【題目】Yesterday, I posted a photo of a pile of cross stitch kits (十字繡) on my blog. To my ______, many readers say I do well in them. 1 couldn’t use them all,______ finally I decided to ______ the rest to ladies in my neighbourhood who like to ______ a project with their own hands.

I ______ them all up into a box and decided to start with the lady who ______ a pub. She’s perfectly ______ and she served me with a cup of coffee. I took her out to my car and showed her the ______. I was holding it in my arms beside my car when another car ______ up next to us with two other ______ in it. Within moments I was pushed against the ______ behind the weight of three elderly ladies and I had to ______ my way to pick up the empty box. The three ladies had taken every single item in that box with ______ expressions on their faces and lots of thanks. One of the ladies has a son who is a firefighter. She decided to give some cross stitch kits to the ______ station. Her decision did make me ______. I had in my mind a wonderful picture of all these ______ and strong firemen sitting around all working on their cute cross stitch Christmas stockings while they ______ for fire alarms to be called in.

Finally,______ and laughter all went around, and then I e-mailed another ______, who often visits me and also likes cross stitch kits. She promised to send me her extra cross stitch kits, too. I just know kindness will finally ______ on to others.

1A. mind B. joy C. sadness D. goal

2A. or B. but C. so D. because

3A. set down B. put off C. give away D. take apart

4A. use B. create C. buy D. sell

5A. broke B. employed C. got D. packed

6A. runs B. visits C. destroys D. invents

7A. confident B. cruel C. kind D. unfair

8A. magazine B. flower C. coat D. box

9A. pulled B. burst C. finished D. hung

10A. ladies B. men C. friends D. children

11A. car B. pub C. table D. wall

12A. take B. fight C. lead D. choose

13A. frightened B. satisfied C. disappointed D. upset

14A. bus B. police C. television D. fire

15A. pleased B. hopeless C. scared D. anxious

16A. little B. slow C. big D. thin

17A. look B. wait C. search D. stand

18A. shyness B. worry C. danger D. happiness

19A. stranger B. volunteer C. neighbor D. foreigner

20A. hold B. try C. look D. pass























1B考查名詞。句意:令我高興的是,很多讀者說我做得很好。A. mind理智;B. joy歡樂,高興;C. sadness悲哀;D. goal目標。故選B。

2C考查連詞。句意:我不能把所有的東西都用完,所以最后我決定把剩下的送給我附近的女士們,她們喜歡用自己的雙手創(chuàng)造一個項目。A. or或者;B. but但是;C. so所以;D. because因為。故選C。

3C考查動詞短語。句意:所以最后我決定把剩下的送給我附近的女士們。A. set down放下,記下;B. put off推遲,扔掉;C. give away分發(fā),放棄;D. take apart拆開,剖析。故選C。

4B考查動詞。句意:她們喜歡用雙手創(chuàng)造一個項目。A. use使用;B. create創(chuàng)造;C. buy買;D. sell賣。故選B。

5D考查動詞。句意:我把它們都裝進一個盒子里,然后決定從經(jīng)營一家酒吧的女士開始。A. broke打破;B. employed雇傭;C. got得到,明白;D. packed打包。故選D。

6A考查動詞。句意:我把它們都裝進一個盒子里,然后決定從經(jīng)營一家酒吧的女士開始。A. runs經(jīng)營;B. visits參觀;C. destroys破壞;D. invents發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造。故選A。

7C考查形容詞。句意:她很和藹,她給我端來一杯咖啡。A. confident自信的;B. cruel粗魯?shù)模?/span>C. kind和藹的;D. unfair不公平的。故選C。

8D考查名詞。根據(jù)前邊I packed them all up into a box(我把他們都裝在一個盒子里),因此我給她看的是盒子。句意:我把她帶到我的車旁,給她看了盒子。A. magazine雜志;B. flower花;C. coat外套;D. box盒子。故選D。

