
Not long ago, I was at a state conference (會議) with a group preparing for a week of meetings. I walked into the room where a handful of volunteers were ______ collating (裝訂整理) handouts. I asked if I could help. One of the ladies _____ said “Oh, no, thank you” and offered me a chair to just sit while they worked.

Then, another volunteer came into the room, saw me sitting there doing nothing and said: “Hey, Larry, come on over here. There’s work to do, and you can help.” He put a couple of chairs ______, placed two stacks of handouts on them and ______: “OK, the left sheet goes on top of the right one.”

“Fine. I can handle that,” I said. And just like that, I was now part of the team.

This member of the group saw that my ______ did not mean an inability to help. ______, I thanked him for having included me, and asked ______ motivated his action. He said: “Well, I figured ______ one more set of hands we’d finish more quickly. I was just using ______.”

I’m sure that the kind folks who initially (最初) ______ my offer of help did not mean to offend (冒犯) me. It just seemed more appropriate to them to say “No, thank you” than to stop their work and try and ______ how to include me. And that’s the real issue here. Too often, people with disabilities are _______ – within their _____ or within a social setting – because of their disability and not because of their inability.

It’s important for all of us to feel part of the group and to feel that we ______. It’s important to our self-esteem (自尊). And it is even more important for people with disabilities. ______ means we are accepted, appreciated and _____ as a full and ______ member of the group. It sends a ______ that states: “To us, your abilities are more important than your disability.”

【1】A. focused B. devoted C. busy D. bored

【2】A. particularly B. charmingly C. stiffly D. politely

【3】A. aside B. together C. away D. out

【4】A. instructed B. yawned C. whispered D. convinced

【5】A. part B. help C. issue D. disability

【6】A. Sooner B. Later C. However D. Otherwise

【7】A. it B. which C. that D. what

【8】A. by B. of C. with D. through

【9】A. detailed evidence B. common senseC. confident gesture D. facial expression

【10】A. turned down B. reacted to C. came across D. defended against

【11】A. focus on B. figure out C. pick out D. refer to

【12】A. excluded B. included C. supported D. brightened

【13】A. conference B. nationality C. community D. occupation

【14】A. observe B. intend C. remain D. belong

【15】A. Consideration B. Inclusion C. Connection D. Function

【16】A. advanced B. valued C. represented D. inspired

【17】A. equal B. unique C. major D. fortunate

【18】A. comment B. fantasy C. message D. statement






















【1】C考查形容詞。A. focused集中精力的;B. devoted忠誠的;C. busy忙碌的;D. bored感到厭煩的。句意:我走進房間,在那里一些志愿者正忙著整理講義。故選C。

【2】D考查副詞。A. particularly特別地;B. charmingly迷人地,愉悅地;C. stiffly僵硬地,生硬地; D. politely禮貌地。根據(jù)上句I asked if I could help.我問是否我能幫忙。可知下句:一位女士有禮貌地說,謝謝。故選D。

【3】B考查副詞。A. aside 在旁邊,在一邊;B. together 在一起;C. away離開;D. out在外面。句意:他把幾把椅子放在一起。故選B。

【4】A考查動詞。A. instructed指導(dǎo); B. yawned打呵欠, 張開; C. whispered低語;D. convinced使確信。句意:他把幾把椅子放在一起,在他們上面放了兩個講義,并指導(dǎo)說,---。故選A。

【5】D考查名詞。A. part部分;B. help幫助;C. issue 問題,(報刊的) 期;D. disability殘疾。句意:我的殘疾并不意味著我沒有幫忙的能力。故選D。

【6】B考查副詞。A. Sooner更早; B. Later 更遲;C. However然而;D. Otherwise要不然的話。句意:后來,因為把我包括在內(nèi)而感謝他。故選B。

【7】D考查賓語從句。A. it B. which C. that D. what。句意:我問是什么促進了他的行動。此處賓語從句缺少引導(dǎo)詞,缺少主語,故選D。

【8】C考查介詞。A. by在---旁邊;B. of---的;C. with和---一起;D. through穿過---。句意:我想出了另一雙我們更快完成的手。故選C。

