
How to make friends

Choosing friends

Before you make friends,you have to decide who you want to be your friends.Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things as they do.That doesn’t mean you have to be exactly like each other,just that you enjoy some of the same things.Think about your favorite things to do and try to talk to your classmates at lunch or rest about your hobbies.You are sure to find at least one person who’s excited about the same things that excite and interest you,too.

Making friends

●The quickest way to make a friend is to smile.When you smile,people think you are friendly and easy to talk to.It may not be easy at first to smile.But you can practice smiling in front of a mirror.When you look at yourself in the mirror,think if you’d rather talk to your smiling face or your usual scared or angry face.

●One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about them.Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.Doesn’t it make you want to talk to him?

●Ask your new friends questions about themselves.It’s the only way to get to know what they’re like and it’s the only way they’ll know that you are interested in them.

●Make sure you have something to add to the conversation,too.When someone asks you a question,do have an answer for them.There is nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug(聳肩) for an answer.


After you’ve made a friend who shares the same interests with you,it’s always fun to plan activities together that you’ll both enjoy.Inviting a friend to your house after school is a great way to make your friendship closer.

If you know a game your friend likes to play,you can plan to do that together.When you play a computer game,one person is always left sitting with nothing to do but watch.Not fun.

【1】Before you make friends with someone,make sure .

A.both of you are exactly like each other

B.both of you enjoy some of the same interests

C.you have talked to him or her at lunch or rest about your hobbies

D.you have little in common with each other

【2】When you want to make friends with someone,you should do all the following except .

A.smiling at him or her before talking

B.starting a conversation first

C.asking some questions about him or her

D.giving a shrug instead of an answer

【3】To make your friendship last long,you shouldn’t .

A.do something that interests both of you together

B.invite your friend to your house at weekends

C.be always doing something by yourself with your friend left doing nothing

D.play basketball together in your free time







【1】由第一段“You are sure to find at least one person who’s excited about the same things that excite and interest you,too.” 可知,交朋友應該興趣相同。

【2】由“Making friends”欄下面幾項可知D項符合題意。

【3】由最后一段“When you play a computer game,one person is always left sitting with nothing to do but watch.Not fun.”這一信息可知,C項正確。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1With high technology introduced, the average output of the factory is __________ (steady) increasing.

2I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers ___________ (swim) before my eyes.

3All kinds of promotion activities were launched, _________ (intend) for the New Year Market.

4Students loans are supposed to provide financial support for the students who would _____________not be able to go to college.

5We can never expect ____________bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.

6The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and accused him ______ speeding.

7Some hobbies are relaxing; ______________ are creative.

8_____________ is your address?

9We used to mistake that heavy objects fell faster than light ______________.

10Health experts believe that even a little exercise is far better than ______________ at all.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Pets are popular. They’re good listeners, they encourage us to exercise, and they’re always on our side when we argue with others. They can bring people comfort and pleasure.

But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick. Washing your hands often especially after you touch, feed, or clean up a pet is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease. Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)carefully every time you wash.

You also can protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animal cages or cat litter boxes. Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub (浴缸), but if you do, always disinfect (消毒) the tub immediately afterward.

Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.

You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy. Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them. It’s not a good idea to share your food with your pet. Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick. Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs (細菌) that cause serious illness.

And funny as it can be to see your dog or cat drinking from the toilet, don’t let pets do this. It’s bad for your pet’s health! Give them clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Never give milk to cats. The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother. Cow’s milk is not for pets, especially for cats, as it makes them sick.

Finally, some animals aren’t pets. Don’t take in a wild or abandoned (被拋棄的) animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick. Instead, turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Too many people want others to be friends,but they dont give friendship back.That is why some friendships dont last long.To have a friend,you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest;be generous;be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friend starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.If you do not tell the truth,people usually find out that.If a friend finds out that you havent been honest,you may lose your friends trust.Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes of course.Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your hobbies and your interests.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you.By sharing them,you help your friend know better.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be the first step in solving the problem.So a friend must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friends place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendships are ever exactly alike.But true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends,you must practice honesty,generosity,and understanding.


【1】Whats the best title of the passage?

A.Three Important Points in Life

B.How to Be a Good Friend

C.Honesty Is the Most Important Quality

D.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

【2】Some friendships dont last long because .

A.some people dont treat friendship seriously

B.there are too many people who want to make friends

C.they dont share their lunch money

D.some people only receive friendship but dont give friendship back

【3】According to the passage,honesty is .

A.the base of friendship

B.as important as our life

C.more important than anything else

D.something valuable

【4】To be a friend,you must .

A.give your money to your friend

B.give your clothes to your friend

C.be honest,generous and understanding

D.help your friend to do everything


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】 From 18-25, according to I.Q. scores;but you are wiser and more experienced with increasing age. You are smartest in your 20's; around 30, your memory begins to go down, particularly your ability to perform mathematical computations(數(shù)學計算). 2 Your vocabulary at the age of 45, for example, is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain has almost four times as much information as it did at the age of 21.

3 You have the best physical sense of yourself from 15 to 24; the best professional sense from 40 to 49. Before the age of 24, we believe that our happiest years are yet to come;over 30,we believe that they are behind us. A National Health survey agrees: after the age of 30, we become more realistic and do not view happiness as a goal in itself. If we keep our health, achieve professional and emotional goals, happiness, we feel, will follow.

