Pronunciation Tips
These English pronunciation tips willhelp you get the most out of your Pronunciation Power program.

For example, “threw” and “through”,although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. Also, identical(相同的)letters or letter clusters(字母組合) in words do not always producethe same sound. For example, the “ough” in “though” and “through” represents adifferent sound in each word.
★ Imagine a sound in your mindbefore you say it.
Try to visualize(想象))thepositioning of your mouth and face.
★ Listen to and try to imitate thePronunciation Power instructor.
In addition to listening for specificsounds, pay attention to pauses, the intonation(語調) of the instructor's voice and patternsof emphasis.
★ The English language has manydifferent dialects, and words can be pronounced differently.
It is important, however, that youpronounce words clearly to ensure effective communication.
★ Finally, the Pronunciation Powerprogram is a tool to help you.
But you must practice what you arelearning! Remember that you are teaching your mouth a new way to move. You arebuilding muscles that you do not use in your own language.Use the program to exercise yourmouth a little bit each day.
a. Read these words over and over againand try to learn them by heart.
b. This can be just as important as thepronunciation of sounds.
c. Learn to practice what you hear, notwhat you see.
d. So you should force yourself to dowhat you really don’t like to do.
e. Do not confuse pronunciation of wordswith their spelling!
f. It is like going to the gym andexercising your body.
g. Think about how you are going to makethe sound.

【解析】本文主要講述的是我們在使用Pronunciation Power program練習發(fā)音的時候所要注意的內容。
(1)E 根據(jù)本段第一句Forexample, “threw” and “through”, although spelled differently, are pronouncedthe same.可知英語中有些詞的發(fā)音是一樣的,但是拼寫是完全不一樣的、也就是說不要把單詞的拼寫和發(fā)音混淆在一起。故E項為該段的中心思想。
(2)C 根據(jù)本段第二句Also, identical(相同的)letters or letter clusters(字母組合)in words do not always produce the same sound.可知相同的字母或字母組合發(fā)音并不是完全一樣的。那么要想?yún)^(qū)別它們,主要依靠發(fā)音而不是形狀。要通過多加練習才可以更好地辨別它們之間的區(qū)別。故C正確。
(3)G 根據(jù)前一句Try to visualize(想象))the positioning of your mouth and face.努力想象一下發(fā)音的嘴型位置。也就是說要多思考這個發(fā)音是如何發(fā)出來的,故G項Think about how youare going to make the sound.與前一句相一致。
(4)B 根據(jù)前一句In addition to listening for specific sounds, pay attentionto pauses, the intonation(語調)of the instructor's voice and patterns of emphasis.除了要聽一下特殊的音之外,還要注意老師的停頓和語調,這些和單詞的發(fā)音一樣重要。因為英語中的語音和語調是同樣重要的。故B正確。 (5)F 本段第一句But you must practice what you are learning!你一定要練習你所學到的語音。再根據(jù)橫線前句You are building muscles that you do not use in your ownlanguage.你要鍛煉你在講自己的語言時用不到的肌肉。這就和鍛煉身體一樣。故F項內容與上下文一致。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Quicker and faster 3-D printers have allowed not just amazingobjects to be created, but have started to affect how doctors treat patients.
Weve put together a list of some of the most amazingmedical breakthroughs made possible with 3-D printing.
Life-Saving Airway
In 2013, doctors created a new airway for kaiba Gionfriddo, aboy born with an airway that kept collapsing (萎陷). To save hislife doctors printed tiny tubes to join together in different shapes and sizesuntil one finally worked for Kaiba. It was placed in Kaibasbronchus (支氣管) so that itno longer collapsed. Even more remarkably, once the plant was placed it couldstay there. Its designed to eventually be absorbed into the body.
New “Bionic” Hands
One of the most remarkable ways 3-D printing is now being usedis as a way to create prosthetics (假肢). A boy bornwithout an arm named Alex was able to get a new“bionic”hand thanks to it. Lastyear a college student spent 8 weeks coming up with a special prosthetic designthat only cost a few hundred dollars in materials. He said he wanted to createa prosthetic far cheaper than other choices that can run tens of thousands ofdollars.
A practice Heart
In Seattle, doctors have been able to use 3-D printingtechnology to“practice”risky operations so that they will face fewer surprisesin the operating room. Kami Sutton was born with her heart“in the wrong place”.For a recent operation her doctor was able to take many scans of Suttons heart and print out a model. “Kamis heart is trulyone-of-a-kind,”Dr. Stephan Seslar, a heart disease specialist said. “Operatingon her without understanding the structure of her heart better could be very dangerous.”
A New Skull
A U.K. man was able to have part of his skull rebuilt thanks toa 3-D printer. Stephen Power broke his cheek bones in a crash. To help Powerhis doctors instead created 3-D bones all carefully printed in the shape of hisface. “This is really the first time weve taken it to this stage,where everything has been planned and modeled in advance — and workedsweetly,”said Adrian Sugar, a doctor.
(1)What is special about the 3-D printed airway?
A.It uses high-tech materials.
B.It varies in shapes and sizes.
C.It can be absorbed by the body.
D.It can prevent any disease in the airway.
(2)What is the advantage of the new“bionic”hand?
A.Its price.
B.Its effects.
C.Its materials.
D.Its shape design.
(3)How can 3-D printing technology help doctors in the operating room?
A.It helps them get better scans.
B.It guarantees the success of operations.
C.It enables them to practice and learn more.
D.It helps them to deal with patents, anxiety.
(4)What does Adrian Sugar think of the new skull printed by 3-D technology?
A.He has doubts about it.
B.He thinks highly of it.
C.It needs to be better planned.
D.It functions well but needs improving.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

