitting on a couch or chair talking about their troubling thoughts and feelings with a psychologist or other mental health professional. However, talk therapy isn’t the only type of psychotherapy used to help individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, and a whole host of other challenging disorders, emotional struggles, and other types of problems. In reality, therapy takes place in all kinds of settings. One of them is wilderness therapy.

When the campsite is set up and the fire is lit, the doctor is in. Wilderness therapy is a successful, and sometimes controversial (有爭(zhēng)議的) way to help troubled youth by teaching life and social skills on the hiking trail. Intensive group therapy and one-on-one sessions are coupled with outdoor activities like mountain climbing and fly-fishing to teach self-reliance and responsibility. Programs promise to reform even the most wayward (任性的) of offenders, including teens with depression, anger management issues, or eating disorders.

While wilderness therapy can be effective, certain methods have come under fire for using unethical, and sometimes abusive (施虐的) techniques to help struggling youth. Wilderness programs are loosely regulated, so not all programs are staffed by qualified professionals. Upon closer examination, some “therapy” groups seemed to be just military-style boot camps with little mental health benefit.

Even legal wilderness therapy groups have been criticized for partnering with teen escort (陪同) companies to forcibly remove unwilling participants from their homes to attend the program. While controversy and risk exist, wilderness therapy might be a creative way to teach life skills when other methods have failed.


【答案】Wildness therapy is a kind of psychotherapy, which is a successful one with argument. It is aimed to reform youths in trouble by having them get involved in outdoor activities. It is criticized/blamed for some of its methods, lack of professional staff and not being mentally beneficial. However, it is a creative way to equip youths with life and social skills. (60ws)








科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入 1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

When the winter approaches, tanghulu, a traditional Chinese snack can be found on the street corner in northern China. Since the ancient times, it 1 (be) very popular with natives, especially children.

Tanghulu is 2 (common) made of haws (山楂), which are rich in vitamin C and are known 3 (have) traditional Chinese medicine properties. According to a legend, 800 years ago, one of the emperor’s 4 (wife) was sick and had 5 poor appetite. The doctor suggested that she eat 10 haws 6 (boil) with sugar before dinner. She recovered within two weeks. Later, the prescription was passed on 7 ordinary people. People put haws on a stick, dipped them in hot sugar syrup (糖漿) and dried. The syrup finally turned into a solid coating, like crystal on the surface of haws. That is 8 they are also called bingtanghulu. 9 origin story says that the very first tanghulu only had two haws: a small one on the top and a big one below, making it resemble a hulu, a bringer of good luck.

With sour haws and sweet sugar, the taste of tanghulu is a combination of flavors, which often 10 (remind) people of their happy childhoods.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Four Habits to Help You Succeed

Weallwanttosucceed, whetheritisin losingweightorlearningtheguitar. Forthosewhohavetriedandfailed, successseemsdifficulttounderstand. Why does one person succeed while another person fails? 1

1. Identifyyour corevalues.

Findingyourcore valuesisinlinewithcreating innermotivation.2 Pick a handful of thingsandwritethemdown. Remindyourselfofyourvalues every day, and reflect on whether you are honouring those values through your work.


Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement, while adjusting well to your core values. Focus is key here. 3 If you perform many tasks at a time, you might never complete your projects because they will take far too long.


Setadateforsuccess. Identifywhenyouhopetoachieveyourgoal. 4

Bysettingatimelimit, youaremakingtheprocessmore real.


Failurecan’tbeavoidedwhenyoutakerisks. Manypeoplegiveupfartooearly. Usefailure. Treatitasagoodthing, andmoveon.

A.Themorefocusedyouareononegoal, thehigherchanceyouhaveofsuccess.



D.Stick to your goal.

E.Keepitrealistic, whilenotgivingyoutoomuchtime.


G.Pushyourselftobecourageous, andtakethatnextstep.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


1. 作為青少年,深受許多無(wú)名英雄和科學(xué)家的事跡感動(dòng);

2. 他們的價(jià)值;

3. 力爭(zhēng)做一個(gè)真正的明星。


注意:1. 詞數(shù)80左右;

2. 可適當(dāng)增加情節(jié),以使行文連貫。

3. 開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。

Good morning, everyone. During the tough battle against COVID-19,


That’s all. Thank you for listening.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 Penguins (企鵝) are birds that “fly” underwater. By flapping (拍打) their wings the same way birds do in the air, penguins can move through the water well.

1Most birds have hollow (中空的) bones that help make flying easier. But the penguin’s bones are heavy. This helps them stay underwater.

2They feed on many different kinds of fish.

3Some live in Antarctic, one of the coldest places on Earth. Others live on the Galapagos Islands, a very hot place. 4People and penguins eat some of the same foods. The more fish people take out of the sea, the fewer there are for the penguins to eat. 5

A.Penguins are very tough (堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的) birds.

B.Penguins find it hard to adjust.

C.All penguins hunt for food underwater.

D.Penguins are different from other birds.

E.Ocean pollution is a real problem for penguins.

F.People, though, are the penguin’s biggest problem.

G.Also, penguins sometimes get caught up in fishing nets and die.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


1Attempts have been made to prevent the critically endangered animals from ______(滅絕).

2People ______(暴露)much more by their gestures than by their words.

3He doesn't know the difficulty she had ______(養(yǎng)育,撫養(yǎng))four children entirely on her own.

4She started as a secretary, but ______(最終)running the department.

