
1 ___________________ her daughter from the smog, Chai Jing shuts her daughter at home. (protect)


【2】Basic goods, as well as up to RMB¥90,352,800, __________________ to the Red Cross Society by March 3rd, 2015, in Zhongshan City, where the charity campaign was launched. (donate)


【3】You ___________________ the flowers; the weather forecast says it’s going to rain in the following three days. (water)


【4】Anyone ___________________ a cellphone in their pocket in the classroom during the examination will be declared cheating. (carry)


【5】J. K. Rowling has written a lot of novels, some of them ___________________ several foreign languages. (translate)

J. K. 羅琳寫了很多小說,其中一些被翻譯成多國語言。

【6】Since the new cellphone app of NPC and CPPCC was developed, the delegates have received ___________________ advice as they did last year. (twice)


【7】If people ___________________environmental protection while developing economy in the past few decades, China might have a better ecological environment now. (pay)


【8】After the air crash, many journalists rushed to the airport to inquire ___________________. (come)


【9】Not until Mr. Green was diagnosed with cancer ___________________ how precious health was. (realize)


10】The issue of fair and equal education has aroused widespread concern, __________________ for more students from less-developed areas to be enrolled in universities. (make)



1In order to / To protect

2had been donated

3needn’t have watered

4(who is) found carrying

5translated into/having been translated into

6twice as much

7had paid more attention to

8how the accident came about/how the accident had come about

9did he realize

10which makes it possible/ making it possible/which has made it possible



1In order to / To protect 考查目的狀語,位于句首后跟動詞表目的時,通常用to do結(jié)構(gòu)或in order to。

2had been donated 考查動詞捐贈和時態(tài)。由后面by March 3rd, 2015知,這是過去的時間,并且by提示用完成時態(tài)。

3 needn’t have watered 考查虛擬語氣本不必用固定結(jié)構(gòu)need not have done..

4(who is) found carrying 考查定語從句。注意是被抓要用被動語態(tài)即可。

5 translated into/having been translated into 考查被動語態(tài)。小說被翻譯成

6twice as much 考查倍數(shù)。

7had paid more attention to 考查動詞短語 pay attention to 注意用過去完成時態(tài)。

8how the accident came about/how the accident had come about 考查賓語從句。注意要用陳述語序。

9did he realize 考查not…until的倒裝句。記得助動詞提前。

10which makes it possible/ making it possible/which has made it possible 考查非修飾性定語從句,只能用which做先行詞。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】有一個美國代表團(tuán)想了解你們的英語老師Mr. Moon,請根據(jù)下列提要,寫一篇以"My Teacher Mr. Moon”文。












科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】【原創(chuàng)】Humans are well-equipped for life on Earth. But in space, it is different. Low or zero gravity changes how the blood flows and causes motion sickness, muscle loss and tiredness. Weightlessness can also cause bone loss. But scientists are experimenting with little worms to better understand how space travel affects astronauts.

The millimeter-long worm is called C. elegans. The see-through worm is often used in medical studies because its life is only about two weeks long. Seventy percent of its DNA is the same as human DNA.

Sabanayagam is a scientist, who built a micro-gravity simulator to test how C. elegans would perform in the actual zero gravity of space.

Scientists put the worms into the simiulator full of water. After a week they take out the worms. They look for changes in the worms' epigenome,which are chemical markers that tell the DNA in the cells how to perform. The epigenome can be changed by the environment. And those changes pass from one generation of worms to the next.

"When the worms are in a liquid environment, some epigenomic marks remain even when we take the animal out of the liquid environment and put it back into normal ground conditions. So its offspring keeps this epigenomic memory of the parents' liquid environment or microgravity environment."

The information the scientists have gathered suggests that the epigenomic marks appear during the early part of a worm’s life.

Mr. Sabanayagam says he thinks scientists can find genes in the human similar to those in the worms that responded to microgravity and scientists could possibly observe those genes closely when astronauts travel in space.

Sabanayagam expects C. elegans to visit the International Space Station within two years. He says he hopes information gathered from the worm studies can be used to develop simple, low-cost and quick tests to measure an astronaut's health.

【1】What does the underlined word zero gravity” mean?

A. Seasickness B. Muscle loss

C. Weightlessness D. Tiredness.

【2】 From the passage we can know C. elegans _____.

A. has exactly the same DNA as human

B. is harmful to human

C. is often used in agricultural research

D. has a short life period

【3】Why do scientists experiment with C. elegans?

A. Because it has strong life power in water.

B. Because they want to find how space travel affects astronauts

C. Because the worm will be taken into space.

D. Because they want to find what its DNA like.

【4】What is Sabanayagam’s attitude toward the result of the experiment?

A. Hopeful and satisfied.

B. Doubtful and unsure.

C. Sad and disappointed.

D. Surprised and unbelievable.

【5】Which section of a newspaper can you find the passage?

A. Education. B. Science.

C. Advertisement. D. Entertainment.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Nothing is as precious as one's freedom. Dreams, aspirations and ideals mean nothing if one does not have the freedom to pursue them.

