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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】A cancer-stricken British teenage girl said Thursday she had been moved by messages of support from around the world after writing an online "Bucket List" of things she wanted to do before dying.

Alice Pyne, l5, created an Internet blog in which she described her fight against a cancer of the white blood cells. “I’ve been fighting cancer for almost four years and now l know that the cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't look like I'm going to win this one," she wrote.

For her list, the teenager took inspiration from the 2007 film "The Bucket List", in which two terminally ill (患絕癥的) men, played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, draw up a list of things they wish to do before they die.

On her list, at the site www. alicepyne. blogspot. com, she has included making everyone sign up to be a bone marrow donor (骨髓捐贈者), swimming with sharks, meeting boy band Take That and getting a purple iPad computer.

Messages of support and offers of help quickly flooded her webpage and it became one of the most talked about subjects on Twitter.

“Oh dear, and I thought that I was just doing a little blog for a few friends!" she wrote after her site attracted huge attention. " Thank you so much for all your lovely messages to me."

Pyne, who lives with her family in the northwest English town of Ulverston, revealed (透露) that Take That had arranged for her to see the band after reading her blog. A group of local lawmakers have also joined forces with the Anthony Nolan blood cancer charity to encourage people to join its stem cell register.

【1】What happened after Alice Pyne wrote her "Bucket List"?

A. The media called on people to help her.

B. People sent gifts to her from all over the world.

C.A lot of people offered to donate bone marrow to her.

D. People around the world sent messages to support her.

【2】Alice Pyne wrote her "Bucket List" to ____________________.

A. express her last few wishes

B. say goodbye to a few friends

C. give comfort to two terminally ill men

D. catch people's attention

【3】It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Alice Pyne ______________________.

A. is unaware of her own conditions

B. is calm to know that death is approaching

C. is very sad to know that she will die

D. is still quite confident in fighting against cancer

【4】Which of the following is NOT on Alice Pyne's "Bucket List"?

A. To meet a boy.

B. To get a cool computer.

C. To swim with sharks.

D. To ask people to donate bone marrow.

【5】Take That will arrange to _______________________.

A. invite Pyne to join the band

B. help Pyne in any possible way

C. donate money to Pyne

D. meet Pyne in person


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】[1] One of the tough things about being a high school student is that you never Seem to get enough sleep at night, which often leaves you nodding off during classes.The best amount of sleep is about seven and a half to eight hours.Spending either less than six or more than nine hours in sleeping puts your health at risk.

[2] A popular solution to a lack of sleep at night is to take a “power nap” during the day, but does this work?

[3] Generally speaking, it can be beneficial.Research shows that a nap in the middle of the day—even a brief one as Short as five or 10minutes—can clear your mind and leave you with increased energy and improved productivity.

[4] But here are some things you need to know to do it correctly.To start with, every time you doze off (打瞌睡) during the day does not count as a “power nap”.The best time to take a power nap is in the mid-afternoon, when your energy level tends to decrease.

[5] But how long should a power nap be? Ideally, it should be kept to between 10 and 30 minutes.Nodding off for five minutes does not really provide established sleep.If you, however, go into the deeper stage you will wake up feeling weak.

[6] However, refreshing as it might be, if you get adequate sleep at night, taking a power nap isn’t such a wise choice.The reason is that sleeping during the day can interfere with your body’s biorhythms.The brain gets used to going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, and you don’t want to disturb this routine.

[7] One more thing to keep in mind is that a power nap should never be used as a replacement for a good night’s sleep.A power nap during the day is not like a tablet which will definitely work.An hour’s sleep before midnight is worth a couple of hours’ sleep after midnight.

【1】What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 5 words)


【2】What if a person spends less than six or more than nine hours in sleeping?

(no more than 9 words)


【3】According to Paragraph 3, what benefits can we get from a nap in the middle of the day?

(no more than 4 words)


【4】When is the best time to take a power nap? (no more than 5 words)


【5】Why is it sometimes unwise to take a nap? (no more than 8 words)



科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Slang is a popular, less official and often very current form of language. It is an important part of a living language and is constantly changing as language changes. Slang is often playful, direct and sometimes less respectful than the more official and traditional version of language. So now I'm going to lay it on you! To “l(fā)ay it on” is American slang for “to tell” or “to explain.”

Slang can take many forms. For example, slang can be local to one city or area. In Washington, D.C. there is a whole set of slang to describe politics and business in the city. For example, the term POTUS stands for President of the United States. POTUS can often be found with his wife, FLOTUS, the first lady of the United States. “Inside the Beltway” is a popular expression that describes the area of Washington, D.C. The beltway is the large highway that circles the city.

The Internet has helped create a whole new kind of computer-related slang. An “angry fruit salad” is an expression that describes a website with too many bright colors. “Netiquette” is slang for correct behavior when using the Internet.

Young people often develop the latest slang. For example, to say Special English “rocks” or is “phat” means Special English is really great. A “kegger” is a party where beer is served. If something is “wack”, it is wild and crazy.

Different professions often have their own slang as well. For example, medical workers might refer to a complaining patient as a “gomer”. A "touh stick" is someone whose veins are difficult to find when he or she needs to have blood taken.

