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科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

1.Howling is a behavior commonly observed among a wolf nark.An animals,wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling was an important means of communication each other.There are different explants of a wolf's howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.One theory is that wolves howl to bend better together.It's almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together.Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a song together.But this theory may be wrong,explains Fred H.Harington,a professor who studies wolf behavior.Indeed,there have been tines when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a exhorts,and the next,quarreling anions each other.It appears that usually the lowest-tanking menthes of the pack may actually be"punished"for
Joining in the churs at times.So is howling a way to strcagthen a social boad or just a way to reconfirm status among its members?--Why do welves howl for sure?
What is cleat,however,is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other.Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that woloves may separate from one another at times.When this happens,howling appcars to be an ercellent means of gathering.
Howling,interestingly,is a contagious behaviour.When one wolf starts to howl,very likely others will follow.This is often seen to occat in the morning,as if wolves were doing some sotr of"roll rall"where wolves all howl togeter to howl,very likely others will follow.This is often seen to occar in the morning,as if wolves were doing w some sotr of"roll call"where wolves all howl together to repotr their pteence.

55.What the por similarity between wolves'how humaes ting in chorus?D.
A.The act of calling each other.
B.the sense of accomplishment.
C.The act of hunting for something.
D.The sense of belonging to a group.
56.Why does Harrington think the"secial boad"theory may be wrong?C.
A.Wolves separate from each other after howling.
B.Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.
C.Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.
D.Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.
57.Reseatchers are sure that wolves often howl toB.
A.show their ranks
B.find their companions
C.repotr the missing ones
D.express their lonelingess
58."Howling…is a contagious behaviour"(in the last paragraph)meansD.
A.howling is a signal for hunting
B.howling is a way of communication
C.howling aften occurs in the morning
D.howling spreads from one to another.


科目: 來源: 題型:選擇題

4.With the new family planning policy _______,many young parents are considering having their second child.( 。
A.introduceB.introducingC.to introduceD.introduced


科目: 來源: 題型:選擇題

3.Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments ________ we can only keep silent.(  )


科目: 來源: 題型:選擇題

2.-Honey,what would you like to have for supper?
-_____.Pm not particular,you know.( 。
A.Forget itB.WhateverC.Help yourselfD.Certainly


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

Chicago is an incredible city and a key business center for the Midwest.That means that sooner or later most business travelers (25)will find(find) themselves there.This City Guide for Chicago provides business travelers with all the information they need (26)toplan(plan) a successful trip to Chicago.Of course,it also help you find out how to enjoy (27)yourself/yourselves while you're there.
Unless you're just in Chicago for the day,there's a good chance that you'll have some time after work to explore the sleepless city and (28)that you're ready to take a break from business meetings or simply want to throw in some sightseeing after a busy week at work.(29)In order to help business travelers plan their free time better,we've created this overview of things to do in Chicago.We'll help you feel at home in one of America's biggest cities.
If you're mainly going to be downtown,the buses and trains and taxis can pretty quickly move you around.To make it easy,we've pulled together a complete list of the transportation options for business travelers to Chicago.Of course,business travelers (30)may also want to compare prices on rental cars in Chicago,especially if they need transportation to the surrounding suburbs.
Chicago has a huge range of dining options.You can always get some real comfort food there,but when it comes to business lunches or dinners,it's nice to have something a little (31)nicer(nice).
Chicago is a wonderful city for business travelers.Hotel options range from ultra-fancy in town to cheap and convenient in the suburbs.While it's relatively easy to move around Chicago,it's still a good idea for business travelers to know (32)where they need to be during the day and to select a hotel nearby.Alternatively,you can select a hotel that's in the heart of the downtown area.


科目: 來源: 題型:書面表達(dá)

Dear Mike,
I learn from your letter that you show interest in our last school sports meet.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Li Hua.


