Name:Susan Lane Age:22
Place:Cambridge,England Time:2003
Cost:$ 7,000.
Experience:“I think it was a turning point in my life.I beganto understand more about my own culture by experiencing another culture and seeing how other people live.”
Name:Sara Small Age:23
Place:Basel,Switzerland Time:2001
Cost:$ 8,000.
Organization:Southern Cross Cultural Exchange
Experience:“I loved the traveling and I made a lot offriends.I found the Europeanschool system to be hard but I am fluent now in French,so it was worth it.I did miss my family and friends in Australia but I wonld love to do it again.”
Name:Helen Smith Age:20.
Place:California,America Time:2002
Cost:$ 6,000.
Experience:“I learnt how to be really independent.It was great to be on my own and I got on really well with the family I was with.I will certainly go back one day.”
Name:David Links Age:16
Place:Berlin,Germany Time:2001
Cost:$ 6,500
Experience:“I wanted to try something very different to Australia in culture.In Germany everything was different but I soon got settled.The family I was with were great and I really feel as though I have a second family.”
Name:Linda Marks Age:19
Place:Beijing,China Time:2003
Cost:$ 3,500
Experience:“Traveling in China is extremely interesting,but learning Chinese is really ahard job.I had a few problems but there was always someone to turn to and that was great.”
Name:Peter Wang Age:21
Place:Sydney,Australia Time:2004
Cost:$ 5,500
Organization:Sydney University
Experience:“There were times when it was difficult but I like experiencing a different culture.You just have to play each situation as it comes.If there is one thing you learn when you are on a student-exchange program,it is how to take care of yourseff.”