
Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who 【1】 (catch) the little Mouse and was going to kill him. “Pardon, O King,” cried the little Mouse, “forgive 2 this time. I shall never forget it and someday I will help you on return!” The Lion started to laugh, “Ha! Ha! Ha! A little Mouse can help a big Lion 3 me?” The Lion thought it was funny and let the Mouse go. Some time 4 (late) the Lion fell into a trap. The 5 (hunt), who desired to carry the Lion alive to the King, tied him to a tree. Meanwhile, he went in search of a wagon to carry the Lion on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by. 6 (see) the sad situation 7 the Lion was, the little Mouse went up to him and soon chewed the net that bound the King of the Beasts. Soon the Mouse chewed a big hole 8 the net, and the Lion was free! “Was I not right?” said the Little Mouse, “You laughed at me but even 9 little Mouse can help a big Lion.” The Lion was so grateful 10 he no longer looked down on the little Mouse.

Little friends may prove great friends.














【1】caught 考查動詞。根據(jù)to swallow the tiny creature可知,獅子捉住了老鼠并準(zhǔn)備把它一口吞掉,故填caught

【2】me 考查代詞。Forgive me 寬恕我吧。

【3】like 考查介詞。句意:小老鼠也能幫助象我這個的大獅子嗎?

【4】later 考查副詞。句意:不久以后,獅子被抓住。

【5】hunter 考查名詞。句意:獵人想把活著的獅子呈現(xiàn)給國一,把它綁在樹上。

【6】Seeing 考查非謂語動詞。句意:小老鼠看到獅子的處境,走上前去咬那張網(wǎng)。Seeing 做伴隨狀語;

【7】where 考查定語從句。 Situation是先行詞,the Lion was定語從句缺少表語,故用where.

【8】in 考查介詞。句意:很快,小老鼠在網(wǎng)上咬了個大口子。

【9】a 考查冠詞。句意:你嘲笑我但甚至一個小老鼠也能幫一頭大獅子。表示泛指;

【10】that 考查固定句型。句意:獅子如此的感謝以至于不再看不起小老鼠。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Over 500 dogs being delivered to a butcher house were saved by a Chinese animal protection organization. The incident then triggered debate among Chinese netizens about the necessity of pouring so much money and efforts into saving dogs.

On Friday, a truck loaded with over 500 dogs were stopped by volunteers from animal protection organization on Jingha expressway Beijing section. Beijing Times reported these dogs were being delivered to slaughter houses in the city of Changchun, northeast Jilin province and would be eventually served on dinner tables.

After negotiations with the truck driver, pet service provider Leepet Holding Corp. and a philanthropic foundation, Shangshan Foundation, purchased these dogs, each paying 50,000 yuan. Dogs were then delivered to the headquarter of China Small Animal Protection Association (CS APA), being taken care of and waiting for adoption.

After the “dog saving mission” was reported, Chinese net users debate over whether saving dogs worth so much efforts and money while there are still many poor and needy people in China lacking assistance.

Some net users argue the dog saving mission is placing over attention to animals while lots of needy people are still left unattended.

A microblogger “Xiaowulaitajie” said on China’s twitter-like website, weibo.com, “Dogs are saved, adopted and they attracted media spotlight. We'd better spend such money and take such efforts in helping the needy people.”

Another microblogger, Liluping, said "We poured such huge sum of money into saving dogs. I would rather the money be spent on disaster relief."

Some applaud volunteers’ actions and show eagerness of offering their helping hands to those saved dogs.

Still many disapprove those "saving dogs" critics, but they argue that such act nonetheless embodies social progress.

A microblogger named "broken bridge" said, saving dogs does not run counter to taking care of people. Such enthusiasm in public affairs will help raise social awareness in helping the needy.

I think people and animals are created equal .Attention should be paid to people as well as animals.

【1】Where did the article come from ___________?

A. newspaper B. Internet

C. a TV programme D. a magazine

2Whose opinion is closest to the writer's?

A. Some net users' B. Xiaowulaitajie's

C. Liluping's D. Broken bridge's

3Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the people think it right to save these dogs with so much money.

B. These dogs were finally saved and sent back to their owners.

C. Some volunteers support the actions to save these dogs and the people who offered their helping hands to those saved dogs.

