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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】根據(jù)短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Questions you should ask yourself when you fail
The more new things we try the more failure we are likely to have.. Experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. A good way to begin this process is by asking yourself some tough questions.
1)What can I learn from this?
Take responsibility for what went wrong. OK, so it was not all your fault—but some of it was. Successful people don't make excuses or blame others. So you should look at the experience objectively(客觀地).
2)Do I need to acquire or improve some skills?
Did the problem reveal some lack of skill on your part? How could you learn or improve those skills? Perhaps there are books or courses or people you could turn to.
3)Who can I learn from?
Is there someone to whom you can turn for advice? Did a boss, colleague or friend see what happened?. Most people do not ask for help because they believe it to be a sign of weakness rather than strength. It's not. It shows that you are ready to learn and change.
4)What will I do next?
Now draw up an action plan. Will you try something similar or something different? Revisit your goals. Failure doesn't mean you have to give up; maybe you just need to change it in another way.
A. You can now reset your sights on your destination and plan a new course.
B. Make them step stones to future success.
C. They take responsibility for the failure.
D. In fact the only way to avoid failure is to do nothing new.
E. The important thing is how we deal with failure.
F. Make a self-development plan to acquire the skills and experience you need.
G. If they are constructive and supportive then ask them for some feedback (反饋) and guidance.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,已報名參加紐約大學的暑假中美文化交流游學營(Study Tour Camp)。但是寄宿家庭主人突然生病,無法接待你。請給你已回美國的外教注Mr. Smith發(fā)一封電子郵件,告訴他所遇到的問題,請求他的幫助,并提出你的要求(至少兩條)

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;


3. 參考詞匯:寄宿家庭host family











科目: 來源: 題型:

People have been raising pigeons (鴿子) for about 10,000 years. And pigeon keepers use different kinds of pigeons for different1. Some people use pigeons for2. For example, in parts of the world, people cook a special meal with pigeon to celebrate the New Year. Some people also3pigeons because they look especially 4. There are many interesting kinds of “pretty” pigeons. Different kinds of pigeons have interesting features (特點)5 long, soft tails or designs on their heads. The6of these kinds of pigeons enter them in7and the best looking pigeons are chosen to win prizes.
But pigeons have many other8too. Pigeons can fly a long way without growing9. They also have another10sense.No matter how far from home they are, pigeons can usually fly back to where they11. This is often called a “homing sense”. This sense makes them good for carrying 12.
In many cities around the world, pigeons live in special houses,13pigeon keepers spend a lot of money and time14their birds. When someone has a very good pigeon, he is very15. He may also have a way to make money. But this is not usually the main16people keep pigeons. For some people, they keep pigeons as a hobby.
People17their pigeons so much that they even take them18when they move to a new country. They19these birds as their children. “When you are looking at a pigeon in the sky you feel20. It is the best feeling you have in a strange country,” a pigeon lover says.
(1)A.ways B.types C.purposes D.decisions
(2)A.food B.sport C.money D.family
(3)A.help B.keep C.catch D.control
(4)A.beautiful B.clever C.funny D.happy
(5)A.because of B.according to C.except for D.such as
(6)A.visitors B.owners C.directors D.sellers
(7)A.shows B.competitions C.classes D.discussions
(8)A.skills B.ideas C.signs D.problems
(9)A.worried B.tired C.hungry D.cold
(10)A.special B.quick C.weak D.sixth
(11)A.live B.eat C.play D.fall
(12)A.luck B.peace C.messages D.supplies
(13)A.if B.because C.but D.and
(14)A.winning over B.looking at C.caring for D.warming up
(15)A.brave B.proud C.nervous D.patient
(16)A.duty B.prize C.reason D.power
(17)A.love B.miss C.trust D.teach
(18)A.along B.back C.up D.out
(19)A.wish B.consider C.prove D.choose
(20)A.small B.new C.safe D.free


科目: 來源: 題型:

