
1. ― What’s your opinion of the movie we saw last night?

― _____. It can’t be worse.

A. Really boring      B. It was just what I wanted  

C. Not too bad        D. I have a different view

2. ― You must mix the two chemicals carefully before doing the experiment. Do like this.

― _____ Thank you, Mr. Green

A. I know.    B. Got it.      C. Beg your pardon?      D. Yes, you’re right.

3. ― Are you going to apply for the job in that company?

― Well, _____.

A. go ahead   B. it depends   C. it’s my duty         D. mind your own business

4. ― Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?

― _____.

A. That’s great    B. I like it    C. It’s very wise of you  D. Have fun

5. ― _____

― I’m sorry, but I had something urgent to deal with at that time.

A. What’s wrong with you?        B. I really hate waiting.

C. How about a picnic this weekend?  D. I don’t think you’re late.

6. _____ around the newly-built school, we were then taken to visit the high-tech industry zone.

A. Having been shown   B. Having shown   C. To show     D. To be shown

7. Mr. Stove, our new English teacher, is said _____ in Hong Kong for three years before he came to our school.

A. to have taught       B. have taught      C. to teach      D. to be teaching

8. The survey _____ in 2006 indicated that most U.S. consumers were unfamiliar with the concept of green and how their actions affected the environment.

A. to conduct        B. conducting     C. to be conducted      D. conducted

9. ― Have you seen Bill anywhere?

― He is said to _____ Lily with her Chinese in the library.

A. be helping        B. have helped    C. help                D. helping

10. After walking for two hours in the valley, we found ourselves _____ by two strangers.

A. following        B. followed       C. to follow             D. have followed

11. I flew all the way to Taiyuan only _____ the meeting was put off and I had to go back.

A. to tell       B. to be told      C. told       D. telling

12. The girl can’t read or write. Who do you think she will _____?

A. have written the letter      B. have to write the letter

C. have the letter written      D. have write the letter

13. The poor man is in danger. We should do all we _____ him out.

A. can help      B. can to help      C. can helping      D. can to helping

14. Is this factory _____ you went to last week?

A. which        B. where          C. the one         D. that

15. _____ you met with Mr. Green for the first time?

A. When it was that          B. Was it on Sunday when

C. When was it that          D. Was it that Sunday

16. That is not the book _____ you can find the exact answer.

A. which       B. that         C. where       D. on which

17. Air to us is _____ water is to fish.

A. that         B. what        C. all that      D. as

18. Who would you rather _____ with you to the park, John or Mary?

A. have go     B. have to go     C. have gone   D. had gone

19. Jack won the first prize in the photo competition, _____, of course, made us surprised.

A. that         B. which        C. what       D. this

20. Such teachers as _____ not easily forgotten.

A. he is        B. he are        C. him is       D. him are

21. _____ the flight be out of control, stay calm and listen for instructions from the cabin crew.

A. Should      B. Would        C. Can        D. Might

22. ― John’s child burned himself while playing with fire.

― He _____ have left his child by himself at home yesterday.

A. oughtn’t to  B. may not      C. must not     D. can’t

23. ― Did you hear that Harry went to England for further study?

― Yes, but I don’t know when he _____.

A. leaves       B. left          C. is leaving    D. was leaving

24. Though she was born into a rich family, she was _____ to spend money carefully and save as much as she could.

A. brought in    B. brought out   C. brought about  D. brought up

25. When I was worried about why nobody supported me, he helped me with advice as to how to get my ideas _____.

A. across       B. through       C. around       D. down

26. No one was in the yard, so I called out “Where is everybody?” “In the bathroom,” _____ the reply.

A. passed       B. is           C. came         D. appeared

27. She was an excellent manager and used to having her orders instantly _____.

A. violated      B. obeyed      C. canceled      D. created

28. The oil prices in the international market sharply _____ because demand for energy fell last year.

A. benefited     B. decreased    C. damaged      D. measured

29. ― You are late again!

― But it’s not my fault. The elevator in my building _____ and I was trapped in it.

A. broke out     B. broke down  C. broke in       D. broke off

30. The _____ for the security service of flight is said to  have been increased.

A. price        B. cost         C. charge        D. expense

31. He was chairman of _____ temporary government and now has officially been in power.

A. that time     B. then         C. the then       D. the time’s

32. ― The chemical works is said to have been accused.

― Yes, ____ its pouring the waste water into the river without being cleaned.

A. of          B. for          C. with          D. about

33. The researchers built a special container that heated the water at one end and cooled it at _____.

A. other        B. another       C. others      D. the other

34. ― Have you got your paper out of the office?

― No. A(n) _____ was made to open the door, but it was not successful.

A. attempt      B. progress      C. application   D. promise

35. ― I like the Fantasy by Zhou.

― When I first heard the song I knew it would be a _____.

A. hit          B. person       C. show         D. fortune

36. Visiting the Yangtze Three Gorges (長(zhǎng)江三峽)was _____ experience I’ll never forget. I was touched by the beauty of _____ nature.

A. a; the        B. an; /         C. an; the       D. the; /

37. Suddenly a stone hit him on ___ head. It was such ___ severe blow that he gave a cry of anger.

A. his; a        B. the; a        C. his; /         D. the; /

38. ― Shall David go to see the movie this evening?

― Not _____ he has finished his homework .

A. since         B. once        C. if            D. unless

39. _____ the unclear statistics, it is clear that advertisers do play a part in the lives of our media.

A. Despite of     B. In spite that  C. Despite       D. Though

40. ― What are you going to do this afternoon?

― I’ll probably go for a walk later on _____ it stays fine.

A. as far as       B. so long as     C. even if       D. as though

41. Ten heads of state and twenty-six heads of government are reported _____ the Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting on Oct. 25.

A. will attend     B. have attended  C. to attend      D. to have attended

42. Great changes _____ in the city, and a lot of factories _____.

A. have been taken place; have been set up

B. have taken place; have been set up

C. have taken place; have set up

D. were taken place; were set up

43. ― Look at the black clouds. It _____ soon.

― Sure. If only we _____ out.

A. is raining; didn’t come         B. is to rain; won’t start

C. will rain; haven’t started        D. is going to rain; hadn’t come

44. ― Remember the first time we met, Jim?

― Of course I do. You _____ in the library.

A. were reading      B. had read     C. have read      D. read

45. The plane _____ at 7:00 p.m., so I have to be at the airport by 6:40 at the latest.

A. has left     B. left       C. will have left       D. leaves

46. Jack is _____ of an artist.

A. anyone     B. someone   C. anything          D. something

47. ― Is there any picture on the wall?

― _____.

A. Nothing    B. No one     C. No ones          D. None

48. The plane flew smoothly _____ in the sky and people spoke _____ of the experienced pilot.

A. high; high   B. highly; highly   C. high; highly     D. highly; high

49. Can you believe that in _____ a rich country there should be _____ many poor people?

A. such; such      B. such; so      C. so; so       D. so; such

50. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _____.

A. the better voice  B. a good voice   C. a best voice  D. a better voice





1-5 ABBAB   6-10 AADAB   11-15 BDBCC   16-20 CBABB   21-25 AABDA

26-30 CBBBC  31-35 CADAA  36-40 BBDCB   41-45 DBDAD   46-50 DDCBD