D. 100,000 yuan was given to the truck driver to purchase these dogs.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:








4.參考詞匯:灌溉irrigate 沖洗flush







科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Americans plan parties for many reasons. As in other cultures, many Americans attend parties for weddings and religious or national holidays. But some parties are especially American. For example, a group of neighbors may gather on their street to eat food, play music and visit with one another. This is called a block party. A woman might invite a group of women to a party called a baby shower for a friend who is about to give birth. Guests bring presents for the new baby.

Americans also attend tailgate parties. A tailgate is the back end of a truck or other vehicle that opens down. The tailgate parties are a big part of sports culture in the United States. Friends bring food and drink to a sports event. They eat together in the parking area of the sports stadium.

Birthday parties are also very popular. Many parents organize a party for their child around a theme. Birthday parties usually include gifts and a birthday cake with candles. In many parts of the United States, cupcakes have become a popular replacement for cakes.

Birthday parties can be low cost or very costly. Some parents take their children’s birthday parties very seriously, even when the child is too young to fully understand the celebration.

One group of parents started a website called Birthdays Without Pressure. They decided that some parents were under too much social pressure to plan costly parties for their children. The group sees this movement as an example of America’s culture of “too much stuff”. The group’s website gives suggestions on how to keep birthday celebrations simple, meaningful and fun without spending a lot of money. Their advice may be very helpful during this period of economic recession (蕭條).

【1】What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Reasons for parties B. Birthdays without pressure

C. Different parties in the world D. American parties

2How many kinds of parties does the passage mention?

A. 5. B. 7. C. 6. D. 8.

3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Birthday parties are the most popular in America.

B. Some parties in America are the same as in other countries.

C. There’s a party for the mother before her new baby is born.

D. Block party is especially American

4The purpose of Birthdays Without Pressure is to advise people to _________.

A. relieve people’s pressure

B. make birthday parties meaningful and costly

C. have meaningful birthday parties with low cost

D. spread America’s culture


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】第二節(jié):短文改錯(共10小題, 每小題1. 5分, 滿分15分)







Our school will set a voluntary service club on April 22nd. The main purpose of it is to call on and organize students to serve for society better and develop our ability to cooperate to others.

The volunteers are required to work at weekends to visit the elderly in the nursing homes in our city, keep public places clean and offer some guidances to the passengers in some stations and so on. The students which are healthy, patience, warm-hearted and willing to help others are welcome to join the club. Whether you are interested and want to become a member of it, please sent your application to the Students’ Union before March 15th. The office of the Students’ Union will contact the choosing candidates for a interview in a few days.

March 8th

The Students’ Union


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Self-motivation is a great way for doing things better in life. Exercising not only helps you to stay fit, but also freshens up your body from within. Despite being aware of the benefits of exercise, people fail to put it in their lives, because their motivation is very limited.

An optimistic attitude will not only help you to try continuously, but also make sure you fight all possible difficulties easily. On the other hand, a pessimistic attitude will show you only the bad in what you want to do, stopping your will to try at the very beginning.

To be determined about something takes a lot of courage. It’s very easy to give up and everyone can do it. To continuously keep at it, putting in the same efforts all the time, takes courage. Be determined to lose weight. Tell yourself you have to do it.

If your role model has been in your mind, then you are very likely to follow him or her. So why not follow the path by which they have got an envious figure?

Always feel good about where you work out. This way you will be regular with your workout schedule, gradually noticing the positive effects it has on you. This makes sure that you think your surroundings positively in your mind and that your probability of visiting it increases.

Every time you lose a decided number of pounds, congratulate yourself, relax your muscles or shop for relaxation.

If you have a fast-paced lifestyle, you won’t even realize when time flies by. By exercising regularly, you’re adding more years to your life. A long life is the best motivation, isn’t it?

Apart from all these things, you must set a goal and encourage all your energy towards achieving it. Last but not least, it’s very important that you enjoy what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.

Title: How to motivate yourself to 【1】_______


People can’t insist on exercising in their lives because they don’t have 2_______ motivation.


●When you have an optimistic attitude, you can try continuously and have no difficulty 3____ all possible difficulties.

