
M: Morning . Helen. You look quite different today!

W: Yeah. My husband bought me a T-shirt yesterday.

M: The color looks so warm and nice,

W: Actually, I prefer blue or white but my husband likes warm color.


M: Excuse me, madam. I’m waiting for Flight UA 445 from London. It’s one hour later than usual. What’s wrong?

W: I’m so sorry for that. As you know, the foggy weather happens now and then.

M: I see. They should have taken the train. But thanks a lot all the same.


W: Daddy, I have decided to give up science and go to business school.

M: Well, it is your choice as long as you pay your own way, but I should warn you that not everyone with a business degree will make a successful manager.


W: Hello! Sands Hotel.

M: Hello. This is Bob, Bob Wesley . I’d like to have a double room from April 21 to 26.

W: Wait, please… Bob Wesley, W-e-s-l-e-y…A double room from 21-26.

Text 5

W: Hey, boy, what are you doing there?

M: Nothing.

W: You shouldn’t draw pictures with your knife on the tree.

Text 6

W: Have you finished reading the newspaper, John?

M: No ,I’m afraid I haven’t . There’s a lot to read in the Sunday papers.

W: Well, could you please give me some of the pages to look at? Sunday is the only day when I have time to read the paper.

M: Do you want the women’s pages?

W: No, I’d prefer the business part. I’d like to see how other food companies like ours are doing.

M: Do you want some coffee while reading?

W: Yes, and with some milk, please.

Text 7

W: Hello. I’m back and I didn’t get the job. How about you, darling?

M: No luck.

W: There’s nothing there. It’s no use looking.

M: Well, I had two letters last week. I didn’t really expect any.

W: How about the dress shop?

M: Experience needed.

W: The tearoom?

M: Filled.

W: Naturally.

M: But they put me on the waiting list.

W; That’s a comfort, isn’t it? Well, Robby, we’re a couple of successes. Sitting on the top of the world, aren’t we?

M. Well, you’re in a nice mood, aren’t you; No wonder you are sitting here in the dark feeling sorry for yourself.

W: Well, if I don’t feel sorry for myself,  who will?

M: Trouble with you is you’re hungry. Come on, dear. Give me a hand. You’ll feel better when you have something to eat.

Text 8

W; Good morning, Garble Travel Agency. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I’d like to have some information about the city of Barcelona. I have 5 days holiday.

W: Well, there are a lot of places to visit in Barcelona. You could go to the Old City, which is the real Barcelona of many centuries ago. I think you’d enjoy it.

M: So there are many old buildings in the Old City?

W: Yes, and these old buildings are quite well-preserved from modern damage. And there’s a cathedral near the Old City. It’s magnificent.

M: I’ve heard about it. Any place else?

W: Well, there’re also several very interesting museums and a lot of good restaurants.

M: If I go to Barcelona, where could I stay? Have you any suggestion?

W: Well, you’d better stay at the Barcelona Hotel, which is near the Old City. The food there is cheap and special as well.

Text 9

W: Are you phoning Linda?

M: Yes. But how do you know?

W: Her office left you a message.

M: What did it say?

W: It said she had left for London.

M: What happened?

W: The manager at their office had suddenly fallen ill. She had to go and take his place for three days.

M: You see, I had arranged for us to have dinner with a friend tonight.

W: Why not invite me, then?

M: Sure, why not?

Text 10

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I’m sorry to tell you that the police have asked us to take everyone away from the building as quickly as possible. A shopping bag possibly containing an explosive material has been found in one of the dressing rooms back stage. Experts are on their way to examine it. We ask  you to leave in a quiet and orderly fashion. There is completely no need for fear. Please make your way out by Exit One. Cross the street and wait outside the supermarket at the corner. Leave your seats row by row as directed by our attendants and give any help necessary to anyone around you, especially elderly and disabled people. If you have children with you, make sure you are not separated from them. Hold small children firmly by the hand. If you forget anything, please do not try to come back for it. This will only cause unnecessary disorder and delay. If you see any doubtful objects, do not touch them but inform one of our attendants as you leave. Do remember to put out the cigarettes. We appreciate your cooperation and hope you will be able to return to your seats shortly and enjoy the last act of the play.









76.being 改為 was       77.I 改為 me        78. 去掉but   79. to 改為 for 

80. Beside 改為Besides  81.drive 改為drove   82.that 改為 which  或者that 前面加and  83. √                 84. book 改為books   85. expensive 改為high


Mar. 5th  Sunday                                                Fine/Sunny

This afternoon, I went home after I played football with my friends. On the way, I saw an old woman walking slowly with a basket of vegetables and a big water-melon in her hands. She looked tired. So I went up to her and offered to help her with the water-melon. I quickly took the football out of the net and put the water-melon into it. I carried the water-melon while she carried my football. When we got to the woman's house, I was sweating. I returned the water-melon to her, got my football back and said good-bye to her. Although I was tired. I felt very happy.

