【題目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Conflict of the Orders

The types of people who served as officials in the Roman government changed over time. These changes stemmed from the attempts of common people to more rights. The struggles became known as the Conflict of the Orders.

In the early republic, Romans were divided into two classes of people: patricians and plebeians. Patricians were powerful landowners who controlled the government. As nobles, they inherited their power. Plebeians, who made up most of the population, were mainly farmers and workers. For many years, plebeians had few rights. They could vote, but they were barred from holding most public offices. Plebeians could not even know Roman laws because laws were not written down. In court, a judge stated and applied the law, but only patricians served as judges.

Over time, plebeians increased their power through demand and strikes. They gained the right to join the army, hold government office, form their own assembly, and elect leaders. In one of their greatest victories, they forced the government to write down the laws of the Roman Republic. In about 450, B.C. the Romans engraved their laws on tablets called the Twelve Tables. The laws were placed in the Forum, the chief public square, for all to view.

The first plebeians were appointed to the government in the late 400s B.C. After 342 B. C, a plebeian always held one of the consul positions. By about 300 B. C. many plebeians had become so powerful and wealthy themselves that they joined with patricians to form the Roman nobility. From that time on, the distinction between patricians and plebeians was not as important. Membership in the nobility was still very important, however, since government officials were not paid a salary only wealthy nobles could afford to hold office. Thus, the nobles still controlled the republic.

【答案】Romans consisted of two classes: patricians and plebeians. Patricians, the nobles, inherited power and controlled the government. Plebeians, the common people having few rights, gradually gained rights through struggles. Later,many plebeians gained power and wealth and became nobles. Only the rich could afford to hold the unpaid office, so the nobles still controlled Rome




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


A man came to the USA from another country. After 1(settle) down at an island, he went into a cafeteria to get something 2(eat). He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order, but nobody did. 3(final) a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and told him 4 the cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At 5 other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay. ”

“I was 6(surprise) how everything worked in the USA,” the man told his friend. “Life’s a cafeteria there. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. You can even get success, 7 you will never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it 8(you).”

You can’t change the inevitable. The only thing you can do 9(be) to control your attitude. Once you reach that point in life, 10(happy) and satisfaction can’t be too far away.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The legal age for smoking in Japan is 20 and as the country' s 570,000 tobacco vending machines ( 自動售貨機) prepare for a July regulation requiring them to ensure buyers are not minors, a company has developed a ______ to identify age by studying facial features.

By having the customer look into a digital camera ______ to the machine, Fujitaka Co's system will ______ facial characteristics, such as wrinkles surrounding the eyes, bone structure and skin sags (松弛), to the facial data of over 100,000 people, Hajime Yamamoto, a company spokesman said.

"With face ______ , so long as you've got some change and you are an adult, you can buy cigarettes like before. The problem of ______ borrowing (identification) cards to purchase cigarettes could be ______ as well," Yamamoto said.

But due to concerns about its accuracy, the facial identification method has yet to be ______ .

Yamamoto said the system could ______ identify about 90 percent of the ______ , with the remaining 10 percent sent to a "grey zone" for minors that look ______ , and baby-faced adults, where they would be asked to insert their driving license.

1A. system B. machine C. program D. monitor

2A. added B. attached C. covered D. devoted

3A. prefer B. adjust C. lead D. compare

4A. features B. structure C. recognition D. expression

5A. students B. youths C. adults D. minors

6A. avoided B. clarified C. raised D. improved

7A. corrected B. approved C. updated D. spread

8A. completely B. correctly C. specifically D. partly

9A. smokers B. sellers C. lookers-on D. users

10A. older B. younger C. wiser D. nicer


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one's mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like“I was wrong about that,” and it is even harder to say,“I was wrong, and you were right about that.”

I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been the manager of a certain store in the neighborhood where I grew up, and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons (in many countries, eggs are sold by the dozen and are put in cartons.) Then he related an incident (event, matter) and I began to remember unclearly the incident he was describing.

I was about eight years old at the time. I went into the store with my mother to do some shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the food department where the incident took place.

There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there were lots of eggs in dozen and half-dozen cartons. The cartons were put three or four feet high. I must have stopped in front of the piles of egg cartons. Just then a woman came by pushing her shopping cart and knocked off the cartons. For some reason, I decided it was up to me to put the eggs back together, so I went to work.

The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened. When he appeared, I was on my knees looking at some of the cartons to see if any of the eggs were broken, but to him it looked as though I was the one who just did it. He severely reprimanded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs. I tried to explain, but it did no good. Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident, it is plain that the manager did not.