Renaissance is a French word. It means “rebirth”. It's a strange name for a period of history. What was exactly “ reborn” during the Renaissance?
To answer this question, we need to look back at the time of the Roman Empire. At this time Roman artists, scientists and writers influenced by Greek ideas were the world's most advanced. They had become skilled observers of the natural world around them, and had become experts in studying animals, plants, the human body or the stars and planets. They wrote down their ideas about what they saw, and based their theories about the world on their observations.
During the fourth and fifth centuries the Roman Empire slowly broke down. Many of the Romans' art and sculptures were destroyed and some manuscripts(原稿)were lost as well. But most importantly, some of the ancient attitudes were lost. A questioning approach to the world was replaced by an unquestioning one.
Why did this happen? One reason was to do with the influence of the Christian Church. Through the thousand years following the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church controlled many aspects of life including education and learning. The Church ran all the universities and thought that the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly, not to introduce new ones. The scholars in the universities were expected to study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books, rather than the world around them.
Take medicine for example. The main textbook for doctors had been written by a Greek doctor called Galen more than a thousand years earlier. But when Roger Bacon, a thirteenth-century priest(牧師), said that a new approach to medicine was needed --- doctors should do their own original research instead of reading writers from the past such as Galen-the Church put him in prison.
By the time of the fourteenth century, however, some parts of the Christian Church were becoming less strict about their ideas and there was a new state of mind among artists, doctors and scientist. People wanted to find out more about the world by studying it. This attitude of investigation had been common in classical scholars, and it was ‘reborn' during the Renaissance.
(1)We know from the text that scientists at the time of the Roman Empire believed in_______.
A.their companions' observations
B.what they saw with their own eyes
C.what they learned from the Greeks
D.the most advanced theories at that time
(2)We can infer that students in the Church controlled universities might_________.
A.have good memories
B.change their beliefs
C.be lacking in creativity
D.be interested in astronomy
(3)Roger Bacon was put in prison because he_________.
A.gave up being a priest
B.showed no respect for Galen
C.did some research secretly
D.challenged the Church
(4)The text probably comes from a book about_________.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】There are many attractive places in the world and among them is Portland. Portland is a seaport and the largest city in the northwestern US state of Oregon. 1(locate) at where two local rivers meet, the city was2(tradition) known as a place for water transportation. While it once had the unfortunate reputation as one of the most dangerous port cities in the world due to wild organized crime, Portland set out 3(make) changes in the 1960s.

In a recent survey, Portland ranks as the 4(nine) most popular US city. It is frequently recognized as one of the world’s most environmentally-friendly cities because 5 its well-built pedestrian walkways, large community of cyclists and convenient public transportation. Its climate is marked by warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters. This climate is ideal for growing roses, and Portland 6(call) the “City of Roses” for over a century.

However, today’s Portland is better known for its music. In 2013, The Guardian named the city’s music scene as one of the “ 7(much) lively” in the United States. And the New York Times called it not just “the capital of karaoke” in the US8also “a most exciting music is the large number of movie theaters 9 (serve) beer, called “brew and view” theaters. That may be because Portland is known as a city of beer, 10has the largest number of beer breweries of any city in the world.

In terms of food, Portland has also been named the best city in the world for street food. Food carts are extremely popular there, with over 600 licensed carts around the city.


科目: 來源: 題型:

①All hope was no lost.
②The two millions people of the city were asleep as usual that night.
③In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were very nervous to eat.
④It seemed as if the world was at end.
⑤She loves the boy as if she was his mother.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】There is a quote by William Purkey, a well-known professor of education, that goes, “Dance like no one is watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like no one is listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” I seems like the perfect life philosophy---and one I’ve learned to apply to running over the year.

But I didn’t always feel this way. In my early days, when I weighed 240 pounds, I ran like everyone was watching---and judging. If I was on a run and saw a car approaching, I’d stop and pretend I was looking for something I’d lost I bought the high-tech gear and clothes that I thought would make people believe I was a runner. And I didn’t have a clue if the expensive shoes I was wearing were the right kind for me---I just wanted to look like I fit in with this group.