【9】B考查名詞。A. detailed evidence 詳細的證據(jù);B. common sense常識;C. confident gesture自信的姿勢;D. facial expression面部表情。句意:我只是在用常識。故選B。

【10】A考查動詞詞組。A. turned down調(diào)小,拒絕;B. reacted to回應(yīng);C. came across偶遇;D. defended against防守。句意:我確信最初拒絕我?guī)兔Φ娜瞬⒉淮蛩忝胺肝。故選A。

【11】B考查動詞詞組。A. focus on集中在;B. figure out明白,理解;C. pick out分辨出;D. refer to提到。句意:他們說“不,謝謝”比停下他們的工作,嘗試著明白怎樣把我包括在內(nèi)似乎更合適。故選B。

【12】A考查動詞。A. excluded排斥,排除; B. included包括;C. supported支持;D. brightened(使) 發(fā)亮,(使) 生色。根據(jù)常識可知:殘疾人受排斥。故選A。

【13】C考查名詞。A. conference會議,討論;B. nationality國籍,民族性;C. community社區(qū);D. occupation職業(yè),工作。句意:在他們的社區(qū)或在社會環(huán)境內(nèi)。故選C。

【14】D考查動詞。A. observe 觀察;B. intend打算;C. remain 保持,依然,留下; D. belong屬于。句意:我們感到是這組的一部分和感到我們屬于這里的一個成員是很重要的。故選D。

【15】B考查名詞。A. Consideration考慮;B. Inclusion包含;C. Connection連接;D. Function功能。句意:包含意味著被接受、被欣賞。故選B。

【16】B考查動詞。A. advanced提前;B. valued評估,珍惜;C. represented代表;D. inspired鼓舞。句意:包含意味著作為一名完整的、平等的組員而被接受、被欣賞和被珍惜。故選B。

【17】A考查形容詞。A. equal 平等的;B. unique獨一無二的;C. major主要的;D. fortunate幸運的。句意:作為一名完整的、平等的組員。故選A。

【18】C考查名詞。A. comment評論;B. fantasy幻想; C. message消息;D. statement陳述。句意:傳遞的一條信息就是“對我們來說,你的能力比你的殘疾更重要”。故選C。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Paraphrase the sentences

【1】The government has announced to rescue the cultural inheritance at any cost.

The government has announced to rescue the cultural inheritance_______ _________ _______ .

2Whatever her faults, I’ll stand by her side.

Whatever her faults, I’ll ________ _________ _______ her.

3“Be cautious about the statistics because we draw our conclusion on the basis of them,”he said.

“Be cautious about the statistics ______ ______ to ______ our conclusion ,”he said.

4 They attempted to persuade him to give up the original plan, but in vain(徒勞地).

______was a ______ of effort for them to attempt to persuade him to give up the original plan.

5As the National Day is coming, the children are getting more excited.

With the National Day _______ _______ ________, the children are getting more excited.

6 All the football players of Guangzhou Hengda are training hard, intending to get the champion in the AFC Champions League.

_______ the _______ of getting the champion in the AFC Champions League, all the football players of Guangzhou Hengda are training hard.

7 If she took the trip to New York, I would go to see her off at the airport.

______ she ______ the trip to New York, I would go to see her off at the airport.

8Dad, Where Are We Going’, a popular TV reality show on Hunan Satellite TV, leaves a deep impression on me.

I’m ______ a lot ______ ‘Dad, Where Are We Going’, a popular TV reality show on Hunan Satellite TV.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。

Helicopter parenting is an expression that describes parents who are over focused on their child, like a helicopter hovering ( 盤旋 ) closely over him, whether he needs them or not.

__【1】__ As family sizes are getting smaller, more attention is focused on the one or two children and some parents have responded by taking more control over their lives. Also, many parents are making an attempt to develop close bonds with their children, often being overly involved in their lives. Also, some parents always fear that their children may fail in what they want to achieve, so they try to prevent the serious consequence, especially if it seems it could be avoided with parental involvement.

Sometimes the practice continues to spread due to what is called “peer (同齡人) pressure”. When parents observe other parents overparenting, it will pressure them to do the same to make sure that their own children don’t fall behind.