科目: 來源: 題型:選擇題

4.-Have you persuaded him?
-Yes.After hours of discussion,I___________ to reason him into accepting the new plan.( 。
A.managedB.would manageC.have managedD.had managed


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

3.Olympic medalist Dara Torres,the 41-year-old swimmer,is more than a feel-good story. Torres is as determined and driven in her daily life as she is in the pool. She is dedicated to pursuing her passions and following her dreams-something she hopes to instill(灌輸)in her 2-year-old daughter and women and girls everywhere. After all,her dreams took her to Beijing.
   Upon her return after the Olympics,SUCCESS writer Don Yaeger,caught up with Torres,who shared her insights.
   What insights can you offer others ( non-athletes,too) about setting and staying on track to reach goals?
   Everyone has his highs and lows when doing things,but you have to remember what the end result is when you're having those tough times. I think about the end and about my feelings of success,and that keeps me going. I definitely set goals for myself and try not to get too distracted trying to reach them. And always remember to have fun!
   Any strategies or tips for overcoming mental obstacles to be your very best?
   Mental obstacles are tough. For my personally,if I was having mental obstacles,I would talk to my coach,who was the most important person to me during this comeback. It's so important to have that person in your life,a trusted advisor. Communication is very important,and I've learned it's OK to turn to others if you're having a tough time. When I was younger,I would internalize(使…內(nèi)化) things. Not any more. It's a great relief to be able to share.
61.When saying"more than a feel-good story",the writer means thatD.
A. Torres is good at telling stories
C. Torres is a 41-year-old swimmer
B. Torres is feeling good
D. Torres is not only a feel-good story
62.In Dara's opinion,when one is having his tough times,heC.
A. must turn to his coaches for help
B. had better communicate with friends through the Internet
C. should think about the successful en
D. ought to adjust his goal
63.According to the passage,communication is very important inA.
A.overcoming mental obstacles
C. winning others'support and aid
B. building good relations with others
D. preventing one's imagination running away
64.Which of the following words can best describe Torres?D
A.Negative         B.Subjective       C.Objective        D. Positive
65.The writer mainly wants to tell usB.
A. Don Yaeger's most successful interview
B. Dara Torres pursues her passions in the pool and in life
C. how athletes overcome mental obstacles in competitions
D. everyone has his highs and lows when doing things.


科目: 來源: 題型:完形填空

2.Once there was a mole (鼴鼠) called Molly,who lived in a field with her family.Moles  I spent their time digging holes in the earth.Although they have an excellent sense of smell,their(12)Bis very bad and they can barely see beyond their noses.
   Molly was a very (13)Amole,for she decided to wear glasses to see better.All the moles in the field (14)Cher for this,and she felt sad.
   One day the Mole Olympics were held in the field,and Molly put herself forward for the event of"the most extraordinary digger."This consisted of digging a hole more than two kilometers long,(15)Afrom one point in the field and arriving at that same point through the tunnel.At the end of the competition,to everyone's (16)D,Molly became the champion of the event.
   (17)B her glasses,Molly had been the only mole to dig(18)Cto the point she started from.This made the other moles(19)Bthat Molly was a normal mole,just like them.The only (20)Awas that she didn't mind wearing glasses,which helped her win the Mole Olympics.

17.A.But forB.Thanks toC.Instead ofD.Apart from


科目: 來源: 題型:填空題

1.Every summer,Penny travels to a family reunion barbeque.Penny is never excited,and this year is no different.She is afraid of the drive.
She does not like talking to her relatives.And she does not like the smell of hamburgers.(Penny is a vegetarian.)
(25)When Penny arrives,she sees lots of familiar faces.It is July and Uncle Vernon (26)is wearing (wear) a sweater.Uncle Vernon is always cold.It's very mysterious.
She sees her cousin Polly.Polly has six children.The youngest one screams.Then the oldest one screams.Polly's children are always screaming.
She sees many of her other cousins in the field (27)playing (play) softball.They play a softball game every year,(28)which always ends up in a big argument.Penny wonders,again,why they never solve it.
Then Penny sees an incredibly handsome man.She stares at him.He catches her staring.He smiles and walks (29)over/up to her.Penny is very nervous.She is nervous because a handsome man is walking to her and she is nervous because this handsome man might be her cousin.
The man sticks out his hand,(30)saying (say),"Hi,I'm Paul."
"Hi,I'm Penny,"Penny says."Are we related?"
Paul laughs."No,we are not related.I am Vernon's nurse.He is sick and needs (31)to keep (keep) me close by.But he did not want to miss this barbeque!"
"Oh,thank goodness,"Penny says and then blushes.Penny always blushes when she is nervous,embarrassed,or hot,and right now she is all three.
Handsome Paul laughs and says,"Would you like to go get a hamburger with me?(32)They smell delicious."
Penny smiles,"Sure.I love hamburgers!"