5A local woman couldn’t ______(阻擋,抑制)her tears when she saw her shop destroyed by the fire.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】When I was young, my father invited my grandmother to come from Ecuador and live with us. When I first saw her, I thought she wasn’t the person I had _______ for. For the first few days we didn’t speak much, beyond her _______ me that I played too many video games. I never _______attention. Then one day, she showed me a 2’s multiplication table (乘法表) _______ I was playing my beloved games and told me that I couldn’t play any more games until I memorized it. I was _______ but had to try to understand the pattern that all these numbers followed. That was when she approached me and explained the _______ to me. Within an hour I had _______ multiplication by twos, and was about to make a break for my video games when she _______ me and told me to learn my 3’s table next._______and sad, I sat back down at the kitchen table. Again, she came to the rescue, but this time we didn’t stop after three; we kept going. She ________ was old and boring. I thought she was a genius (天才)who ________ everything.

From then on she taught me a lot. Even when we walked around the streets, she would quiz me on ________ . All of our conversation included education, but in such a(n) ________ way. I began to________learning about math and the world. Over time, we developed a close relationship ________ our lesson. We shared stories with each other every day.

________ , after only a year, she moved back to Ecuador. We didn’t spend as much time together as we had ________ , but she often sent me letters.

My grandmother recently passed away. She always wanted me to attend college, and I’ve made that ________ a reality. I owe my love of math to her ________ , because she showed me that there was a ________ beyond video games, and that education was both fun and interesting. She changed my life.

1A. cared B. hoped C. stood D. applied

2A. requiring B. presenting C. telling D. feeling

3A. paid B. attracted C. received D. needed

4A. if B. as C. unless D. though

5A. doubtful B. excited C. proud D. upset

6A. idea B. law C. standard D. pattern

7A. seen B. realized C. learned D. forgotten

8A. remembered B. accepted C. stopped D. chose

9A. Angry B. Calm C. Embarrassed D. Puzzled

10A. so far B. no longer C. already D. neither

11A. controlled B. proved C. knew D. possessed

12A. English B. math C. biology D. history

13A. formal B. old C. similar D. interesting

14A. love B. suggest C. avoid D. delay

15A. without B. beyond C. of D. about

16A. Especially B. Surprisingly C. Unfortunately D. Generally

17A. after B. before C. never D. once

18A. plan B. preparation C. purpose D. dream

19A. influence B. success C. opinion D. management

20A. form B. cause C. world D. way


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Travelingalonegivesyouthefreedomtocreateyourownscheduleanddoasyouplease. 1 Forexample, atravelpartnercanprovidepracticalsupportandcelebrateintherewardsof first-handexperiencewithunfamiliarlocationsandcultures.Hereareseveralstepstofinda travel partnerwhowillimproveyourjourney.2 Travelingshouldbefun.Whenyouareonatrip,youwillwanttodolotsofactivities thatyouenjoy.Preferably,yourcompanionwillwantto dothesame things as you.

Discussfinancialplans.Beforeyoutravel,youshouldplanabudget. 3 You don’t want tobeplanninganexpensivegetawaywhenyourfriendislookingforbudgettravel.

Haveanhonestconversation.Ifyouarethinkingabouttravelingwithacompanion,take sometimetohaveanopendiscussion.Scheduleatimetositdownandtalk.Trysaying,"Iknowwe'vetalkedabouttheideaoftravelingthroughEuropetogether.Let'shaveacoffeethisweekandactuallytalkthatthrough." 4 Youshouldalsotalkaboutyourtravelstyle.

Findsomeonewhoisflexible.Chooseatravelpartnerwhocanadjust.5Maybe it will rainonthedayyouplannedtovisittheGrandCanyon.Oryoumightnotbeabletoget reservationsatthatFrenchrestaurantyou'vebeendyingtotry.









科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 Vancouver has had a crazy property(房地產(chǎn))market since it hosted the winter Olympics in 2010.The downtown area is forested with new apartment blocks. Prices have risen by nearly 60% in the past three years. But until recently developers have largely avoided Chinatown. It is an underdeveloped area. Many Chinatown residents(居民)are old and poor.

Developers now have Chinatown in their sights. Two years ago one built a 17-storey apartment building on its edge. This alarmed many residents,who had formed a group to stop the high-rise advancenow called #SaveChinatownYVR. Ms Melody Ma is its leader. Recently it has been successful.

The main theatre of battle is a car park known as 105 Keefer,where Beedie Living plans to build a nine-storey brick-and-glass apartment block. The developer promises 111 luxury flats,with rooftop landscaping and shops below.

105 Keefer is in an area rich with cultural associations. Just to the south is a monument to Chinese-Canadian builders of the Canadian Pacific Railway and veterans of the Second World War. Across the street is the Sun Yat-sen Classical Chinese Garden and the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum. "A lot of people were frightened" because of the building's "closeness to sacred sites in the heart of Chinatown", says Ms Ma. Some residents also fear that it will push up rents.

Conservationists hope that the parking lot is where they can stop development, which they say has spoil the charm of other Vancouver neighbourhoods such as Mount Pleasant. The dispute(分歧)is part of a debate about the city's identity,says Andy Yanan urban planner. Vancouverites, he says,are asking themselves,"Who are weAnd what are we building for?"The people who might want to buy the flats that do not yet exist areof course,not being consulted.

1What will Ms. Melody Ma agree?

A.To preserve Chinatown.

B.To rebuild Chinatown.

C.To build skyscrapers in Chinatown.

D.To promote the property market in Chinatown.

2What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?

A.To state some reasons.B.To offer some advice.

C.To make some comparisons.D.To introduce a new topic.

3What is Vancouverites' attitude towards the recent development in Chinatown?



4What is the best tile for the text?

A.The alarmed citizens of Vancouver

B.The cultural associations of 105 Keefer

C.The property battle in Vancouver's Chinatown

D.The identity of Vancouver