注意: 1每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。
A gathering of more than 700 orientalstorks(東方白鸛)was recorded at NaoliheNational Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province last month. Such a biggathering has been seen before in the reserve. The researchers had oftenrecorded only about 150 in the past autumns. Now the population of the largewhite birds for black wing feathers and long legs are estimated at 3.000 in theworld. It is certain a sign that the reserve's conservation is better now andbefore. The reserve is considered it as one of the most important stopover sitefor oriental storks. The storks winter in it and the researchers will keep aeye on the birds until you fly away.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Last Sunday I went to the Bird’s Nest Stadium, there I met someyoung America tourists.
I greeted to each other and began to chat. From chat I learnedthat they were college students study at Beijing Language University. They allseem to love Chinese culture. As walking, they were busy taking picture of theStadium. Apparently, we were impressed by the grand gym. But then I felt veryproud that China was becoming more and more attractive for foreigners.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1How many children are injured every year in Britain?

A. About 10,000. B. Less than 100,000. C. More than 1,000,000.

2How can parents prevent children from falling down the stairs?

A. By using mats.

B. By fitting safety gates.

C. By accompanying the children all the time.

3What is the most dangerous room according to the woman?

A. The kitchen. B. The bathroom. C. The living room.

4What probably is the man?

A. A writer. B. A TV host. C. A radio host.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Sports Saturdays
The Fox Valley Park District partnered with six schoolsthroughout Aurora and North Aurorn to offer its traditionally popular SportsSaturdays program beginning from Jan. 9.
Free to families with children in grades 1 through 5. SportsSaturdays provide a safe environment for children to interact and participatein activities that include sports, crafts and general fitness. “SportsSaturdays are an opportunity for kids to get out of the house and do what theylove most- play! Park District instructors are on hand to teach and assist.“said manager Rafacl Maritinex. Who oversees the program. “they’ll get a chanceto take part in a whole bunch of different sports, and it also gives parents acouple hours of free time while their kids are enjoying themselves in a safesetting.”
Sports Saturdays are run at six different primary schools aroundthe area- Bardwell, Hernes. O’donnell , Hall and McCleery in Aurora, along withSchneider in North Aurora. Sport include baseball, basketball, floor hockey,soccer and other high-energy activities. The program runs for eight Saturdaysthrough feb. 27. Children can participate in the activities at any school, andeven visit a different school each week.

Three Ways to Register

1 Online
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To sign up for Foxlink, and adult member of the household must completer a family Information Form and return it to the Park District along with Proof of address (driver’s license, sate ID or tax bill)

2 By Mail/ Drop Off
Make checks payable fox valley Park District. Fill out the registration form and mail to FVPD, 15o W Illinois Ave, Aurora, II, 60506. ATTN: Brochure Registration.

