
請看下面這道選擇題:I  have  told  everything ________ I  know  to  you.  A.what  B.that  C.which  D.who    本題考查的是定語從句關(guān)系代詞的用法。關(guān)系代詞that,which和who引導(dǎo)定語從句時,在句中的職能和意義彼此相通:即which用來指物,who用來指人,that即可指物,也可指人。指物時,which和that有時可以互換;指人時,who和that有時可以互換,但在下列情況下卻不能互換:

1.如果定語從句所修飾的詞是指物的不定代詞時,用that不用which。故此,本題答案應(yīng)選B(that),不選C(which)。也就是說,在本題中,that與which不能互換。但是指人的不定代詞用that或who皆可。例如: They  will  punish(懲罰)anybody  that/who  cut down  young  trees.

2.當(dāng)定語從句所修飾的詞有限定的修飾詞時,必須用which或who,不能用that。例如:(1)April  1st  is  the  day  which is  called  April  Fool's  Day  in  the  west. (2) I  know  the  detective  who  successfully  saved  the   little  boy  in the  accident.

3.當(dāng)定語從句所修飾的那個詞是數(shù)詞或所修飾的那個名詞有一個數(shù)詞作定語時,一般用that,不用which。例如:The  two  books  that  I  bought  yesterday  are  English   novels.

4.在only,no,any,little,much,all之后,以及先行詞帶有最高級修飾語時,一般多用that不用which,但all指人時,用who不用that。例如: (1)This  is  the  only  book  that  we  can  borrow.  (2)That  is  the  best  film  that  I  have seen  so  far.  (3)The  book  contains  much/little  that   is  useful.(4)All  who  know  him  like  him  very  much. (5)Say  all  that  you  know.

5.that不能像which,whom那樣放在介詞之后,而必須將介詞調(diào)到句末。例如: (1)The  man  that/who  you  talked  with yesterday  is  my   uncle.或The  man  with  whom  you  talked  yesterday  is  my   uncle. (2)This  is  the  cage in  which  Polly  lives.或This  is  the   cage  that/which  Polly  lives  in.

6.人和物并列作先行詞時,在the  same,the  very,the  last和序數(shù)詞之后時,常用that,一般不用which或who。例如: (1)She  was  the  first/the  last  students  that  came this  morning.  (2)He  made  a  speech  on  the  men  and  things  that  he  had  seen  in  Canada. (3) Looking  at  the  man  and  his  donkey  that  are  walking  up                       the  street.  (4)This  is  the  same  pen  that  I  lost  yesterday. (5)This  is  the  very  book  that  I  have  been looking  for.

7.前面有who,which,what等疑問代詞時,定語從句的關(guān)系代詞應(yīng)用that,不用who或which。例如:(1)Who  is  the  man that  is  standing  by  the  door? (2)Who  that  has  such  a  home  does  not  love  it?   (3)Which  is  the  dog that  you  lost  yesterday? (4)What  that  you  say  does  not  interest  him?

8.先行詞為that,those指物時,關(guān)系代詞用which。those指人時,關(guān)系代詞用who,that皆可。例如:(1)Please  show  me that  which  you  bought  yesterday. (2)That  which  you  borrowed  from  me  wasn't  a  real  diamond    necklace.(3)They  are  those  who/that  we  love.







