
In my last semester of college,my favorite professor made an 【1】 (announce)that he would be teaching a study-abroad course over the winter break in Cambodia.The more he talked about the opportunity,the more 【2】 (interest)I became.I left class thinking I might 【3】 (actual)do it.

My immediate excitement gave in to excuses 【4】 the weeks passed.The trip would be expensive,I would have less time to spend with my family over the break and so on.In short,I was 【5】 (terrify)of taking the risk.

On the day I made my 【6】 (decide),I suddenly felt as if I had seen myself clearly.Why was I so scared to take this chance? How could I let fear get 【7】 the way of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Besides,I had always dreamed of travelling the world and 【8】 (study)abroad was a major point in my life.So I took the challenge and 【9】 (fly)to Cambodia.

Now,looking back to my experiences in Cambodia,I cherish them very much.It has taught me 【10】 (conquer)fears,big or small and have a faith in myself.











【10】to conquer









【7】in考查介詞。in the way of意為“妨礙,關于……方面”,固定結構,故填in。



【10】to conquer考查固定結構。Teach sb. to do是固定結構,故填to conquer。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Driving could soon be a far more pleasant experience thanks to a personal in-car robot being developed by researchers. The robot, which is called “Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA)” will be able to tell you the best route home based on traffic reports, remind you to pick up petrol and suggest places you may like to visit. The robot, which sits on the dashboard, is being developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in collaboration with Volkswagen.

AIDA communicates with the driver through an expressive robot screen and will even appear sympathetic if you're having a bad day. Cynthia Breazeal, director of MIT’s Personal Robots Group, said: “We are developing AIDA to read the driver’s mood from facial expression and other cues and respond in a proper way.”

AIDA works by analyzing the driver’s mobility patterns, keeping track of common routes and destinations. The creators say the robot should be able to work out home and work locations within a week of driving. Soon afterwards, the system will direct the driver to their preferred supermarket, suggesting a route that avoids traffic-clogged roads. AIDA might recommend a petrol stop en route if the fuel tank is nearly empty. The robot will also incorporate real-time information about traffic jams, the weather report, commercial activity, tourist attractions, and residential areas.

“In developing AIDA we asked ourselves how we could design a system that would offer the same kind of guidance as an informed and friendly companion.”

“AIDA can also give you feedback on your driving, helping you achieve more energy efficiency and safer behavior,” Assaf Biderman from SENSEable City Lab added.

1What is AIDA in this passage?

A. A personal driver.

B. A traffic controller.

C. A traffic indicator.

D. A smart car robot.

2What’s the most impressive about AIDA according to the passage?

A. It can stay away from traffic jams.

B. It can replace the driver to drive the car.

C. It can interact with the driver.

D. It can help the driver find the way.

3From the last paragraph we can know that .

A. it’s possible to drive a car without any petrol

B. AIDA can help us to become better drivers

C. people can save a lot of energy by driving a car

D. It can help the driver find the way

4What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An Intelligent Device for Drivers

B. A New Model of Volkswagen

C. The Cooperation of Two Car Makers

D. Traffic Management in Big Cities


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1I saw a c__________(喜劇演員)at a club last night, she was really interesting.

2At Christmas stores and shops are c____________( 擁擠的)with various people.

3Our neighbor was diagnosed with a lung cancer but the doctor said it was in its j_________(初級的) stage.

4A m___________(成熟的)technology is a technology that has been in use for long time without faults.

5Alcohol is not permitted at a wedding r______________(接待會)while we serve food soft drink tea and coffee.

6Whether there is an alien remains a m_____________(神秘)

7How much dollars is a 100 Japanese yuan e___________(相當于)to?

8Nowadays,thinking that it kills b_____________(細菌),some people eat raw garlic as if were candy.

9You are not allowed to leave school without your headteacher’s p______________.(批準)

10If you realized you offended someone,you’d better make an a______________(道歉).


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Modern a________ is doing damage to our beautiful countryside.

2Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian, has become the first person to skydive 35km across the English C_________ .

3Their English party turned out to be a c___________.

4Most of the Amazon r____________ in Brazil is no more than 2 hundred meters above sea level.

5His i__________ is approximately 8000 dollars a month.

6His hand shook slightly as he i________ the key into the lock.

7The judge was in his f_______.

8It is illegal to read other’s private letter without p________.

9The sudden thunder f_______ the dog away.

10I will take it into c________ that I would visit her when free.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1He gave a detailed a_______ ( 敘述)of what happened on the specific night.

2Patience! The naughty boy meant no harm. He broke the vase d____________ (故意地)just in the hope of drawing his parents’ attention, who had failed to care about him.

3He said he would r________ (推薦) me to Mr. Li as his assistant but he didn't.

4To everyone's joy,the famous film star was a________ mayor of the state.

5He was a very __________ (體貼的) boy for someone so young.

6He has always been ambitious and fiercely ________(好競爭的,好強的).

7Often the lives of writers r_______(動詞:像)the life of the characters they create.

8Nobody should i________(忽視,不理) the problems we are faced with.

9His a____________ of mind during driving nearly caused an accident.

10They ________(積累) a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:








Three years ago I fail an important exam in my life and became a student in a ordinary school. Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patiently. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided make the best of it. I worked hard and got along well with my teachers and classmate. Whenever I had difficulties, you were always available. Soon I became one of the most best students in my class.

My experience tells me that it’s not what you are given and how you make use of it which determines who you are.




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】An ant was drinking by a small river when it fell in.It made ______ efforts to reach the side,but made no progress at all.

A. negative B. total

C. desperate D. careful


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】—Sarah, you seem to be a little absent-minded. What’s wrong?

—Oh, sorry. Actually, I ________ of the family party this weekend. I have to make a list of what needs to be bought.

A. am just thinking B. just thought

C. have just thought D. was just thinking


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The Tower Bridge is one of the twenty-seven bridges over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from1the Tower Bridge got its name. It is a symbol of London.

It is recorded that the Tower Bridge2(build) in 1894 and now it is one of the3(famous) bridges in the world. It’s interesting that its middle part can be raised4(let) big ships pass. It used to be raised about 50 times a day, but now it is raised only 4 to 5 times a week. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two arms open high in the air, you’ll never forget it.

People often think the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge are5the same age.6in fact, the Tower of London was built 1000 years ago, while the latter only7(have) a history of over 100 years.

The Tower Bridge was first painted chocolate brown. Later, it was painted red, white and blue. Its picture also appeared in the opening of the Summer Olympic Games8(hold) in London in 2012.So come to visit the famous bridge. You’ll9(sure) have a wonderful experience and it’ll leave you a lasting10(impress).