9A考查動詞。句意:當另兩位女士坐的車停在我的車旁邊時,我正把它抱在懷里。A. pulledup構成短語,意思是“停下來”;B. burst爆發(fā),突發(fā);C. finished完成,結束;D. hung懸掛。故選A。

10A考查名詞。句意:當另兩位女士坐的車停在我的車旁邊時,我正把它抱在懷里。A. ladies女士;B. men男人;C. friends朋友;D. children孩子。故選A。

11A考查名詞。根據(jù)前面I took her out to my car可知,是車的后邊。句意:一會兒我被推到車后邊。A. car車;B. pub酒吧;C. table桌子;D. wall墻。故選A。

12B考查動詞。句意:我不得不努力去撿起空盒子。A. take拿;B. fight與后邊構成短語fight one’s way奮斗,努力開辟;C. lead帶領;D. choose選擇。故選B。

13B考查形容詞。句意:這三位女士把盒子里的每一件東西都拿了,臉上帶著滿意的表情和感謝。A. frightened害怕的;B. satisfied滿意的;C. disappointed失望的;D. upset心煩的。故選B。

14D考查名詞。根據(jù)前邊One of the ladies has a son who is a firefighter.(其中一位女士有一個兒子是消防員),因此她要給消防站送。句意:她決定給消防站送一些十字針。A. bus公共汽車;B. police警察;C. television電視;D. firestation連用,意思是“消防站”。故選D。

15A考查形容詞。句意:她的決定讓我很高興。A. pleased高興的;B. hopeless絕望的;C. scared害怕的;D. anxious焦慮的。故選A。

16C考查形容詞。句意:所有這些高大而強壯的消防員一邊做著他們的可愛十字繡圣誕襪,一邊等待著火警警報的到來。A. little小的;B. slow緩慢的;C. big高大的;D. thin瘦小的。故選C。

17B考查動詞。句意:所有這些高大而強壯的消防員一邊做著他們的可愛十字繡圣誕襪,一邊等待著火警警報的到來。A. look看;B. wait等;C. search搜尋;D. stand使站立,忍受。故選B。

18D考查名詞。句意:快樂和笑聲到處都是。A. shyness害羞;B. worry擔心;C. danger危險;D. happiness快樂。與laughter并列,故選D。

19C考查名詞。句意:我給另一位經(jīng)常來看我,也喜歡十字繡的鄰居發(fā)電子郵件。A. stranger陌生人;B. volunteer志愿者;C. neighbor鄰居;D. foreigner外國人。故選C。

20D考查動詞。句意:我只知道善意最終會傳遞給別人。A. hold持有,擁有;B. try試圖,嘗試;C. look看;D. pass傳遞。故選D。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I had just spent the last 99 cents on my burger at Wendy’s drive-through (可開車點餐的外賣窗口)when my phone rang. My mind was still on the young man ______there, wearing just a T-shirt because he couldn’t ______a coat. My friend’s husband asked if I was home ______he had something he wanted to drop off.

I _____ home to find him standing in my entrance way with a big box. “Every Christmas our church does food baskets for a holiday meal. I ______you and your son,” he explained. Then he______ me two envelopes, inside one of which was a very _____gift card to the Walmart Supermarket. I tried ______to hold back the tears as I thanked him.

With my face still wet, I __ my son from his Christmas party and told him the ____of the night as he listened in __ . Then I looked at him and said. “Nathaniel, I think we need to go to Walmart.” “I was thinking the ___ thing, Mom.”

We examined every coat in the Men’s Zone before we______one and then made our way to the gift package area for a big bag. I pulled up to the drive-through for the second time that night. When the ______opened, I pushed the bag at the bewildered-looking(困惑的)young man. “It’s for you. Merry Christmas.”

“But you don’t even_____ me.”

“Doesn’t matter. I know you needed a _____ . Stay warm and have a good night.”

