
On Knowing the Difference

It is as though we can know nothing of a thing until we know its name. Can we be said to know what a pigeon is unless we know that it is a pigeon? We may have seen it again and again, and noted it as a bird with a full bosom and swift wings. But if we are not able to name it except vaguely as a “bird”, we seem to be separated from it by a vast distance of ignorance. Learn that it is a pigeon however, and immediately it rushes towards us across the distance, like something seen through a telescope. No doubt to the pigeon fancier (愛好者) this would seem but the most basic knowledge, and he would not think much of our acquaintance with pigeons if we could not tell a carrier from a pouter. That is the charm (魅力) of knowledge—it is merely a door into another sort of ignorance.

There are always new differences to be discovered, new names to be learned, new individualities to be known, new classifications to be made. No man with a grain of either poetry or the scientific spirit in him has any right to be bored with the world, though he lived for a thousand years.

There is scarcely a subject that does not contain sufficient differences to keep an explorer happy for a lifetime. It is said that thirteen thousand species of butterflies have already been discovered, and it is suggested that there may be nearly twice as many that have so far escaped the naturalists Many men give all the pleasant hours of their lives to learning how to know the difference between one kind of moth () and another. One used to see these moth-hunters on windless nights chasing their quarry fantastically with nets in the light of lamps. In chasing moths, they chase knowledge. This, they feel, is life at its most exciting, its most intense.

The townsman passing a field of sheep finds it difficult to believe that the shepherd can distinguish between one and another of them with as much certainty as if they were his children. And do not most of us think of foreigners as beings who are all turned out as if on a pattern, like sheep?

Thus our first generalizations spring from ignorance rather than from knowledge. They are true, as long as we know that they are not entirely true. As soon as we begin to accept them as absolute truths, they become lies. I do not wish to deny the importance of generalizations. It is not possible to think or even to act without them. The generalization that is founded on a knowledge of and a delight in the variety of things is the end of all science and poetry.

Title: On Knowing the Difference

Passage outline

Supporting details

The 1 of a name in knowing a thing

● Not knowing its name, you will feel distantly 2 from a thing however many times you’ve seen it.

● A thing will become magically close and 3 to you the moment you are able to name it.

● The charm of knowledge 4 in that its boundaries can be always pushed back.

A world full of differences

● As there’s always something new remaining to be 5, one is not supposed to Suffer any boredom with the world in his lifetime.

● One subject alone contains so many 6 that anyone interested may have to devote his 7 to learning them.

● By chasing knowledge, people will experience the greatest 8 and intensity that life can offer.

True but never entirely true generalizations

● The way the townsman look at sheep and we look at foreigners illustrates that our first generalizations are made out of 9 of knowledge.

● Important as generalizations are in our thinking and acting, they will become lies once we regard them as absolute 10.

● Coming to know the variety of things with delight is the final generalization all science and poetry aim to make.






5explored/ discovered











考查原詞重現(xiàn)。第一段第三行...we seem to be separated from it by a vast distance of ignorance.不知道具體命名,人們就對事物沒有清晰認知,和其本質(zhì)有距離感,故填separated。


考查理解概括題。第一段第四行...it rushes towards us across the distancelike something seen

through a telescope.有了名字,人們看待事物就如同從望遠鏡中看見,又靠近又清晰,故填



考查理解概括題。第一段最后一句That is the charm of knowledge--it is merely a door into another sort of ignorance.知識的魅力在于它就像一扇通往另一種“無知”的門,lie/consist in 有在于的意思,故填 lies/consists。


考查原詞重現(xiàn)。第二段第一句There are always new differences to be discovered..總有新的事物等待發(fā)現(xiàn),故填explored/discovered。


考查原詞重現(xiàn)。第三段第一句There is scarcely a subject that does not contain sufficient differences to keep an explorer happy for a life time.很少有一個主題是不包含大量的不同的,雙重否定表肯定,換言之都包含很多不同,故填differences。




考查原詞重現(xiàn)。第三段最后一句...is life at its most exciting,its most intense.追逐知識可以使得人們體會到生命最興奮最充實的感受,結(jié)合題干形容詞轉(zhuǎn)名詞,故填excitement


考查理解概括題。第五段第一句...first generalization spring from ignorance rather than from knowledge.這一代是從無知而長大,而不是在知識的熏陶下長大,也就是缺少知識,lack of表示缺乏,故填lack


考查原詞重現(xiàn)。第五段第二行 As soon as we begin to accept them as absolute truths, they become lies.當我們認定一個事物是絕對真理的時候,那它就變成了謊言,故填truth(s)。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Communication roadblocks are very common. They occur when two people talk in such a way that neither one feels understood.1However, there are several ways to help individuals overcome roadblocks.

