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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,計劃和同學(xué)去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人們過端午節(jié)(Dragon Boat Festival)。請給外教Lucy寫封郵件,邀她一同前往。

內(nèi)容包括:1. 出發(fā)及返回時間;2. 活動:包粽子、表演節(jié)目、看龍舟賽視頻等。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;

3. 結(jié)束語已為你寫好。

Dear Lucy,


Looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Teenagers may not know the name Kevin Mayer, but he's about to play an outsize role in their lives.

The longtime leader of the Walt Disney Company just became the CEO of TikTok (抖音).In doing so, Mayer will lake charge of an app whose influence over a lot of people has made it one of the most influential ,although controversial(有爭議的) ,platforms of the era.

Mayer has been with Disney since the early 1990sminus a period as the CEO of Playboy.comand he’s helped to acquire some important brands in film industry. More recently he's become known for his key role in the launch of the ll-important Disney Plus streaming service.

Mayer was thought to be among the most obvious potential successors to outgoing CEO Bob Iger, but he was passed over for Bob Chapek,who ran Disney' theme parks unit.

Mayer's departure from Disney may not be a surprise,but his move to TikTok is unexpected. The app, owned by China-based ByteDance, is at a crucial moment in its short historyseeing enormous growth during the pandemic lockdowns but facing increasing criticism over its data-collection practices. As it rises in influence ,the company will surely face a growing drumbeat of intense media and strict monitoring.

In contrast, Disney has never been more delicate, with the coronavinus pandemic having broken nearly all of its core business units, from the close down of theme parks and movie theaters to ongoing interruptions to its production schedules. Mayer,whatever else is motivating the move, is hopping( ) to another position at a proper time.

1What's the text mainly about?

A.The job-hopping of a CEO.

B.The rising influence of TikTok.

C.The decline of the Walt Disney Company .

D.The intense competition between companies.

2What's the likely reason for Mayer's departure from Disney?

A.He had been offered a higher salary

B.He wasn't qualified for his previous job.

C.He preferred a new career concerning teenagers.

D.He failed to succeed Bob Iger as a CEO of Disney.

3What do we know about TikTok according to the text?

A.Potential but delicate.B.Profitable but immoral.

C.Popular but controversial.D.Professional but addictive.

4What is the purpose of the text?

A.To advertise for Disney.B.To report of news.

C.To recommend a new app.D.To compare two companies.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Kemira had just jumped in the shower when she heard her mother knocking at the door. Kemira's 30-day-old daughter was_________. The 24-year-old new mother burst out of the_________and began patting her daughter on the back. Ryleigh ,the baby,was usually quick to cry. Now she didn't make a_________.

The three had hardly_________out of their house when they met will Kimbro,a school officer, shouting that the baby had stopped breathing. _______for his help, Kemira handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little chest. Ryleigh's heart was_______beating.

Kimbro_______for an ambulance-it was seven minutes out and the_______ was even further away. Then he began tapping Ryleigh's chest, hoping to make her heart back into_______.Thanks to the CPR(心肺復(fù)蘇術(shù)) class, Kimbro knew the choking baby didn't have a________to survive if there was a blockage, and he used one finger to clear her airway. That was the________ touch:20 seconds later, Ryleigh began to________.

While waiting the ambulance,Kimbro________the delicate chest compression(按壓) and regularly clearing her airway.

At the hospital,Ryleigh________quickly-thanks to a________school police offer who was in the right place at the right time.




4A.caught upB.finish upC.got itD.made it













科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Water Skiing

Water skiing is an exciting water sport that can be a ton of fun. It takes a little patience to learn, but once you do, water skiing is a sport you can enjoy whenever you have a boat and enough flat water.

1Every water skier needs water skis(劃水板) and they differ depending on the size of the skier and the experience level of the skier. Of course, no one can water ski alone, so you will need to find at least two people to go with you on your water skiing adventure. You and everyone you go with will have more fun if the friends you go with also want to water ski.2After you have the boat, the people, and the skis, you will also need a water skiing cable(纜繩) and a life jacket.

For your first time water skiing, you may want to either take a lesson from an expert or find a friend that has experience to teach you. 3The observer rides in the boat,but watches the water skier for any signals and helps the driver know when to start and stop.

The person skiing starts by crouching(蹲伏)in the water, this is called a deep water start. The skis will float ,but you want your body to be in a crouching position in the water. Your skis tips should be pointing out of the water.4 When you are ready, you give a signal to the driver of the boat ,who starts speeding. Ideally you are pulled into an upright position with your skis underneath you, gliding along the surface of the water.5

A.You need a boat. naturally,

B.Most people just enjoy regular water skiing.

C.The idea is to ski on the surface of the water.

D.Having a successful start will most likely take a few tries.

E.Your arms will be overstretched holding onto the cable tightly.