●To lose weight, you should put in the same efforts all the time and 4_____ at it with courage.

●Choose a person who has got a perfect figure as your 5_____ and follow their path to exercise.

●Feeling good about where you work out has some 6_____ effects on you.

●Once you have 7_____ a certain number of pounds, you’d better congratulate yourself.

●For a long term, exercising regularly 8______ that you’re adding more years to your life.

9 ____ a goal is helpful for encouraging all your energy towards achieving it.


Since exercise has so many 【10____, you’d better enjoy span>what you are doing, whether it’s working out at the gym, or practicing yoga at home.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Health is the most important thing in the world. Nothing is more important than health. If one takes away our money, houses, cars, or even our clothes, we can still survive. 【1】__That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise often.

How can we keep healthy? In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, which are junk foods._ 【2】_ Besides, I only eat a little meat.

__【3】_ Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What’s more, I think friends are important part of one’s health.__ 【4】_ I always feel better when I am with friends than I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It is good to stay with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. 【5】_

A.Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.

B.I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

C.I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

D.But if our health is taken away, it is certain that we will surely die.

E.On the other hand, doing exercise is very important.

F.There are some people who like staying alone, but they keep healthy.

G.Many studies show that people with a narrow range of social contacts often get sick.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及—個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加—個漏字符號(/\),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。 刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\)劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。


Today, more and more high school students have his own blog on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide colorful platform to show their talents, and for another, it is also a way to release their pressure. And this make it popular with high school students. But many parents and teachers hold a same view, think that managing a blog will be a waste of time and energy, while this should be used for study which is their main duty. Personal speaking, I do approve of this activity. Open and organizing an eye-catching blog needs various ability such as writing, designing and so on. Only if that we have those abilities can we make a good blog. But also, we can improve ourselves during the procedure of organizing our blogs.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Iceland is experiencing a book boom(繁榮時期).

It is hard to avoid writers in Reykjavik. There is a phrase in Icelandic, “ad ganga med bok I maganum”, meaning everyone gives birth to a book. Literally, everyone “has a book in their stomach”. One in 10 Icelanders will publish one.

Does it get rather competitive?” I ask the young novelist, Kristin Eirikskdottir. “Yes. Especially as I live with my mother and partner, who are also full-time writers. But we try to publish in alternate years so we do not compete too much.”

Writers are respected here,” Agla Magnusdottir tells me. “They live well. Some even get a salary.” Magnusdottir is head of the new Icelandic Literature Centre, which offers state support for literature and its translation. “They write everything --- modern sagas(長篇英雄故事), poetry, children's books, literary and extraordinary fiction --- but the biggest boom is in crime writing, she says.

So what has led to this phenomenal book boom? I would say it is due to a crop of good writers, telling interesting tales with elegant economy and fantastic characters.

Iceland's black lava(火山巖) riverbeds, its steaming, bubbling earth, with its towering volcanoes and fairytale streams also make it the perfect setting for stories. Solvi Bjorn Siggurdsson, an Icelandic novelist, says writers owe a lot to the past. We are a nation of storytellers. When it was dark and cold we had nothing else to do, he says. Thanks to the poetic works and medieval(中世紀(jì)的) sagas, we have always been surrounded by stories. After independence from Denmark in 1944, literature helped define our identity.”

Siggurdsson shows respect to Iceland's Nobel Literature winner, Halldor Laxness, whose books are sold in petrol stations and tourist centres across the island. Locals name their cats after Laxness and pay a visit to his home. “When Laxness won the Nobel Prize in 1955 he put modern Icelandic literature on the map,” Siggurdsson tells me. “He gave us confidence to write.”

【1】The underlined phrase in the passage suggests that ________.

A. Icelanders love collecting books.

B. Icelanders love writing very much.

C. there are a lot of great books in Iceland.

D. it is competitive to publish a book in Iceland.

【2】What kind of book is the most popular in Iceland?

A. Poetry. B. Medieval sagas.

C. Crime novels. D. Children’s stories.

【3】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?.

A. Siggurdsson won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1955.

B. Icelanders publish books to increase their income.

C. Writers in Iceland don’t benefit from its literary tradition.

D. Iceland possesses some factors to be a perfect setting for stories.