Soften the startup. One of the skills to overcome communication roadblocks is to begin a conversation by starting with something positive, expressing appreciation and taking responsibility for thoughts and feelings.2For example, 'I want to stay more involved in making decisions about money' rather than 'You never include me in financial decisions. '

Make and receive repair attempts. Another important skill in overcoming communication roadblocks is learning to make and receive repair attempts. They are efforts to prevent an increasingly negative interaction from going any further.3This is important because when conflicts appear, we often experience stress that can affect our ability to think and reason, which can lead to communication roadblocks. Taking time away from the conflict to calm down can help us be more prepared to discuss the issue.

4Overcoming communication roadblocks requires each partner to take turns being the speaker and the listener so that each has a chance to express themselves effectively. The goal is not to solve a particular problem, but rather to have a safe and meaningful discussion and to understand each other's point of view, which may lead to more effective communication.

Dealing with communication roadblocks can take large amounts of mental, emotional, and physical energy. But learning and using a few simple skills can increase positive communication with others.5

A.Use effective speaking and listening skills.

B.Deal with roadblocks in communicating with partners.

C.Sometimes we can take a break or make efforts to calm the situation.

D.They are not good for effective communication and often deepen the conflicts.

E.The opportunities for personal and relationship growth are well worth the effort.

F.In addition, starting the message in the first person can promote positive communication.

G.Recognizing roadblocks and trying to communicate effectively help positive interactions.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Now, you may be thinking, “Oh my goodness, how do I start to get better sleep? 1” Well, beyond avoiding the damaging and harmful impact of alcohol and caffeine on sleep, and if you’re struggling with sleep at night, avoiding naps during the day, I have two pieces of advice for you.

The first is regularity. Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, no matter whether it’s the weekday or the weekend. Regularity is king, and it will anchor your sleep and improve the quantity and the quality of that sleep.

2 Your body needs to drop its core temperature by about two to three degrees Fahrenheit (華氏) to initiate sleep and then to stay asleep, and it’s the reason you will always find it easier to fall asleep in a room that’s too cold than too hot. So aim for a bedroom temperature of around 65 degrees, or about 18 degrees Celsius (攝氏度). 3

And then finally, in taking a step back, then, what is the mission-critical statement here? Well, I think it may be this: sleep, unfortunately, is not an optional lifestyle luxury. 4 It is your life-support system, and it is Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality (長生不老). And the decrease of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a disastrous impact on our health, our wellness, even the safety and the education of our children. 5 And it’s fast becoming one of the greatest public health challenges that we face in the 21st century.

A.Is it a good idea to stay up?

B.The second is keep it cool.

C.It’s a silent sleep loss disease.

D.Sleep is a biological necessity.

E.What are your tips for good sleep?

F.That’s going to be the best option for the sleep of most people.

G.You can’t update your memory if you don’t have enough sleep.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

Recently, a little dog was playing out in its yard with its owner Henry 1 a baby koala jumped onto its back. The confused dog moved around, trying2 (get) rid of the animal, which was holding tightly onto its fur. Every time it thought it was successful, the smart koala found a way to climb back on again.

The gentle dog 3 (eventual) managed to get rid of the koala by rolling on its back, at which point the koala ran back into the trees in search of4 (it) real mom. Henry, who caught the entire scene on camera, says the koala, who lives in his backyard, is newly independent of its mother. He thinks it may have mistaken his friendly dog5 its parent.

Though often6 (refer) to as “bears”, koala are not a member of the Ursidae ( )family to 7 conventional bears belong. Instead, the animals, which can 8 (find) in Australia, are similar to kangaroos. Koala babies, which are blind when born, spend the first six months of their lives inside their mother’s bags and the next six 9 (hold) onto their backs or bellies. The animals depend only on leaves for their10(survive), consuming as much as 2.5 pounds a day.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華, 上周日你校舉辦了5公里越野賽跑活動。請你為校英文報寫一篇報道, 內(nèi)容包括:

1. 參加人員:

2. 跑步路線:從校門口到南山腳下:

3. 活動反響。


1. 寫作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為80左右:

2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應(yīng)位置作答。

A Cross-Country Running Race



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】It’s ______ — without experience you can’t get a job and without a job you can’t get experience.