1Which is the correct order of the following?

a. I forgot all about the incident.

b. I went into the store.

c. A woman knocked off the egg cartons.

d. I stood in front of the egg cartons.

e. The manager reminded me of the incident.

f. The manager didn't believe my explanation.

g. I picked up the unbroken eggs.

A. b; d; g; c; a; f; e B. b; d; c; g; f; e; a

C. b; c; d ;g; e; f; a D. b; d; c; g; f; a; e

2The word “reprimanded” in the last paragraph most exactly means “_________ ”.

A. frightened B. scolded

C. warned D. comforted

3The best title for this passage should be________ .

A. A Case of Mistake B. The Manager I Never Forget

C. The Manager and I D. An Incident 15 Years Ago


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What does the man do?

A.A sportsman.B.A tour guide.C.A sports writer.

2What does the woman think of the man’s job?



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】—I failed to be admitted to my ideal university. Bad luck!

—How can you expect ________ a chance of success since you haven't committed yourself to it?

A. there being B. there to be

C. it to be D. it being


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Alibaba, Bank of China and Huawei—these are the dream employers for Chinese students, according to a new survey.

“The survey of more than 55,000 students, conducted by the research firm Universum, has found that roughly a quarter want to work for an international company, while only 9 want to work for a start-up. Five percent want to start their own business.”

The students said that work-1ife balance was the most important career goal, followed by job stability. When it comes to desirable companies, Bank of China has been named the top choice by business students for seven consecutive years, and the gigantic state-owned firm shows no signs of giving up its lead.

William Wu, the China country manager for Universum, said that banking remains an attractive industry for young Chinese. “China’s government is now emphasizing the revolution of the finance industry, which leaves the younger generation with the impression that although banking is a traditional industry, there are still a lot of development opportunities.” Wu said.

E-commerce giant Alibaba (BABA, Tech30) improved six places from 2014, ranking second among business students. Alibaba’s rise shouldn’t come as much of a surprise—the company held a record-breaking $25 billion IPO in September.

Among engineering students, Alibaba was once again a bridesmaid. Instead, Huawei—a telecoms infrastructure firm that now makes consumer products-took the top spot.

“Both of these companies are pioneers in terms of local companies going international.” said Wu. “It shows that… an international development strategy has a positive influence among Chinese young talents.” Tech companies ruled the rankings for humanities students, with Alibaba—which was ninth in 2014 landing at the top. Last year, Apple was the Number l choice of Chinese students.

1What’s the percentage of the surveyed students who want to join a company set up recently

A.Five percent.

B.Twenty-five percent.

C.Nine percent.

D.Twenty percent.

2What is the second most important career goal for the students?

A.Work-life balance.

B.Job stability.


D.Their own business.

3In William Wu’s viewpoint, a native company that _______ will attract graduates.

A.is rooted only in China

B.makes consumer products

C.goes international

D.just aims at the foreign market

4What does the passage want to tell us mainly

A.What companies students want to work for.

B.Why students have to go to university.

C.How a company can develop well.

D.Where students’ success lies in.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Dear Dad,

On this date of your 50th birthday, Mom gave me the letter you wrote me when I was born 18 years ago. In your letter, you 1(wish) me to be strong-minded and successful. You were looking forward to 2(see) me fight for my future bravely and do well for 3 and others.

After reading this letter, I feel quite 4(shock) at your5(expect) on me. I also feel shamed 6not having performed well to meet your demand. I still remember when I was in primary school, I failed to apply myself to studying. I was addicted to computer games. As a consequence, I soon became the last one in my class. You didn’t abuse me at all. 7the contrary, you taught me that studying was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me to study hard. Only 8I read your letter did I realize that I behaved so badly at that time and you were so sad to see I didn’t do well for myself.

I can’t help expressing my gratitude and sending my best wishes to you. Wish you9(health) and happy. I promise that I will spare no effort to satisfy your demand of being10brave and successful person.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Although it was autumn,the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet. Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles?That's what we looked likeAlong the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze. However,the lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful. Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She is very reliable and I knew I didn’t need to encourage her. To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around uswe were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. Then we began going down the hills. It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer. In the valleys colorful butterflies flew around us and we saw many yaks and sheep eating green grass. At this point we had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.

In the early evening we always stop make camp. We put up tent and then we eat. After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed awake. At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so quiet. There was almost no wind-only the flames of our fire for company.

Part 1

As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had already traveled.



We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon, where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us. We can hardly wait to see them!