To be honest, I felt a certain satisfaction in believing that someone was watching. I really thought that other people cared about my performance. The best example of this was a combined, two-lap marathon in Florence, Italy. As I approached the finishing line, the crowd began to cheer. I was surprised. Here I was, thousands of miles from home, and the Italians were shouting for “IIPenguino.”

About 20 yards from the finishing, the truth set in when the winner of the full marathon went past me as I was finishing the half-marathon. No one was cheering for me. no one probably even noticed that I was finishing. I couldn’t help but smile at my own illusion of self-importance.

That’s when I realized I had been running for every reason except the right one. I ran to make other people happy, ran to live up to their expectations. But no one was watching---no one cared. So I decided I was going to run for me---just me---and gained a new enjoyment from the sport I hadn’t truly experienced yet. I’ve learned to run like no one is watching.

So if you see me at race, and I look like a 60-year-old guy waddling(蹣跚)along, don’t worry. I’m fine. The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.

1The writer begins her anecdote by __________.

A. telling her running story B. explaining a life philosophy

C. listing some life rules D. introducing a quotation

2It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that the writer__________.

A. used sports clothes and shoes to attract attention

B. was concerned about what others thought of her

C. liked to be the focus other runners

D. struggled to find the right shoes to fit her

3When the writer was near the finishing line, ____________.

A. she smiled at her own achievement

B. the crowd cheered for her madly

C. nobody really cared about her running

D. She realized the importance of confidence

4By telling her own story, the writer wanted to ___________.

A. tell us to live a life of our own

B. inspire more people to run

C. expect us to improve our health by running

D. stress the importance of determination


科目: 來源: 題型:








Dear Tom,










Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:



科目: 來源: 題型:

“You're leaving again?” asked my daughter as she saw me packing my carry-on.
More than her words, it was her face that pierced (刺穿) my heart ---I could see how crestfallen she was.
“It's only for two nights, “I explained.
But that didn't matter to her. It was just one more trip after barely being home for five days. I decided in that moment to travel less whenever possible and I managed to avoid flying altogether for most of the summer. As a result, it was a summer full of discoveries. I realized that my kids really were proud of me. In their time away from me they had learned lessons I couldn't have imagined.
Recently I began traveling a lot again. But this time it was different, mainly due to the fact that I had seen firsthand that my children value strong female role models. They realize that hard work pays off. Being away from them even for a day at a time in many ways had done them a lot of good.
In particular, being a working mom is teaching my daughter how important it is to be independent and that you can follow your dreams. In many ways, her idea of a professional woman is much more realistic than what I imagined when I was her age. I think that even at nine years old she already knows that for all the success you might achieve, there is a price to pay, whether it's long hours, spending time away from those you love, or simply not having the energy to have fun at times. I know the wishes I would devote all of my time to her, but honestly, even if I didn't work I would rather she learned not to depend on me for everything, She needs to realize that she can fly on her own --- and that isn't possible if I am hovering over her every single second of the day .
I have also realized that having a career sets a good example for my son. He is not afraid of a strong woman, and has a great respect for them. When he's older, this will help him build healthier relationship.
Therefore, for all the working moms out there who work long hours, remember to value the positive lessons you might be teaching your kids.
(1)The underlined word “crestfallen” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “_________” .
(2)How did the author feel about traveling a lot after the summer ?
A.She felt even worse than ever.
B.She felt quite proud of herself.
C.She felt very sorry for her kids.
D.She felt much better than before.
(3)The author hopes that her daughter will _______________________.
A.become more and more independent
B.be realistic about all her problems
C.become a very successful lady
D.become an honest person
(4)What is the author's main purpose in writing the text ?
A.To tell stories about her two kids
B.To show how to teach kids about careers
C.To encourage women to work as hard as possible
D.To prove kids can benefit a lot from working moms