__2__ For example, by always “doing” for the child, the hovering parents don’t give the child a chance to fully develop his sense of independence. As a result, the child may lack the confidence necessary to do well in school. As an adult, he might find it difficult to deal with life’s challenges. __3__ Research has shown that helicopter parents have more anxiety because they constantly judge their own value by their children’s success.

__4__ Experts suggest that you should let your child do tasks that he is physically and mentally capable of doing by himself, which will help to build a self-confident kid. __5___ Gradually, your child will learn independence as he steps out on his own. Meanwhile, valuable lessons can occur when making mistakes. So if your child is allowed to make mistakes, he’s given the opportunity to learn from those lessons.

A. So how can you avoid being a helicopter parent?

B. There are a number of reasons for helicopter parenting.

C. There may be various consequences of helicopter parenting.

D. The term “helicopter parents” has been widely used in the media.

E. This parenting style also affects the parents.

F. It is also important to let your child struggle while trying new activities.

G. Some parents are just protecting their investment or acting like any other consumer.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】It’s hard to tell what kind of person he is. On one o______________, he is normal and on another, he behaves strangely.

【2】We can not afford an expensive package tour abroad because we have a tight b______________.

【3】This exercise is beyond me. Could you give me an e______________ of how to work it out?

【4】The cartoon movie, originally i______________ for kids, has turned out to attract adults so much.

【5】Our argument was so c______________ that I was 100% sure we would win the debate.

【6】 Doctors say that even a single b______________ existing in air, water or soil can be a cause of disease.

【7】Alibaba has been e______________ its business over the last decade and has now been a world-class company.

【8】When we say the festival is around the corner or on the way, it means the festival is a______________.

【9】Cathy doesn't care about what she eats,but she is very p_______________ about what she wears.

【10】O______________ by fear and despair, she found herself unable to speak a single word.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


While the rest of the world is waking up as the weather turns warm, our bodies may not respond the same way. Many of us may share the same feeling of inexplicable drowsiness as we embrace spring, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a term for it: chunkun, "spring sleepiness".


1. Don't sleep more, exercise more

Eight hours of sleep is usually enough for adults. Getting longer sleep may reduce activity in thecerebral cortex, making people sleepier.2. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming and rope skipping, are recommended.


A cup of coffee or tea that contains a good amount of caffeine is good for the health, and is important to keep us alert for important occasions, such as crucial meeting.However, too much coffee may cause an accelerated heartbeat, anxiety and other symptoms that may be linked to heart problems.

3. Splash cold water on your face

If a cup of coffee doesn't keep you awake long enough, try splashing cold water on your face,which is always refreshing.

4. Get some fresh air

4. Bad air flow will lead to insufficient oxygen, which will affect the brain's performance.

5. Drink enough water

Try to always have a bottle of water next to you, as it can help to eliminate accumulated toxins and help to fight spring fatigue.5.

If none of the above tips work for you, you should be fine by the end of April.

AFight back with caffeine but do not overdose

BFind the natural scent that awakes you

CMake sure that air flows properly in your office and bedroom.

DYou can also add slices of lemon to make it vitamin-rich.

E. Alsogooutdoorstogetclosetonature.

F. Although spring sleepiness is not an illness, the following tips might be essential for those who really need to stay awake.

G. Instead, a slight increase of the level of your physical activity will make us feel awake and energetic.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Whether you are a fan of athletics or not, chances are ___【1】__ you have heard of Usain Bolt--- the fastest man on the planet.

After the 29-year-old Jamaican had won victories in the 100- and 200-meter men’s dashes, Aug 29 saw him take home a third gold medal in a week at the 2015 World Athletics Championships in Beijing, ___【2】_ (lead) his national team to victory ___【3】__ the men’s 4× 400 relay final.

___【4】_ Reuters put it, “When __【5】___ comes to major championship sprinting(短跑),Bolt simply has no equal.”This partly explains why the sprinter always ___【6】___ (wild) celebrates his wins. After each match, he does the trademark “Lightening Bolt” pose---putting one arm into the sky, as if he were about to throw a bolt of lightning at the stars. ___【7】___ 2012 London Olympics also saw him look back across the track at his competitors , do a couple of push-ups (俯臥撐)once he had stopped.

