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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除 或修改。




注意:1 .每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;


Yesterday afternoon after playing the tennis, I was about to leave the sports club while I saw Emma. She is a cleaner in her sixty. She was talking to the owner of the club Mr. Black, asking some money. Her hand ached bad and she wanted to see a doctor. Mr. Black made some excuses and walks away.

I felt sorry for her. Although I was outside the club, I turned back and opened her wallet. I knew I didn't have many, but I gave her whatever came out in my hand but said, “Emma, please see a doctor.” After that, whenever meet me, she smiles to me and says, “Hello, Gina.”


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Water skiing is an exciting water sport that can be a ton of fun. You will get to have a thrilling adventure every time you go out on the water. 1 However, once you do, water skiing is a sport you can enjoy whenever you have a boat and enough flat water.

2Every water skier needs water skis — these are different from snow skis and they also differ depending on the size of the skier and the experience level of the skier. Of course, no one can water ski alone, so you will need to find at least two people to go with you on your water skiing adventure. You and everyone you go with will have more fun if the friends you go with also want to water ski. 3 After you have the boat, the people, and the skis, you will also need a water skiing cable and a life jacket.

For your first time water skiing, you may want to either take a lesson from an expert or find a friend that has experience and is willing to teach you.4The observer rides in the boat, but watches the water skier for any signals and helps the driver know when to start and stop.

Once you get going and are able to water ski with ease, you will discover that there are many different types of water skiing. Most people just enjoy regular water skiing, but you may want to check out some of these more specialized types of water skiing. 5

A.You need a boat, naturally.

B.It takes a little patience to learn.

C.The idea is to ski on the surface of the water.

D.Your ski tips should be pointing out of the water.

E.Before you start water skiing, there are a few supplies you' 11 need.

F.Of your two helpers, you need one to drive the boat and one to observe.

G.In trick skiing, the water skier attempts gymnastic-like tricks while water skiing.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 More than half of the birds in Washington are at risk of extinction because of climate change. That's according to a new national report from the Audubon Society, which gives detailed analysis of climate effects on about 600 species of North American birds.

It's based on more than 140 million observations of birds across the US, Mexico and Canada. Audubon scientists looked at the likely effects of sea-level rise, urbanization, drought, extreme spring heat, increased fires, heavy rain and other factors.

But it doesn't just spell out a doomsday scenario (世界末日).Instead, it offers a range of effects and warming, depending on how much carbon humans add to the atmosphere.

"It is truly an existential threat (威脅), not only to birds but to people,” said Doug Santoni, board chair of Audubon Washington, who looked into the report as soon as it came out.

Santoni says he was struck to see the vulnerability (脆弱)of a common “ backyard bird" , the dark-eyed junco. It's one that many first-time birders become familiar with as they learn how to identify species based on their markings and other traits. Currently in Washington, you can count on juncos to show up at your feeder, year round. Extreme spring heat, increased fires and heavy rain are the kinds of changes that will force birds like these north, or kill them off if they fail to adapt.

Trina Bayard, director of bird conservation at Audubon’s Washington chapter, says, "It's certainly a very serious warning report," but adds that there’s still hope. “If we can stabilize current temperatures and decrease our emissions (排放), we can really reduce the effects to these birds …that's very motivating. ”

1What can we know about the new report?

A.It analyses the species of birds in detail.

B.It's issued by watching 600 bird species.

C.It shows the end of North American birds.

D.It reports the threat some birds are facing.

2What may Santoni probably agree with?

A.Climate change is a threat only to birds.

B.It's too late to take action to save the birds.

C.The current situation of the birds is worrying.

D.It's common that birds are affected by climate change.

3Which of the following can help these birds according to Trina?

A.Lowering present temperatures.

B.Reducing our daily emissions.

C.Making them adapt to climate change.

D.Encouraging people to protect them.

4What can be the best title for the text?

A.Climate change threatens many Washington bird species.

B.A new report about 600 species of North American birds.

C.Different attitudes towards the situation of bird species.

D.Climate change makes different kinds of species at risk.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 My students were taking midterms when my phone erupted with urgent messages. “A student is having a panic attack,” texted a teaching assistant. I ran out of my office, down a flight of stairs and found the student — a pupil in my 350-person organic chemistry class — lying motionless on the ground outside the exam hall. “Did my exam really trigger a panic attack?” I asked myself. “Why am I not prepared to deal with a situation like this?”

It was my first time teaching the course. But I knew that the subject was challenging for my students. This was a source of stress for premedical students in particular, who feared that a low grade in organic chemistry would keep them from getting into medical school.

The following day, I was scheduled to lecture to the same class. I knew that I had to address what had happened during the midterm. So, I started by saying: “I want to take some time today to talk about something important. How many of you think that this is a weed-out course?” Half of my students raised their hands carefully. “I’m sorry to hear that,” I continued. “I want you all to know that I do not consider any of you to be weeds; you all deserve to be here.”

I flashed a slide of flowers in various shapes. I smiled at my students and said: “I think of you as flowers — different flowers with different needs. You may not bloom at the same time, but you will bloom! You may not do well in the midterm exam, but you will learn from your mistakes and do better in the final exam. I believe this. I believe in you.”

From that point on, my office hours were packed. Some asked about lecture topics and study strategies; others opened up about personal issues. I was amazed that a simple, frank discussion in lecture could make such a difference.

1What made the pupil have a panic attack?

A.Hiding personal issues.

B.The stress for high grades.

C.Lacking study strategies.