A.a catch-22 situationB.your Achilles’ heelC.Pandora’s boxD.your Waterloo


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】According to Professor Johnson, we don’t have to read the book if we don’t want to, as it is ______.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Picasso paintings regularly sell for millions of dollars, making it unlikely that the majority of art lovers will ever own a work by the famous Spanish painter. But Care International, a Paris-based nonprofit is offering individuals around the world the chance to acquire a Picasso original for just $111 and contributes to a worthy cause at the same time.

As Caroline Elbaor reports for artnet News, Aider les Autres is offering tickets for Nature Morte, a 1921 Picasso painting describing a newspaper and a glass of absinthe(苦艾酒). The painting, which is on display at the Picasso Museum in Paris, has been valued at SI. I million. But one lucky winner will be able to obtain the painting for a mere small amount of that price.

By selling the Picasso painting at an extremely discounted rate, Aider les Autres hopes to raise a lot of money for Care International. Around 200, 000 rale tickets (抽獎券)are available for purchase, meaning the organization will be able to raise up to $22 million. Some of the money will be used to buy the painting and cover other costs, but the majority will be donated to the charity.

Care International plans to use the donated money to build and restore wells, washing facilities and toilets in Cameroon, Madagascar and Morocco. Having easy access to clean water not only reduces the risk of water borne diseases, but also reduces the time that people and particularly women and girls have to spend walking to clean water sources.

“Besides the huge waste of time, women and girls are at risk as they walk alone along remote paths and tracks,” Aider les Autres explains. “Girls are also more likely to miss school because of lack of hygiene (衛(wèi)生). By providing clean water, we will increase girls' attendance by many thousands.”

1Where are art lovers likely to get a Picasso original at a very low price?

A.From the lucky winner.B.From Caroline Elbaor.

C.From the Picasso Museum.D.From Care International.

2What will most money from raffle tickets be used to do?

A.Buy tickets for art overs.

B.Buy the painting Nature Morte.

C.Contribute to charitable projects.

D.Give away to the lucky winner.

3Why will Care International build wells in Morocco?

A.To promote its status.B.To store more clean water.

C.To improve people’s health.D.To increase girls 'learning time.

4Where is this text most likely from?

A.A personal diary.B.A news report.

C.A book review.D.A science fiction novel.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Claire Lomas, who broke her back in horse-riding accident, has raised over 575,000 for charity through a number of events, and became the first person to complete a marathon in her ReWalk Suit—a robotic exoskeleton that enables her to walk.

In her latest challenge, Lomas continued throughout the day and night without sleep to walk the race in Portsmouth with the aid of the suit and pair of crutches.

She was met with cheers and applause as she crossed the line, having posted regular updates on Twitter as she battled wind and rain.

Lomas said the fact that this was her first long-distance race without stopping meant “it was a little bit unknown” whether she could finish, and added that she was “really grateful to everyone that supported me... I had a few tears.”

At the halfway stage, Lomas remained in high spirits and posted video of herself singing Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer. And she showed the exhausting effects of the race with a mile to go when she tweeted: “Help me get to the last mile as I’m so tired.”

Her effort has so far raised more than 4,000 for the Nicholls Spinal Injury Foundation. After collecting her award, she said, “My accident was 10 years ago in May. When I think back to that first year or two I would have loved for someone to tell me what the future had in store—back then, everything felt so bleak with so many dark days. I forced myself to take small opportunities and they have led on to bigger things. It has taken a lot of small little steps to get here.”

1What do we know about Claire Lomas?

A.She failed to reach the end.B.She got injured in a marathon.

C.She walked the race with a special suit.D.She earned 575,000 for herself in the race.

2What did Claire Lomas say about the race?

A.She was unwilling to take part in it.B.She believed that she could complete it.

C.She had confidence in winning an award.D.She felt uncertain about the result of the race.

3What does the underlined word “bleak” in the last paragraph probably mean?



4What can we learn from Claire Lomas’s experience?

A.Every dog has its day.B.Charity begins at home.

C.Many hands make light work.D.Every cloud has a silver lining.