F.Before you start water skiing, there are a few supplies you'll need.

G.Of your two helpers, you need one to drive the boat and one to observe.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1. 慶祝春節(jié)的傳統(tǒng)方式;

2. 目前慶祝方式的改變。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增減細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。

Dear Frankie,



Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:


A female Arctic fox traveled nearly 2, 200 miles in 76 days—from Norway to Canada—and surprised Norwegian scientists in the process.

The fox 1 (equip) with a satellite transmitter by scientists at the Norwegian Polar Institute, where scientists wanted 2 (survey) just how far Arctic foxes travel from their birthplace. They found their answer: In less than three months, it went from Spitsbergen, 3 island in northern Norway, to Ellesmere Island in the northeastern part of Canada.

The fox moved 4 a rate of 29 miles a day. At its fastest, it traveled nearly 100 miles in a single day while 5 (cross) Greenland. It set a record for the fastest movement rate ever 6 (document) in an Arctic fox. 'This is among the longest 7 (event) ever recorded for an Arctic fox, covering extensive stretches of sea ice and glaciers, ' wrote Norwegian scientists Eva Fuglei and Arnaud Tarroux in a report.

The journey was among the longest recorded by scientists, 8 it also raises questions of the effects 9 climate changes have on sea ice and animals that navigate the Arctic. The Arctic 10 (current) faces 'its most excellent transition in human history', said Emily Osborne of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


科目: 來源: 題型:






It was The Dragon Boat Festival on last Thursday. My parents and me visited my grandparents and spend the day with them. When we arrived, they were making Zongzi, what is kind of traditional food for the festival. I was such curious about it that wanted to have a try. So my grandma taught me how to wrap glutinous rices in bamboo leaves as well as tell the story of Qu Yuan to me. I was moved because Qu Yuan was true loyal to his state. The wrapping job was difficult, and I managed to make some.

Not only did I enjoy a great time with my family but also I learned a new skill. How exciting experience it was!


科目: 來源: 題型:



刪除:把多余的詞用斜線( \ )劃掉。


注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

I was so proud that I heard my team won the ice hockey competition. It made me feeling like I could achieve anything. Only three years before, I was terrified of walking or skating on ice. To deal with this, I decided to join skating club. My teacher was great but before I knew it, I was able to skate. He then persuades me to try ice hockey. I loved it and was soon practising with my local team on almost every evening. We’re now training hardly for national competitions and hope to be champion one day, but his ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1. 時間和地點;

2. 內(nèi)容安排;

3. 注意事項。注意:

1. 詞數(shù) 100 左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。

3. 參考詞匯:孔子Confucius 儒家思想 Confucianism



Student Union

June 17th,2020


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Last summer, bird-watchers confirmed the discovery of a new species of bird in Cambodia(柬埔寨): the Combodian tailorbird. It was not an event of particular biological significance but it was striking for one reason: This species of tailorbird was discovered not in an unspoiled rain forest but within the limits of Combodia’s capital, Phnom Penh.

We don’t typically think of the city as a likely habitat for natural life except rats and pigeons(鴿子), let alone as a hiding place for an undiscovered species of bird. But a new paper, published last week in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, proves it incorrect. A team of 24 researchers has studied birds and plants in 147 cities, and found that cities much more closely resemble their native habitats than they resemble each other.

It’s also true that in the world of birds and plants, as in human society, there is such thing as a world species who feels equally at home in Francisco, Milan and Beijing. Four birds appear in more than 80 percent of the cities studied, and 11 plants in more than 90 percent of the cities. On the plant side, those include meadow grass, shepherd’s purse, weeds. In the air, it’s the usual species: the pigeon, the house sparrow and the European starling(驚鳥). They all have become completely adapted to urban life.

However, not all cities are equal protectors of plants and animals, though. City design plays an important role in greening a city. In fact, the amount of green space is a stronger predictor of the biodiversity than a city’s size.

In a world where architecture, food, language, fashion and commerce are increasingly globalized, a city’s native plants and animals are considered as a kind of city identity. Cities tend to become similar, but their natural environments stand differently apart.

1What does the author think of the discovery of the Cambodian tailorbird?

A.It is just an exception.

B.It is a wonder for the Cambodians.

C.It is an amazing biological event.

D.It is very common in the world.

2Weeds and sparrows are found in many cities. This seems to be a result of ________.

A.complete adaption

B.natural selection

C.good urban design

D.rapid globalization

3We can learn that while cities tend to become similar, their natural environments ________.

A.are becoming worse

B.remain diverse

C.are expanding in size

D.stay unchanged

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.The Discovery of New Species of Bird in Cambodia

B.The Similarity of the Habitats in Different Cities

C.City’s Native Plants and Animals—A Kind of City Identity

D.City—Protector of Native Plants and Animals