No matter how well you speak English, there are always new and interesting slang words to discover. There are entire dictionaries for describing slang. Many experts do not even agree on what is and what is not slang. Often slang words later become a part of officially accepted language. Official or not, slang is an energetic and exciting part of the American language that continues to change.

【1】Which of the following is NOT true for slang compared with the official language?

A. Playful B. Direct

C. Less respectful D. More official

【2】It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. if you speak English very well, there is no problem for you to understand English speakers

B. slang words are created by people in their daily life

C. English speakers are clear whether it is a slang

D. slang words will never be accepted as official language

【3】Which of the following is not mentioned to have helped create slang?

A. The internet. B. Young people.

C. President of the United States. D. Professions

【4】Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. What is slang? B. Slang is popular.

C. Who creates slang? D. Slang is a language.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】I would like a job which pays more, but __________ I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.

A. in other words

B. on the other hand

C. for one thing

D. as a matter of fact


科目: 來源: 題型:


How to Make Friends at School

Humans are social beings who thrive(興旺) on feeling accepted by other people. This is not different for kids or adults. 【1】 There are so many cliques in school. So, what happens when a child is too shy to find a group of friends? 2

Build up confidence. Focus on what you are confident about, whether it would be math, science,track, or chess.Are there any clubs at school associated with these interests?

3 .People love to talk some questions about themselves. Just listen and remember points that they make, so you can bring them up at a later time.

Use friendly gestures. Try smiling and laughing a bit when talking to others. This will help loosen you up and make you feel more relaxed.

Give it time. As social skills start to develop in the early pre-teen years, you will find it easier to communicate with others. It will take its natural course.

Be picky (挑剔的). Don't make friends with the wrong group of people. You do not want to get mixed up with kids who like to gossip about others or put others down just to fit in.

Befriend another shy person. There is strength in numbers. 4

Be yourself. Trying to be just like someone else is hard work, especially if you are shy. Making friends is not about mimicking(模仿)to fit in, You want friends who like you just the way you are.

The whole point to helping your teens overcome shyness is that she will enjoy social/span> situations much better and learn to relax and have fun. 5 She won't always have parents to counsel her, so take the time to do it while you can.

A. Ask questions.

B. It does not matter so much what clique they are associated with.

C. Why not make friend.s and the two of you can support each other?

D. It also builds the confidence she will need throughout her entire life.

E.You may ask what characteristics determine who will be accepted into a clique or not.

F.Here are some tips to help your teens develop confidence and make friends at school.

G.But, there is no doubt that the need to feel accepted is hardest during the adolescent


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】We made up our minds to study hard __________ we could be admitted into university.

A. in order to

B. such that

C. in order that

D. so as to


科目: 來源: 題型:








It was very nice to get your invitation to spend weekend with you. Luckily I was

the am

completely free then, so I’ll t﹨o say “yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m. in Friday evening.


It is a long time since you come to Beijing to learn Chinese. How are you getting along well with your study? I’m eager to know if you are used to live in Beijing or not. There is going to have an English speech contest in Beijing in July. It’s such important for me that I want to do it well. Therefore, I have some trouble in collecting information I need. That also puzzles me is how to put what I have learned into practice. I know you have good command of English. Would you please do me a favor? I’d appreciate you if you can give me some advice on how to solve these problems.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Whenever I enter the library, I see him at the back of the library reading.

A. sit B. sat C. seating D. seated


科目: 來源: 題型:


【1】To my_____________(satisfy),he has finished his work on time.

2Our company___________(declaration)that we wouldn’t offer any help to your company.

3You’d better___________(disobey) all the rules in our school if you don’t want to ask for trouble.

4A lower GDP target may in fact be__________( benefit) to the development of China.

5There must be something wrong with my __________( hear) . Can you repeat what you said?

6He failed in the exam because of his__________( absent) from school.

7Do you know the woman with a physical____________(disable )?

8He returns to his home from abroad_______________(annual ).

9We had better turn the bicycle lights off to_____________( conservation) the batteries.

【10The police have appealed for______________( witness) to the accident.

【11The teacher_________( urge) on her students the importance of hard work.

【12The children learned about the__________( relate) between the moon and the tides.

【13Coal is mined at a ______________(deep) of 1,000m here .

【14All of us were ______________(alarm) at hearing of his sudden death .

【15Strorg winds ______________(accompany ) by heavy rain made it hard for them to advance.


科目: 來源: 題型:


If women are mercilessly exploited year after year,they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion,they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it,only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way waste hours of their time altering (改變) the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened;necklines are lowered or raised,and so on.

No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth,comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort,as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day,or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes.

When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion,the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes,one wonder,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability?Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability?That is for you to decide.

【1】Designers and big stores always make money________.

A.by constantly changing the fashions in women's clothing

B.by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry

C.because they are able to predict new fashions for the coming season

D.because they attach great importance to the quality of women's clothing

【2】To the writer,that women alter their old fashioned dresses is seen as________.

A.a(chǎn) waste of money

B.a(chǎn)n expression of taste

C.a(chǎn) waste of time

D.a(chǎn)n expression of creativity

【3】According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

A.The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.

B.The constant changes in women's clothing reflect their strength of characters.

C.Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.

D.New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.

【4】By saying the conclusions to be drawn are obvious,the writer means that________.

A.women are better able to put up with discomfort

B.men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion

C.men are also exploited greatly by fashion de signers

D.women's inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at

