【題目】—May I try on the blue tie over there? This one does not match my shirt, you see.

—______. Just wait for a minute.

A. By no means B. That’s all right

C. Don’t mention it D. By all means


【解析】試題分析:By no means決不,一點也不,That’s all right不客氣,不用謝,Don’t mention it不客氣By all means當(dāng)然可以。句意: ——我能試下那邊的藍色領(lǐng)帶么?這個不個配我的襯衣。——當(dāng)然可以,請等一下。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Last December my mother and I 【1】_______ (fly) to London. The first thing we did was to go on a bus sightseeing tour.

This is the best way to see all the sights and learn all about the history of a city. By the time the tour was over it was dark. The Christmas lights were very colorful. And2_________ really impressed me was how so many people made3_________ (they) way home through the heavy traffic on bicycles. I was looking forward to spending the next day in Oxford Street with all its4___________(amaze) shops. And what5__________ experience that was! We bought a ticket for the underground and could go everywhere very quickly.

We spent all morning shopping and admiring the Christmas displays inside the shops and out in the streets. Then we went to a wax museum6___________ (call) Madame Tussauds ( 杜莎夫人蠟像館), which had a lot of wax7__________(figure) of famous people. My mother took a picture of me8_____________ (stand) between Prince Charles and Prince Harry. From there we took the tube to Buckingham Palace, the home of the two princes, to watch The Changing of the Guard but9____________ (fortunate) we couldn’t really see well as there were thousands of tourists waiting 【10________ take photos of the ceremony.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please?

I have something important to tell you. Our plan to visit the countryside has to put off till tomorrow because the rain. Now I will introduce their plan for today. we would go to visit a middle school by bus on this morning. A school has a history of 85 years. Then well go to an exhibition of some new invention. I think it will be interested. The bus will wait at the gate of the hotel. We’ll set out at 8:30. Taking everything necessary with you and please get on the bus on time. You are welcome to ask me unless you still have any questions. Thank you for listening.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Many little girls like flowers, watching butterflies and riding small horses. A lot of them also like cars, robots and spaceships. But most girls’ clothing only has pictures of flowers, butterflies or horses.

Two mothers decided to make clothes that include all the things that little girls do and love.

Six-year-old Bella loves to play with cars. So her dress has pictures of cars on it.

“We haven’t found this type of dress in the store,” Cathy, Bella’s mother, says.

The car dress is from a new girl’s clothing line called Princess Awesome. Rebecca Melsky set up the business. She says its products for girls have some designs normally found on boys’ clothes.

It all started two years ago when Rebecca was hoping to buy clothing for her two-year-old, who liked robots, trucks and spaceships.

“One day when I walked through a girls’ store, I thought to myself I wish they’d make one of those beautiful dresses that also have a robot on it because she will love that. And I thought someone should do that. Maybe I should do that,” Rebecca, said.

Her friend Eva St. Clair believed she should, and their business was born. The women sold the first 70 dresses they made at a market. So they decided to expand their business online. Their products sold very well there, too.

“They sold out so fast that I could not make them fast enough. We decided it was time to think about a factory,” Rebecca said.

So they started to raise money from people over the Internet. The women raised more than $215,000 within days, far more than the $35,000 they expected.

“Our biggest challenge is going to be how we expand as rapidly as people seem to want us to,” Rebecca said.

The women hope Princess Awesome will expand into products for girls of all ages and all interests.

【1】Princess Awesome was started .

A. by Cathy and Rebecca

B. because of six-year-old Bella

C. with the help of a girls’ store

D. to make unusual clothing for girls

【2】The dresses made by Rebecca and her friend .

A. sold better online than at the market

B. helped them get a job in a factory

C. were popular among girls

D. were sold expensively

【3】What is the most difficult thing Rebecca and her friend will face?

A. Meeting the needs of all girls.

B. How to make interesting products.

C. Raising enough money for their business.

D. How to expand their business as people expected.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Tips on Homework

What do you do when you just can’t get yourself to do homework? You know it has to be done. However, it is the last thing on which you want to spend your time. 【1】 Here are some tips to improve your motivation to study.

Set goals for yourself. 2 Start by setting goals you know you can achieve easily. For instance, a goal such as getting straight A’s on your next report card would be nice, but it is a major goal. An easier one would be taking a page of notes for your report.

Set a schedule for studying and write it down. Why write it down? Something about the written words makes it harder to ignore. Once you’ve written it down, you’ll do it.

Do the homework you dislike the most first. 3 However, if you have a number of small assignments and one major assignment to work on, doing the small ones first will make it seem like you are making progress more quickly.

4 You could “allow” yourself to go to a movie on Friday night if you get your History project completed by then, or you could take a snack break once you get the first thirty Maths questions completed.

Find a way to turn your homework assignments into something that interests you. 5 I you have to do geometry homework, think about how you could use it when you want to become a building designer. If you are researching Russia and your interestis in wildlife, find out what species you would find there.