As I waved and______drove away, Nathaniel watched the young man try the coat on in front of his co-workers, who were smiling and admiring the coat, a few even ______quietly. My son spoke the words I was feeling: “Mom, I’ve never felt so______before!” “Me too, because no money could ever buy that feeling of helping someone who really ______it.”

1A. working B. living C. studying D. traveling

2A. change B. wear C. afford D. make

3A. although B. as C. while D. once

4A. raced B. called C. left D. remained

5A. cared about B. dealt with C. watched out D. thought of

6A. mailed B. sent C. handed D. showed

7A. beautiful B. generous C. decorated D. rare

8A. painfully B. gratefully C. purposefully D. unsuccessfully

9A. caught up B. picked out C. held up D. kept up

10A. accidents B. news C. events D. items

11A. fear B. anger C. disappointment D. amazement

12A. same B. opposite C. magical D. valuable

13A. preferred B. selected C. requested D. swapped

14A. curtain B. car C. window D. door

15A. recognize B. employ C. forget D. know

16A. bag B. coat C. card D. box

17A. hopelessly B. sadly C. slowly D. hurriedly

18A. crying B. jumping C. dancing D. sleeping

19A. sorry B. bad C. hopeful D. good

20A. needs B. ignores C. pays D. gets


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Why did the speaker decide to start a new magazine?

A. To become famous. B. To start a different one. C. To get more money.

2In what respect is the magazine different from a local newspaper?

A. What it looks like. B. What it contains. C. Where one can buy it.

3Where can people get the information about film reviews?

A. In the first part. B. In the second part. C. In the third part.

4What can people find in the second half of the magazine?

A. Advice on local business development. B. Reviews of local artists’ works.

C. Articles about local people.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Why won't the robot newsreader be successful according to the man?

A. People will find it funny.

B. People will think it strange

C. People will not concentrate on the news

2What problem does the man see from robots

A. They will take jobs.B. They will take controlC. They will become smart

3What is said to be robots’ weakness?

A. They are expensive,B. They can't createC. They are not reliable.

4How does the woman feel about the future

A. SadB. IndifferentC. Optimistic


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Music is often targeted at teenagers. Because teenagers go through big changes and start making life-affecting decisions in their teens, people naturally wonder what effects music has on teenagers. Does it lead to violence? Help test scores? Teach them valuable lessons? 1

Music can help students improve academic performance. Studying music involves math and science, so students often improve in these areas. 2According to a report, students who took part in music performance scored 41 points higher in math than those who did not take part in music performance.

Being a teenager can be rough emotionally. Music is an especially emotional art form covering every type of emotion. 3 As music is a way to express emotions, many teenagers might try to make their own music, which can create healthy emotional expression.

4 Thus, listening to music can teach teenagers a lot about their own culture and other cultures. They can learn musical traditions, musical instruments, history lessons and more. Plus, as listening to music is a fun activity, this can often be a more interesting way to learn about a culture, rather than simply reading a textbook.

Music tastes and interests can often bring people together, especially teenagers. 5 As well, music is often enjoyed at concerts and dance clubs where teenagers often hang out. Typically, the people attending these concerts and dance clubs already share a common interest, so a connection can be easily made.

A. Music is often related with culture.

B. This improvement can benefit them in tests.

C. Music greatly improves teenagers,learning abilities.

D. While there are negative effects, there are many positive effects, too.

E. If they can find a song that matches their mood, they will feel comfortable.

F. Rap music presents a new vocabulary teenagers won't learn in an English class

G.Two teenagers who like the same style of music are easily to start up a friendship.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】When the sun sets in Hong Kong, the city skyline comes alive. Billboard(廣告牌)lights flash, and light up the crowded streets. The colorful lights from the tall buildings are one of the city’s main attractions.

“Oh, my god. The lights are so amazing. We love it. It’s so nice.” said one visitor.