D.Failing to handle the situation.

2What does the underlined word “trigger” in Paragraph 1 most probably mean?



3Why did the author go to the same class the next day?

A.To give the lesson according to the arrangement.

B.To apologize and explain to the panicked student.

C.To give a speech on what happened in the test.

D.To persuade all the students to stay in the class.

4Which paragraph mainly shows the author’s encouragement to students?

A.Paragraph 2.

B.Paragraph 3.

C.Paragraph 4.

D.Paragraph 5.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假如你是李華,你校將舉辦以“What should I do to Ensure an Eco-friendly World”為主題的英語演講比賽。請給在英國朋友的Peter寫一封郵件告知你要參加這次競賽,要點(diǎn)如下:



1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。



科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,正在負(fù)責(zé)策劃綠色校園活動(Green Campus Campaign),請給你的英國筆友Henry寫一封郵件,向他介紹此次活動的目的、內(nèi)容,并征求他的建議。


1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;

Dear Henry,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:


Nowadays, people all over the world are more connected, and therefore 1 is often said that the world is getting smaller. By this, they mean that with improved communications and trade, each country is becoming more and more familiar with one another. There 2 (seem) to be a lot of truth to this. After all, you can buy African food in Norway, or watch a French movie in China.

But in spite of this, countries still have the power 3 (shock) people who visit them for the first time. For many of us, there are still real differences 4 the culture and habits between nations.

Most often, however, it’s eating habits 5 are different between cultures. The Daily Mail article mentioned the shock of an Indian man, Kaushal Braot. When visiting a Western country, he noticed people socializing in restaurants, often spending hours in them with friends. Kaushal was surprised 6 in India, restaurants are for one thing only: eating.

The cultural differences people noticed can seem positive, negative, or 7 (simple) just strange. But rather than something to be feared, these differences should be welcomed. Indeed, if the whole world 8 (be) like one big country, it would be a much 9 (dull) place. So let’s be proud of our own culture, and at the same time, open to the cultures of 10 (other).


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,外教Smith先生下周即將來你班任教。請你用英語寫一封電子郵件向他介 紹你班的基本情況,內(nèi)容包括:







Dear Mr Smith,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3.


We are looking forward to your coming!


Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 For many freshmen (新生), this will really be your first time to handle money on your own. You will have difficulty handling budgets. Here are some amazing tips for you.

Keep track of personal finances

1. This is how you become truly independent. Actually, in this case, there are now a lot of convenient APPs on your smart phone that can give you a real time image of your money and spending.

Use credit responsibly

Building credit is important, and so is opening your first credit card. 2. Then, look for a card with no annual fee, good rewards and a reasonable interest rate.


The easiest way to start is to save all your coins and changes every week into a savings account with no ATM card. This seemingly insignificant amount adds up over time and starts the habit of saving.

Get a flexible job

Getting a job in college is practical, because you can earn “spending money” and even save some to put toward books, supplies, and your student loans. 4, which have limited responsibilities. These types of work allow you to make money and finish your schooling.

Network for your future career

No money item could be more important than your network, because the quickest way to get a job is all about who you know, and not totally dependent on your grades. 5.

A.Learn to start saving a little each month

B.There are many on-campus jobs out there

C.The first step is to start keeping accounts for yourself

D.Ask the salespeople to explain detailed points to you

E.Open an account without delay when it’s convenient

F.But your job can have a negative effect on your study

G.This could benefit you more than opening up a credit card


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Roughly 8. 5 billion plastic straws are used in the United Kingdom each year, but as a new ban takes effect next April, that number will decrease to zero. One startup (初創(chuàng)企業(yè)) is hoping to capture the chance to make a kind of straws as an alternative by using an unlikely material: pasta (意大利面食).

“It has all the function of a plastic straw that everyone has been using,” says Maxim Gelmann, founder of Stroodles, the startup. The straws, made by an Italian company that also produces regular pasta, are the same shape and size as a standard plastic straw.

Unlike a paper straw, they don’t taste like wet paper; they don’t change the flavor of the drink. They last at least an hour, and longer in colder drinks. If you’re nursing a drink for hours and the pasta eventually softens, you can choose to eat it. The raw straw is also eatable, and Gelmann says that some people snack on them.

A handful of other pasta-straw startups also exist, though Stroodles is hoping to feature itself with a smoother, more plastic-like material and its branding.

It’s more expensive to make than a plastic straw, but at large volumes, it can compete with the cost of paper straws. Because of the coming ban, “No one really compares us with plastic anymore,” Gelmann says. “They compare us with paper straw prices, which makes my argument much easier and my expectation brighter.”

Other alternatives, like bamboo or stainless steel, are more expensive and a less elegant solution; some bars say that customers don’t trust the idea that stainless steel straws can be fully sanitized (消毒). Another option—a plastic-like eatable straw made from seaweed—may be more of a competitor.

1What’s the startup’s main purpose of producing the pasta straws?

A.To reduce the consumption of energy.

B.To take over the market.

C.To answer the call for the ban.

D.To compete with paper straws.

2What advantage do the pasta straws have compared with other straws?

A.They are cheaper.B.They can be used longer.

C.They can be treated as snacks.D.They are suitable for mass production.

3What attitude does Gelmann have towards the pasta straws’ future?



4What can be inferred from the text?

A.The government disagrees with Gelmann.

B.The startup will become a very big company.

C.The pasta straws face fierce competition.

D.The pasta straws can improve drinks’ flavor.