Some have called him a “showman”, but“ these will just add to the charm of Bolt---one of the most __8__ (joy), self-confident athletes you’ll ever see”, wrote the Business Insider.

Indeed, now with six Olympic gold medals and 11 World Championships titles under his belt, the Jamaican star ___9_ (prove) “his ability to get the __【10__ (good) out of his huge natural talent”, Reuters noted.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Texting (發(fā)短信) is nearly universal among people with cell phones. While texting can be a great way to stay in touch and to share the feelings of daily life, it sure has a downside. 【1】 Read on to learn why it is time to put the phone down even if it’s just for an hour or an afternoon.

2 We all know that cell phone use during the week hours can disturb our sleep patterns, but it's also true that texting during the day could harm our ability to get a good night’s sleep. In a recent study, researchers found that the more people texted during the day, the poorer their sleep was.

Your posture (姿勢) is suffering. Texting can actually harm your whole body. People get so focused on their phones that they end up holding their neck and upper back in uncomfortable positions for a long time. That’s why people coined the phrase ‘text neck’, which refers to postural pain. 3 Bring your phone to eye level while you use it. Oh, and give your phone a rest!

4 Your texting could be a liability to the people around you. A recent study found that one in three people was distracted by mobile devices while walking. And texting walkers were four times more likely to ignore traffic lights and fail to look both ways at a cross.

Your school or work performance will suffer. Researchers discovered students texting too much gave worse performance in class. 5 Just reading or sending a text while working can increase the number of mistakes a worker makes during a single task.

A. It makes you a less responsible walker.

B. It’ll do harm to your sleep at night.

C. It can prevent you from really enjoying the activities you treasure.

D. We can’t believe we still have to say this, but it affects your driving.

E. But it isn’t just college students who face texting distractions (分神).

F. What do we lose when we get lost in the texting life?

G. Want to get rid of the effect of all this bending and texting?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】請根據(jù)下列提示要點,以“The Ways to Keep Healthy” 為題,寫一篇短文。


1. 人人都想保持健康。




1. 短文須包括上述所有要點,可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),使短文連貫。




Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Some Ways to Deal With Hardship and Pain in Life

Regardless of the difficulties you may face, it’s getting back up and moving forward that counts the most when you need to deal with hardship. 【1】

Write or talk about how you feel

Keeping my feelings to myself used to make me feel lonely, but when I found someone who actually cared about me, it became natural to share how I felt with him and that contributed to my ability to overcome troublesome situations. 2 Although talking to strangers about your issues may seem crazy, it actually isn’t.


It is said that running away from your problems will never help, and though that’s partially true, it doesn’t mean that you need to make yourself go so deeply into a situation that you run out of air to breathe and lose the ability to weigh the pros and cons of your choices. That happens more than we like to admit, which is why it’s important to separate yourself from a situation long enough to think clearly without having people hanging over your shoulders.

Remind yourself that you’re not alone

Regardless of who or what you depend on, you need to remind yourself that you are not alone; you have people who do care. 4 Sometimes it’s strangers who may share the same feelings as you do. Think about it—you may not know any of these readers personally but they could be in the exact same situation as you, so in fact, no one is truly alone.

Accept the results and get back up again

5 Whether the results of your choices proved to be helpful or not, it’s time for you to accept them and get back up. This time you have a new experience to add to your book of life so the next time something tries to knock you down, it won’t be easy because you will be strong and determined to push forward. Life will go on, time will never stand still, and it rests upon you to make the right decision of moving forward.

A. Separate yourself from the situation.

B. Tell yourself to accept the hardship.

C. Finally, it’s time to accept what has happened.

D. All in all, remember that life is short.

E. Not only did I speak to him about how I felt, but I decided to blog about it.

F. Here are some things I've tried just to help me believe in a brighter future and get over a tough situation.

G. Even if it’s just one person, that’s enough to give you reason to remind yourself that you will never truly be alone.