But this appreciation is not shared by everyone in Hong Kong. Lat year then government reported a record number of complaints. The curtains may be drawn. But residents argue the bright light outside is hard to escape. “We receive some complaints about the light pollution. They find it very hard to sleep or they have disturbance from the light outside.”

Scientists at the University of Hong Kong spent 18 months studying levels of light pollution and collecting more than 5 million measurements. They found Hong Kong one of the world’s worst “victims”. The lights pollution condition in Hong Kong was extremely severe. Particular in cities, the night sky brightness, as well as the lights, is a few hundred times over the level of that of a night sky without light pollution. In cities such as Seoul, London, Shanghai and Paris, billboard lighting is under control. And there are punishments for people who go against the law.

But in Hong Kong, there are no laws. A volunteer regulation called Charter of External Light(戶外燈光約章)encourages visitors to switch off between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m. The critics say it’s not enough to make a difference. The government says 4800 businessmen have signed up to the Charter so far. And it’s satisfied that it’s working.

But not everyone is convinced and some residents are taking upon themselves to act. Zoe Chow led a campaign to have a commercial building switch off their midnight. She won but she believes the lights will eventually turn back on. “I know that the building has signed the Charter of External Light. But it is voluntary, not mandatory(強制的).

1What is the complaint about in the third paragraph?

A. The ill-designed billboard.

B. The unattractive night lights.

C. The light pollution at night.

D. The city noise and disturbance.

2Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?

A. Billboard lighting is under control in all big cities.

B. Scientists have found ways to stop the light pollution.

C. The government attaches little importance to the light pollution.

D. The Charter of External Light is aimed to help reduce the light pollution.

3What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Bright lights in Hong Kong may continue to shine.

B. People are satisfied with the role the Charter plays.

C. Residents will never start a campaign against the light pollution.

D. The Charter of External Light will no longer have an effect.

4What is this text mainly about?

A. Hongkong’s light pollution law.

B. Severe light pollution in Hongkong.

C. Pollution problems in big cities.

D. The Solution to light pollutions.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What will people do as a journalist?

A. visit different place.B. Experience various life.C. Make big decisions.

2When did the speaker start her career expectation?

A. When she was young.B. After she graduated.C. When she studied at university.

3What’s the most significant cause for her choice?

A. Improving skills.B. Getting a high salary.C. Fighting false information.

4What’s her parents’ attitude towards her decision?

A. PositiveB. Negative.C. Doubtful.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


One of the things I like best about Beijing is the beautiful parks. One that is less well-known by Western visitors is called Taoranting. It 1 (lie) to the west of the Temple of Heaven. 2 (open) in 1956, Taoranting was the 3 (early) modem city park constructed after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Some 60,000 visitors come here every day.

The park gets 4 ( it) name from the Taoran Pavilion, which 5 ( build) in 1695. Scholars often gathered in this pavilion to read and write poetry. In the 20th century several famous revolutionaries (革命家) were 6 (close) associated with the Taoran Pavilion.

In common 7 other Chinese parks,this one also has a “park within a park” —Huaxia Mingyuan. The mini-park contains 36 pavilions in all, 10 of 8 are full-sized copies of famous pavilions in 10 Chinese cities.

One of the things I also love about Chinese parks is the way people come together to sing and dance and practice 9 (tradition)Chinese martial arts such as tai chi.

All in all, Taoranting is a joyful park 10 (experience) at any time of the year, and at only RMB 2 to get in, it has to be one of the best value places to visit in the entire capital.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1We receive hundreds of job __________(a formal, usually written request for something such as a job )every year.

2She will be __________(to act a play or play a piece of music, etc) at the piano.

3The atlas ____________(to have or hold something within itself)forty maps

4You must give your full ___________(action of fixing the mind on something) to what you are doing.

5People should ______________(to become or make something become smaller in size, number, etc)the amount of fat they eat.

6Schools need ________(a person who does a job without being paid for it) to help children to read.