3 In Person
Registrations are processed during office hours after resident registration has begun. Cash, check. Visa, Master Card or Discover is accepted. Eola community Center. 555 S. Eola Road.Aurora 60504

General Information
Anyone needingaccommodations should fill in this information on their registration form.
Children must meet theage requirement for all preschool and youth related programs
All participants permitthe taking of photographs and video of themselves and their children duringPark district activities for publication and use as the Park District considersappropriate.
(1)Sports Saturdays aim to _________.
A.attract more children to attend the local schools
B.encourage schools to promote kids physical education
C.provide kid s with chances to enjoy the fun of active play
D.assist parents to take caret of kids during the winter vacation
(2)Children taking part in Sports Saturdays ___________.
A.are from six schools
B.are from the same grade
C.will be accompanied by parents
D.will be protected by professional Persons
(3)What needs to be made clear when registering?
A.Application for accommodation.
B.Age requirement
C.Permission for photographs
D.Activity places


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Be Good at Sports

If sports are something that interests you, it stands to reason that you would want to be good at them. Here are some tips that can help you become a good player.

Set ambitious but realistic goals. If you want to be great at sports, you need to set your aims high. 1 Instead, you should take a look at what you are, and figure out where you think you would like to be. Give yourself a suitable amount of time to achieve that goal.

Be patient. 2 Impatient athletes tend to make poor ones. If you're not patient, you'll try to jump into advanced techniques long before you're ready. You'll feel discouraged when you don't see immediate improvement.

Join a sports team. Most of the sports teams are free to join. If you go to school, you should go for team tryouts when they're happening. 3

Accept criticism. When you play sports, you will unavoidably receive criticism, whether from a coach or other players. 4 Are they angry because you missed a pass, or do they sincerely want to help you improve? In a lot of cases, you can use criticism as motivation to get better.

5 A skill become mastered when you’re able to do it without thinking. Given enough time and practice, a skill will eventually fall under this category. When in a game, you won't have time to think everything through, so practice until it's all automatic.

A. Skills are often slow to build.

B. This does not mean being unrealistic.

C. You need to take most of it with a grain of salt.

D. Practice until your skills become second nature.

E. You also need to be clear about what you are good at.

F. If you're not in school, you can find a sports club online.

G. An important reason people join sports teams is to make friends.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Why is the man there?

A. To pick up his mother.

B. To do some shopping.

C. To meet a friend.

2Why did the woman leave her previous job?

A. Because of her co-workers.

B. Because of the pay.

C. Because of the difficult work.

3What does the man most probably think of teamwork?

A. Difficult. B. Unnecessary. C. Interesting.

4What's the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Family. B. Colleagues. C. Friends.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】In the United Kingdom, vegetarianism(素食主義)is becoming very popular, with around 3 million people in the UK vegetarian. 1However, here is France, I often struggle to find a meat-and-fish-free choice on a menu, which can make eating in restaurants a bit of a challenge.

People are often curious why I choose to limit my diet in the way I do. There are many reasons why people may choose to be vegetarian. Many people give up meat or fish simply because they do not enjoy the taste.2They believe it has a bad effect on the environment or it is bad for health. Furthermore, many people are vegetarians to avoid wasting food. In addition, some religious beliefs forbid eating certain meats. 3

4However, although sometimes vegetarian food requires a little more creativity, it is very easy to enjoy a healthy and a balanced diet as a vegetarian especially when meat substitutes(替代品)are becoming much easier to get.

Meat-free Mondays is a campaign to encourage every family to eat just one main meal a week which does not contain meat or fish. 5This is a great challenge for anyone who would like to try out some vegetarian cooking and is a wonderful way to contribute to slowing down climate change.

A. Young kids prefer meat and fish than vegetables.

B. Some feel that killing animals for meat is wrong

C. Vegetarian food can be delicious and easy to prepare

D. The city where I grew up is known as the “vegetarian capital” of the UK

E. Overall, vegetarians usually have different reasons for choosing their lifestyle

F. The purpose of the campaign is to protect the environment and to improve health

G. A common misunderstanding about vegetarian food is that it is not tasty or healthy.

