假設你是某中學的艾運東, 你一直關注和支持在NBA火箭隊效力的中國球星姚明。作為姚明的粉絲,你想給他寫一封100詞左右的英文信, 內(nèi)容如下:

1.       表示崇拜和欽佩(列舉理由一二);

2.       對他近況了解: 火箭隊進入季后賽,首場大勝;

3.       美好祝愿;

4.       索要一張簽名照片。

參考詞匯: 火箭隊 Houston Rockets  季后賽 2009 NBA Playoff 


Dear Yao Ming,

I am Ai Yundong from a high school in China. I have always been your loyal fan since you began to play for Houston Rockets. 

One Possible Version

Dear Yao Ming,

I am Ai Yundong from a high school in China. I have always been your loyal fan since you began to play for Houston Rockets.

I admire you very much for your great performances in the past seasons. It’s all because of you that I am on fire for basketball. Watching you play gives me much excitement. I learnt from you the importance of teamwork.

What fun it is to learn you have helped Rockets into this year’s NBA playoff! And the first post-season match witnessed your strength and victory, which guaranteed a good start towards your way to the NBA championship. I sincerely hope that with you, Rockets will laugh all the way to fulfill your dream. I am even looking forward to your getting the “MVP” award! Wish you success!

I’ll be thankful if you are kind enough to send me a photo with your own signature.

Best wishes,


Ai Yundong


