【題目】We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, that’s life. It’s a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy! 

____positive through the cold season could be your best____against getting ill, new study findings suggest.

In an experiment that____healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a____sunny characteristic were less likely to____ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help____the common cold and other illnesses.

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness increasing immune(免疫的) function and subjective as in happy people being less____by a scratchy throat or runny nose. “People with a positive emotional style may have different immune____to the virus,” explained the lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “And when they do get a cold, they may____their illness as being less severe.”

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a____study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional tendency itself had the effect.

For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality tendency, health-consciousness and emotional “style”. Those who____be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style,____those who were often unhappy, tense and unfriendly had a negative style. The researchers gave them drops through their noses____either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the____reported on any aches, pains, sneezing they had, while the researchers collected____data, like daily mucus(黏液) production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes(鼻部的不適), happy people were less likely to develop a cold.

1A. Living B. Staying C. Pulling D. Surviving

2A. safeguard B. opportunity C. caution D. defense

3A. excluded B. explored C. exposed D. escaped

4A. generally B. commonly C. frequently D. perfectly

5A. change B. fall C. turn D. remain

6A. keep B. avoid C. deny D. remove

7A. suffered B. troubled C. disturbed D. hinted

8A. function B. ability C. response D. action

9A. think B. relate C. interpret D. translate

10A. formal B. current C. previous D. precious

11A. tended to B. opposed to C. used to D. stuck to

12A. while B. however C. what’s more D. therefore

13A. implying B. matching C. containing D. occupying

14A. patients B. adults C. volunteers D. researchers

15A. objective B. impressive C. positive D. effective


















1B 動詞辨析。A生活,居住B保持,逗留CD幸存,存活;在寒冷的季節(jié)保持樂觀是你對生病最好的抵抗。本句的stay是一個系動詞,使用動名詞形式在句中做主語。

2D 名詞辨析。A保衛(wèi)B機會C謹慎D保護,抵抗;本句是指當我們遇見困難的時候,我們要保持樂觀,這是對疾病最好的抵抗形式。

3C 固定搭配。Expose…to…暴露在之中;使接觸;這是一個實驗,讓健康的志愿者去接觸感冒病毒,以研究樂觀的人還是悲觀的人更容易生病。

4A 副詞辨析。A一般說來B常見C頻繁地D完美地,十分;研究發(fā)現(xiàn)一般說來具有很陽光的性格的人不容易生病。句中的

5B 固定搭配。Fall ill生;本句中的fall是一個系動詞,與Ill搭配,指生病,得病。

6B 動詞辨析。A保持B避免C否認D去除;這次研究給我們提供了證據(jù),具有積極的情緒的人可以避免患上感冒這樣的疾病。

7B 動詞辨析。A患病,遭受B麻煩,困擾C打斷D暗示;有積極健康情緒的人有較強的免疫力,讓他們很少受到感冒等癥狀的困擾。

8C 名詞辨析。A功能B能力C回應D行動;有積極情緒的人對于病毒有不同的免疫力。

9C 動詞辨析。A思考B聯(lián)系,敘述C解釋,口譯D翻譯;當他們真的生病的時候,他們會把自己的疾病解釋成不太嚴重的疾病。

10C 形容詞辨析。A正式的B現(xiàn)在的C以前的,之前的D珍貴的;在本文一開始的時候就提及了一個實驗。所以這里使用previous指之前的一個實驗中就提及了具有積極健康性格的人不容易患感冒。

11A 短語辨析。A傾向于B反對C過去常常D堅持;那些傾向于開心,精力充沛,隨和的人被認為具有積極的性格和心態(tài)。然而那些經常不開心的人被認為具有消極的生活方式。

12A 連詞辨析。A..時,然而B然而(副詞)C而且D因此(副詞);根據(jù)上下文含義可知本句表示的是轉折關系,故使用while表示轉折,連接一個句子。

13C 動詞辨析。A涉及B匹配,配對C含有D占據(jù);本句是一個語法題,句子的現(xiàn)在分詞短語containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus作為定語修飾前面的名詞drops。通過鼻子把一些含有病毒的水滴滴進研究對象的身體。

14C 名詞辨析。A病人B成年人C志愿者D研究人員;本句是指指參加這項研究的志愿者報告自己患病的癥狀。

15A 形容詞辨析。A客觀的B印象深刻的C積極的D有效的;這些志愿者報告自己的癥狀,那些研究人員也在收集一些客觀的數(shù)據(jù)。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



There are two main reasons 【1】 the temperature of the air is always 2 (change). One reason is 3 the air around you moves in from somewhere else. Air usually moves in large bodies 4 (call) air masses. Some air masses move in from the north. These air masses usually have cold air that causes the temperature 5 (drop). Air masses also move in from the south. They usually have warmer air that causes the temperature to rise.