A lot has been done in the name of freedom. A lot has been said and written about freedom. In the past six months, the world witnessed Tunisian uprising, Egyptian revolution and Libyan civil war. Thousands of people fought for freedom; hundreds of people lost their lives (for freedom); people are craving for freedom. But, what exactly is freedom? We are fighting for it, we are ready to die for it, we are craving for it, but, can we really define it?

Albert Camus thinks freedom is a chance to be better. Abraham Lincoln calls it best hope of Earth. Epictetus says it's the right to live as we wish. For Moshe Dayan it's oxygen for soul. According to Urban Dictionary it's everything. And going by Oxford Dictionaries, it's power of self determination attributed to the will.

Everyone has different views about freedom. But somehow I am still not convinced because we can't really be fighting for a chance or hope. And the concept of everything is full of uncertainties. I don't think we are fighting for power of self-determination either. And as for the right to live as we wish, if we have the right to fight, then, how can we be denied the right to live as per our wish?

But the question still remains unanswered, what is freedom?

For me, freedom has a deeper and greater meaning. I think freedom is much more than just a right. It's a responsibility of doing what you think is good, not only for you but even for society. It is a state when one realizes their duties and starts respecting others' freedom.

Freedom is when we realize that we can do absolutely anything except force another person to follow us in our madness or our desire for life. Freedom is when we are no longer slaves to our desires, society, its expectations, luxury or slaves to a life we did not choose.

Freedom is when we have the courage to speak out what we know is true, do what we feel is right, and fight for what we think is unfair. One shouldn't really fight for freedom; rather, they should try to achieve it.

【1】How many famous peoples definitions of freedom are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

【2】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _____________.

A. Everyone longs for freedom

B. Everyone is fighting for freedom

C. People have different views about freedom

D. Famous people have a deeper understanding of freedom

【3】Which of the following will the author agree with?

A. Freedom is a chance to live better.

B. Freedom is our best hope in the world.

C. Freedom is the right to live as we wish.

D. Freedom is a responsibility of doing what is good.

【4】What is the authors purpose of writing the passage?

A. To show different views about freedom.

B. To express his understanding of freedom.

C. To encourage us to pursue our dreams and aspirations.

D. To argue against some famous peoples understanding of freedom.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】As well as teaching soccer's basic skills and rules, the introduced textbooks will ______ team spirit and sense of responsibility.

A. multiply B. distinguish

C. preserve D. develop


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Dyslexia is a learning disorder, it interferes with the ability to recognize words, and for some readers to understand what they have read. Experts say dyslexia affects about five to ten percent of the population of the United States. Researchers have long known that people with dyslexia write or read words and letters backwards in the wrong order.

But a new study shows that people with dyslexia may have trouble redirecting their attention betweensenses, from seeing something to hearing something. The study suggests something that might help dyslexic people learn more quickly - play video games.

Vanessa Harrar of Britain’s University of Oxford led the study. She reported the findings in the journalCurrent Biology. The study suggests that dyslexic people may have trouble moving quickly from what they read to what they hear.

In the study, Doctor Harrar tested 17 people with dyslexia, and 19 others without reading problems. The volunteers were asked to push a button as quickly as possible when they heard a sound, saw a light or experienced both together. Doctor Harrar compared the speed of their reactions. She found that people with dyslexia were just as fast as the others when they saw only a picture or heard only a sound. But the Dyslexicshad a slower reaction time when they heard a sound and saw a picture at the same time, this may have an effect on how dyslexic children are taught how to read.

Doctor Harrar feels like playing video games could help dyslexic people shift from seeing to hearing more quickly. She adds that images in video games force the eyes to move and focus quickly. “Video game types of things pop out of here and there, they move your eyes around the screen quite quickly in response to things quite quickly, and the more you play a video game the faster you get that kind of thing. So, the video game is really training the attention system to move quickly,” said Harrar. When children learn the alphabet, they usually see the letter first and then hear the sound, or they see and hear the letter at the same time. The study shows that Dyslexics might learn more quickly if they hear the sound of a letter or word first before seeing it.

1According to Doctor Harrar’s study, the dyslexic people have difficulty in______.

A. recognizing words

B. reading words backwards

C. writing letters in order

D. shifting from seeing to hearing

2Which factor affects the way dyslexic children are taught to read?

A. They react more slowly to a single picture or sound

B. They react as fast as others to a single picture or sound

C. It takes them longer to react to sounds and pictures together

D. It is difficult for them to understand before seeing the word

3How does the author suggest Dyslexics are taught based on the research finding?

A. by putting hearing previous to seeing

B. by training the attention on games

C. by seeing first and then hearing later

D. by moving the eyes around the screen

4What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Video Games Might Help Dyslexics

B. Dyslexia Affects Attention between Senses

C. Video Games Can Train the Attention System

D. Dyslexics Might Learn Better through Sound


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is __________ our control.

A. against B. beyond

C. in D. on


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】There was __________ apples in the basket and there __________ quantities of milk in the bucket.

A. a number of; were B. quantities of; was

C. a quantity of; were D. a good many; was


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】__________ the numbers in employment, the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.

A. In spite of B. In case of

C. In terms of D. In praise of

