A Tshirt a day has kept unemployment away for an American man "who is making about 85,000ayearbysellingadvertisingspaceonhisshirt."JasonSadler,26,wasonceaformermarketingexpertfromFlorida.In2008,hefoundedhisowncompany,"iwearyourshirt",withtheideatowearaTshirtsuppliedbyanycompanyandthenusesocialmediatoolstodevelopthecompany.Sadlerchargesthe"facevalue"ofthedayforhishumanbillboard(廣告牌)service.SoJanuary1costs1,while December 31 costs365.Hesaidthismaynotsoundlikealot,butitaddsupto66,795 a year if he sells out every day,which he did this year.He also sells monthly sponsorships(贊助)for 1,500,addinganother18,000 to his income.
"I walk around,take photos,wear the shirt all day…I blog about those photos,I put them up on Twitter,
I change my Facebook introduction…and then I do a Youtube video.I made about 85,000thisyear,"hetoldReutersTelevision.TheaverageU.S.incomeisabout615 a week or about 32,000ayear,accordingtotheU.S.government.Sadlerhasalreadybeguntoplanforhisyear2013.HeismakingserviceslargerbyhiringanotherpersontowearashirtadayonthewestcoastoftheUnitedStates.1.WhatisSadler′s"facevalue"ofthedayDecember30?A.364.
B. 365.C.615.
D. $1,500.
2. It can be inferred that Sadler didn't advertise on ________.
A. Twitter
B. Facebook
C. Youtube
D. Reuters
3. Jason Sadler has a new plan to ________ for the year 2013.
A. employ another person to replace him
B. start his business on the west coast
C. stay at home on the east coast
D. double the charge for the service
4. The passage is mainly about ________ in a new way.
A. taking photos
B. writing blogs
C. making money
D. selling Tshirts