2.Why men have to work
The sky used to be very close to the ground.In fact,it wasn't any (51)higher (high) than a man's arm when he raised it above his head.Whenever anybody got (52)hungry (hunger),all he had to do was to reach up and break off a piece of the sky and eat it.That way,no one ever had to work.
Well,it was a fine (53)arrangement (arrange)for a while,but sometimes people would break off more than they could eat,and they just threw (54)what they couldn't eat on the ground.After all,the sky was so big that there would always be enough for everybody to eat.What did it matter if they broke off more than they (55)actually (actual) wanted?
Maybe it didn't matter to them,(56)but it mattered to the sky.In fact,it made the sky angry to see itself lying on the ground,half-eaten,like rubbish.The sky didn't say a word,but with great anger,it lifted itself (57)up as high as it could and that was pretty high.
When the people realized what was happening,they began crying and (58)begging (beg) the sky to come back.But they sky (59)acted (act) like it didn't hear a word.
The next day,the people didn't have a thing (60)to eat (eat),and they had to go to work to feed themselves,and that's why man is working to this very day.