Temperature changes during the day or night can be great 6 small. This depends partly 7 how many clouds are in the sky. 8 there are many clouds during the night, they act like covers on your bed. They blanket the earth and keep the air from 9 (lose) much of its heat. The temperature usually does not drop much during such a night. When there are many clouds during 【10 day, some of the sun’s energy will not reach the earth. The temperature usually does not rise much on such a day.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】It is the ability you have matters, not where you graduate or what you look like.

A. which B. that C. what D.it


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


What is standard English? Is it spoken in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? Believe it or not, there is no 1thing as standard English. Many people believe the English2on TV and the radio is standard English. This is because in the early days of radio, people 3(report) the news were expected to speak excellent English.4 ,on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.

When people use words and expressions different 5the "standard language ",it is called a dialect. American English 6(have) many dialects, the midwestern , southern, African American, Spanish dialects. Even in some parts of the USA, two people from neighbouring towns speak a little7(different).

Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people8live in the mountains of the USA speak with an older part English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another, they9(take) their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak almost the same dialects 10people in the northwestern USA. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each other's dialects.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】文中共有 10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。



修改:在錯的詞下畫一橫線 ,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。

注意 1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2.只允許修改 10處,從第11處起不計分。

It's reported that many people died of traffic accidents each year. Road safety has aroused the widely attention of the public. Many rules have made to reduce the traffic crashes, especially for the ones involved in the pedestrians. In my opinion, we should make road safety seriously in our daily life. While used the road, we must walk on the pavement and learn to protect us. Besides, car drivers should obey the traffic rules, that is both good for themselves and others.

In the word, obeying the traffic rules are what all of us should pay attention to particularly. After all, life is not a small matter.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Once, in a lovely garden, lived the most beautiful butterfly in the world. She was so pretty, and had won so many beauty competitions 【1】 she had become very proud. One day, a naughty cockroach (蟑螂) got fed up with her showing off, and decided 2 (teach) her a lesson.

She went to see the butterfly, and in front of everyone she told her that she wasn’t really that beautiful, and that the butterfly only won the competitions 3 the judges had been paid. In 4 (real), the cockroach was the most beautiful.

The butterfly was angry and told the cockroach, “I 5 (beat) you in a beauty competition, with whichever judges you choose.” “OK, I accept. See you on Saturday,” answered the cockroach, and left6 waiting for a reply.

That Saturday everyone went to7 beauty competition. The butterfly arrived completely confident of victory until she saw 8 the judges were: cockroaches, worms, beetles. All of9 preferred the ugliness and bad smell of the cockroach.

The butterfly was left 【10 (sob) and disappointed, wanting never to enter another beauty competition in her life. Fortunately, the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her pride and they became friends.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Pick out star in build up thanks to be equipped with focus on

【1】_____________ your help, I have done it in time.

2Can you _____________ your sister from that group of girls?

3The director wanted Ella to ____________ his new film, but she refused to play a part in it.

4We have _________________ a good business relationship with foreign companies.

5Our classroom _________________ a lot of computers yesterday.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

1_. Do not hide things from them, do not lie. Don ' t be afraid to say things that isn't very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there ' s no trust, there ' s nothing there. So please be honest and they'll learn to . open up to you.

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn't just simply treating her or him nicely. There' s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. 2 Don ' t just think about yourself ,think about what your partner needs out of it as well.

3. Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner has to be able to count on you when needed.

Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them ,joke with them. Laughter may seem silly ,but it' s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. 4.

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicate how you feel, even if it ' s somethig that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them.5.It' s important to communicate this to them , not keep it bottled up.

A.Show them your personality.

B.Be an honest person with them.

C.Make sure you are encouraging to your partner.

D.Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

E. Don' t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.

F. Basically , learn to study your partners ' moods, wants . and needs.

G. If they did something that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner.