4 Generally between 30 and 39, but the peak (頂峰)varies with different professions(職業(yè)). Mozart wrote a symphony and four sonatas by the age of 8, and Mendelssohn composed his bestknown work A Midsummer Night's Dream at 17, but most of the great music was written by men between 33 and 39.

Though the peak in most fields comes early, most Nobel Prize winners did their top research in their late 20's and 30's—creative people continue to produce work with high quality(質(zhì)量) throughout their lives. 5

A. When are you most creative ?

B. When are you happiest?

C. When are you smartest?

D. Do you know what I.Q. refers to?

E. But your I.Q. for other tasks goes up.

F. Creative people usually produce a lot of works.

G. For the “wellconditioned mind”, there is no upper limit.(限制)


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Windmills(風車)dot the landscape,producing a renewable energy source.Our pioneer ancestors established windmills as a means of bringing water to the surface.To tell the truth,the history of wind energy is very long.Since early recorded history,people have been harnessing the energy of the wind.Wind energy drove boats along the Nile River as early as 5000 BC.By 200 BC,simple windmills in China were pumping water,while well-designed windmills were grinding(磨)grain in Persia and the Middle East.

New innovations and curiosity helped spread interest in windmills and wind power.Middle Eastern citizens used them for food production by the 11th century.Merchants along trade routes returned to Europe and shared the idea.Windmills caught on,especially in Holland,and the Dutch improved their use.Here,windmills drained lakes and other bodies of water.In France,the windmill pumped irrigation water.Elsewhere in Europe,windmills were used to grind grain.

By the 19th century,settlers in the United States realized the importance of the simple windmill.Pioneers pumped water for livestock(牲畜)and farming.As estimated six million windmills dotted America’s landscape by the end of the 1880s.Charles Brush,the US inventor,invented a windmill capable of producing electricity in 1888.And now the machines are called wind turbines.As late as the 1920s,Americans used small windmills to provide electricity in rural areas without electric service.When power lines began to transport electricity to rural areas in the 1930s,local windmills were used less and less,though they can still be seen on some Western farms.

In the 1970s,oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources,paving the way for the re-entry of the windmill to produce electricity.In the early 1980s,wind energy really took off in California,partly because of State policies that encouraged renewable energy sources.In the 1990s,the push came from a renewed concern for the environment in response to scientific studies indicating potential changes to the global climate if the use of fossil fuels continues to increase.Wind energy is an economical power resource in many areas of the country.

Wind energy isn’t a new phenomenon,but using wind turbines to create and use electricity is a trend that continues to sweep across the globe.

【1】The underlined word “harnessing” in Paragraph 1 is the closest in meaning to ”.

A.having influence on

B.controlling and using

C.talking about and studying

D.showing interest in

【2】As for the application of windmills,Europe .

A.became well-known all over the world first

B.first began food production

C.increased trade activities with other places

D.followed the example of the Middle East

【3】According to the passage,Charles Brush .

A.created the first electricity-producing machine in the world

B.first used windmills in the US

C.was a pioneer in producing electricity from wind

D.improved the economic strength in rural areas of the US

【4】What is the best title for the passage?

A.The importance of wind power

B.How does wind energy work?

C.The history of wind energy

D.When was wind power first used?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







參考詞匯:商丘古城--the ancient city of Shangqiu 應天書院--Ying tian Academy

南湖--the South Lake

Dear Tim,

Welcome to my hometown, Shangqiu. ___________________________________________




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The Koran

Most religions have some kind of holy text on which the religious beliefs are based. For Christians this text is the Holy Bible; for Jews it is the Torah and for Muslims it is the Koran.

Muslims believe that the Koran 【1】(consist) of revelations from God to Muhammad during the years 610 to 632 when Muhammad died. These revelations were written down by those 【2】 were close to him during this time and for several years after his death. They were gathered into the text 【3】(know) as the Koran during the years 630 to 650.

The interpretation of the Koran has always been a difficult task, even for Islamic scholars. For example, the meanings of some words are determined by dots above the vowels(元音). In ancient Arabic, however, very often these dots 【4】(omit). As a result some letters looked identical. Thus, the meanings of these words depended in many cases 【5】 the memories of the men who had written them. Early Muslims had to try to get the exact meanings of the words 【6】 these people died and it was too late.

Unlike the Bible, in which the events are provided in time order, there is no reference to 【7】 things occurred in the Koran. In any case, unlike the Bible, most the suras - sections - are composed of orders and warnings. Unlike in the Bible, there are very few stories in the Koran.

Muslims believe that by 【8】(recite) the book, they create a holy atmosphere, and there are many Muslims who have learned the Koran by heart.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life.How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis.The three steps are:

Get the facts

Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you can’t possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently.Without the facts, all you can do is wondering around in confusion.It is not an easy job to get facts.When you are worried, your emotions are riding high.__1__.

When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person.__2__You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree.Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case.You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.


Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry.And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step.For example, what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I’m going to do about it.After carefully weighing all the facts, you can calmly come to a decision.

Act on that decision.

__4__ How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy.Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.__5__ If you know a situation is beyond your power, say to yourself: It is so; it can’t be otherwise.” Don’t permit little things to ruin your happiness.Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

A. Accept what can’t be avoided.

B. Analyze the facts.

C. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

D. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

E. Unless you take your action, all your face-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.

F. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

G. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence.

