China Today Subscription(訂閱)2007
Subscription Rates
Overseas distributor(分銷商):
China International Book Trading corporation(Guojishudian)
35 Chegong zhuang Xilu, P.PO.Box 399, Beijing 100044 P.R.C
Tel:8610-68433112 Fax:8610-68412023
* Overseas subscribers can contact the corporation directly.
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Domestic subscription rate:
6.00 yuan per issue, 72.00 yuan per year(12 issues)
Domestic postcode for the English edition is 2-919(Please allow 45 days for a subscription to begin.)
* Domestic readers can also contact the distribution Department of China Today directly for subscription or to order a particular issue.Please post subscription fees to the Distribution Department of China Today.Address:24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037 P.R.C.