on+ the head/shoulder/back/nose:表示拍打較硬或凸形的部位 in+ the face/ear/stomach/eye::表示拍打較軟或凹形的部位 by+ the arm/hand/nose: 表示牽.拉.抓某部位(4)表示之間:between/among(5)表示方式 查看更多



Imagine that the genome (基因組) is a book. The book consists of 23 chapters with thousands of stories made up of paragraphs, words and letters on different levels. There are one billion words in the book, which makes it longer than 5,000 volumes the size of this book, or as long as 800 Bibles. If I read the genome out to you at the rate of one word per second for eight hours a day, it would take me a century. If I wrote out the human genome, one letter per millimeter, my text would be as long as the River Danube. This is an enormous document. A huge volume, a cook book of great length, and it all fits inside the extremely small nucleus (核) of a tiny cell that fits easily upon the head of a pin.
The idea of the genome as a book is not, strictly speaking, even a metaphor (比喻), It is true to a great extent. A book is a piece of digital information, written in one-directional form and defined by a code that translates a small alphabet of letters into a large dictionary of meanings through the order of their groupings. So is a genome. The only complication is that all English books read from left to right, while some parts of the genome read from left to right, and some from right to left, though never both at the same time.
While English books are written in words of different lengths using twenty-six letters. Genomes are written entirely in three-letter words, using only four letters, And instead of being written on flat pages, they are written on long chains of DNA molecules (分子), The genome is a very clever book, because in the right conditions it can both photocopy itself and read itself.
【小題1】How do human genomes read according to the passage?

A.Only from left to right.B.Only from right to left.
C.From both directions at the same timeD.From one direction at a time
【小題2】We can learn from the passage that the human genome ______.
A.is as long as the River Danube
B.can be easily placed on the head of a pin
C.is coded with and alphabet of four letters
D.is smart enough to read and take photos of itself
【小題3】It can be concluded that the passage is mainly written for ______.
A.specialists in the field B.general readers
C.natural scientistsD.readers with academic background
【小題4】The real purpose of the author’s comparison of the genome to a book is ______.
A.to focus on the differences between the two
B.to lay emphasis on the similarities between the two
C.to simplify the concept of the human genome
D.to give an exact description of the human genome


There's a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella.At first I couldn't stand it;now I'm used to it.

   I don't know his name.I know he's average in appearance,wears a gray suit,and has a common face.One hot morning,when I was sitting on a tree?shaded bench in Palermo Park,reading the paper,suddenly I felt something touch my head.It was the very same man who now,as I'm writing,keeps striking me with an umbrella.

   On that occasion I turned around filled with anger.He just kept on hitting me.I asked him if he was crazy.He didn't even seem to hear me.Then I threatened to call a policeman.Calmly,cool as a cucumber,he stuck with his task.After a few moments of hesitation,and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude,I stood up and hit him on the nose.The man fell down.But he immediately got back on his feet,obviously with great effort,and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella.His nose was bleeding and,at that moment,I felt sorry for him.I felt regret for having hit him so hard.After all,the man wasn't exactly hitting me;he was merely tapping me lightly with his umbrella,not causing any pain at all.Of course,those taps were extremely bothersome.As we all know,when a fly lands on your forehead,you don't feel any pain;what you feel is annoyance.Well then,that umbrella was one huge fly that kept landing on my head time after time.

   Convinced that I was dealing with a madman,I tried to escape.But the man followed me,wordlessly continuing to hit me.So I began to run(I should point out many people run as fast as I do).He took off after me,trying to land a blow.The man was out of breath so that I thought,if I continued to force him to run at that speed,he would drop dead right then and there.

1.When the man began to strike the author with an umbrella,the author________.

A.became angry

B.called the police

C.turned around and escaped

D.turned around and fought back

2.The author would most probably agree that the man was


A.deaf      B.blind

C.dead      D.mad

3.The author felt sorry for the man because________.

A.the man formed a bad habit of beating others

B.he hit the man so hard that his nose bled

C.the man couldn't catch up with him

D.there was a fly on the man's head

4.It can be learned from the passage that the man ________.

A.shouted loudly while hitting the author

B.wanted to tell the author something

C.ran after the anthor breathlessly

D.a(chǎn)cted as if he were a fly




1.There are many art _____________ (畫(huà)廊)in New York.

2.Would you please let me know your _____________ address(永久的) ?

3.Her arm was beginning to _____________ (膨脹) up where the bee had stung her.

4.I saw an_____________ (救護(hù)車(chē)) passing by.

5.He hit me on the head with a ball _____________ (故意的)which made me very angry.

6.In harvest time, he has to_____________ (雇傭) more people to work for him.

7.Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a_____________ (面具).

8.In the factory the workers_____________ (紡成線)wool into thread nowadays.

9.He was a  _____________ (受害者) of racial prejudice.

10.The entire world _____________(組成) of matter.




    One night, Mrs. Riley was walking along a dark street. She was carrying her handbag in one      and a plastic carrier bag in the other. There was    else in the street except two youths. They were standing in a dark shop doorway. One of them was very tall with fair hair; the other was short and fat with a beard and moustache.

    The youths waited    a few moments, and then ran quickly and quietly towards Mrs. Riley. The tall youth held her from    while the other youth tried to snatch her handbag.

    Suddenly, Mrs. Riley    (throw) the tall youth over her shoulder. He crashed into the other youth and they     landed on the ground. Without     (speak), Mrs. Riley hit both of them on the head with her handbag, and walked calmly .

    The two     (surprise) youths were still sitting on the ground when Mrs. Riley crossed the  towards a door with a lighted sign above it. Mrs. Riley paused, turned round, smiled at the youths and walked into the South West London Judo Club.


After my husband died suddenly from a heart attack,my world crashed around me. My six children were all under 10,and I was burdened with the responsibilities of earning a living,and caring for the children. I was fortunate to find a wonderful housekeeper to care for the children during the week,but from Friday nights to Monday mornings,the children and I were alone.
One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big pretty German Shepherd(牧羊犬)on our doorstep. This dog seemed to intend to enter the house. The children liked “German” immediately and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks.
The following morning we made phone calls and checked lost-and-found ads for German’s owner,but with no results.
On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic. Since I thought it best to leave German behind in case his owner came by,we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas,we were amazed to see German racing to the gas station after us. No way was he going to be left behind.
Monday morning I let him out for a run. He didn’t come back and we were all disappointed. We were convinced that we would never see him again. We were wrong. The next Friday evening,German was back on our doorstep. Again he stayed until Monday morning,when our housekeeper arrived.
This pattern repeated itself every weekend for almost 10 months. We grew more and more fond of German. We took comfort in his strong,warm presence,and we felt safe with him near us. As German became part of the family,he considered it his duty to check every bedroom to be sure each child was cozy in bed.
Each week,between German’s visits,I grew a little stronger,a little braver and more able to handle; every weekend we were no longer alone and enjoyed his company. Then one Monday morning we patted him on the head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time. We never saw German again.
56.The dog first came to the family when _______________.
A.it was needed most
B.the writer became strong enough
C.the writer was away on a business trip
D.the writer was busy on the weekday
57.The family planned to go on a picnic without the German Shepherd because ____.
A.it was too wild to control
B.it was too young to walk so far
C.the owner might come by to pick it up
D.it might spoil the trip
58.The writer was ____________ the German Shepherd.
A.a(chǎn)fraid of         B.grateful to
C.cruel to          D.a(chǎn)nnoyed with
59.Which of the following can’t be used to describe the dog?
A.Loyal          B.Helpful
C.Lovely          D.Wild


1-5 DABBB    6-10 CDDBC  11-15 CDDCB