A. Use rewards to mark your progress.

B. Do physical exercises during study breaks.

C. They don’t have to be big ones, in fact, the smaller the better.

D. How are you going to get yourself motivated and what is the best way?

E. If you have a choice of topics, choose something you’ve always wanted to learn about.

F. Also, if there is homework you find most difficult, do it first while your mind is still fresh.

G. If your friends ask you to hang out when you have homework to do, stay home and do the work.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】drift A. offspring

【2】migrate B. likely to be very good or successful in the future

【3】ancestor C. make something increase over a period of time

【4】descendant D. using new methods or ideas

【5】fragrance E. move slowly on water or in the air

【6】accumulate F. move from one country and settle in another

【7】alternative G. guess the cost, size, value, etc of something

【8】innovative H. a person who is from an earlier time

【9】estimate I. a sweet or pleasant odor; a scent

【10】promising J. different from the one you already have


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】After suffering through many months of unemployment (失業(yè)). my wife and I moved this week from Colorado to Ohio. where she was starting a new job. Not knowing anybody there. we were pretty concerned about how we'd get our entire home unloaded (卸下) without killing ourselves.

We made a phone call to hire (臨時雇用) a couple of college students to help with all the heavy lifting once we got there. But one neighbor after another stopped by to help us. What ? Have we moved to some other country ? Maybe we've died and gone to heaven!

Unloading actually became fun and joy because there were so many wonderful new friends to help when we worked. The more people helped. the easier the work became. We were afraid the job might take days for the two of us alone. but it was finished in a few hours. Many total strangers would either walk by the sidewalk or drive by to ask us if we were moving in. Many were happy that this old house that had sat empty for so long was coming to life again. We were invited to an outdoor meal yesterday by neighbors on the same street.

All the time. my brain was resting on this new sense of hope that people can be so friendly to strangers. Among all the conversation were lots of offers to help each other in all kinds of ways. It's wonderful to live in such a kind little town. I feel so grateful to be here. and wish the est of the world could see how an entire community can model (做榜樣) what it's like to help each other.

【1】The author and his wife moved to Ohio because________.

A. they liked moving from one place to another

B. they were both out of work in Colorado

C. the students of his wife were living there

D. his wife had found a new job there

【2】From the underlined part , we can learn when offered help , the author felt________.

A. grateful B. surprised

C. bored D. crazy

【3】We can learn from the passage that the author's neighbors________.

A. thought it hard work to move in

B. were curious about the newcomers

C. were glad that the old house would have its new owner

D. hired two college students to help him

【4】According to the passage , which of the following is TRUE?

A. The author has many old friends in Ohio.

B. It took the author and his wife days to get home unloaded.

C. The author and his wife invited the neighbors to a dinner.

D. The author is very satisfied with his new home and new neighbors.

【5】It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A. we don't know what is good until we have lost it

B. kindness is the sunshine of social life

C. where there is a will. there is a way

D. there is no place like home


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Parents and the Young

It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.

1 They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strict with their children, and that they seldom give their children a free hand.

It is time that parents often find it difficult to win their children’s trust and they always forget how they themselves felt when young.

【2】 It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Adults worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead.

Young people make their parents angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble: It just shows that they feel cut off from the adult’s world, and they have not yet been accepted into their world. 【3】 And if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech, this will make the young people very happy.

Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say “yes” to what you do. 【4】 It is natural enough, after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents’ control.

【5】 If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will give you the right to do what you want to do.

A.Parents should understand young people.

B.Young people like to live with their parents.

C.Young people like to act without much thinking.

D.They say that their parents don’t understand them.

EAll you want is to be left alone and do what you like.

FIf you plan to control your life, you’d better win your parents.

GThat’s why young people want to make a new culture of their own.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】On a Saturday night at home while relaxing with friends, a dog showed up at the house. In an attempt to find the legal owner and return the dog, we knocked on the door of the legal owner and an old man opened the door. This was the start of an interesting week.

The old man sat down, made himself at home, and gifted us the dog. After a brief visit, he left, and we were now the proud owners of this dog. It takes experience and knowledge to know that our lifestyle can’t satisfy the needs of this dog; the owner that gifted us the dog was mismatched for him as well.

Three attempts to return the dog to his old owner failed. (I think he was avoiding us.) Because our lifestyle didn’t allow us to give this poor dog the attention he needed, he disturbed the neighbors. They got involved. After we shared the story, they gained a new perspective and wisely stepped in to help us find a solution.

One week later it was decided that dog would be picked up from us by the old neighbor. He would then return it to the previous owner who was more equipped to care for it.

When faced with unexpected challenges in life, it helps to see everyone’s perspective. We have to look at one another’s perspective to solve a problem with honesty, experience and knowledge. That’s the sign of a leader. Although the old neighbor typically has little to do with leadership, it did bring a neighborhood together to understand one another and work as a team to solve a problem.

【1】Why was the dog taken to the author’s home?

A. To find food to eat.

B. To seek a proper owner.

C. The author was friendly to him.

D. The old man couldn’t feed him.

【2】What did the author find after he was gifted with the dog?

A. He didn’t like the dog at all.

B. He could deal with dog easily.

C. The old neighbor was cheating him.

D. It was unsuitable for him to keep the dog.

【3】What does the author intend to stress in the text?

A. The value of team spirit.

B. The smartness of the old neighbor.

C. The importance of leadership skills.

D. The need for calmness in front of challenges.

