30.(四川省成都市新都區(qū)2010屆高中畢業(yè)班診斷性考試) To my great surprise, yesterday, he asked me a few questions there were no answers. A.to which B.a(chǎn)bout which C.in which D.on which 答案 A 查看更多



人們完成工作的方式通常有兩種: 獨立完成和合作完成。兩種方式各有特點。請你以此為話題,按照以下要點寫一篇英語短文:

1. 獨立完成:自行安排、自己解決問題。

2. 合作完成:一起討論、相互學習。

3. 我喜歡的方式和理由。



         Working Individually or Working in a team

There are basically two ways to get work done.






完成句子 (共10小題;每題1分,滿分10分)


_____________________________________________ the champion for the game tonight.

2.這兩種英語 (variety) 在另外兩個領域的區(qū)別是拼寫和發(fā)音。

The other two areas ____________________________________________ are spelling and pronunciation.


You can’t imagine ______________________________________________ out the plan.

4.This field trip has ___________________________________ (對我的人生有深遠影響), which will never fade from my memory.

5.Mostly drivers just pass by, ____________ the human traffic signal __________ ____________ (視為理所當然).


I could see a man _________ on the floor, ________________ with rope.

7.He left school early, and as an adolescent, ________________________________________

(下定決心想要去南美發(fā)大財) in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri for New Orleans.


I ___________________________________________________ the dinner party tonight.

9.People walked round the streets wearing masks, doing __________ they wanted without ________________________. (為所欲為而不會被認出來)

10._________________________________ (隨著時間的推移), Carnival became a way to unite different communities.



Until recently, I hadn’t done much community service.In face, I did nothing to benefit anyone but myself.My selfishness and laziness were clear before I received an assignment from my teacher.Each student was required to complete 10 hours community service.To me, 10 hours was a huge amount of time to spend helping others.Volunterring, for me, has been a truly life – changing experience.

My mom suggested that I organize a food drive(募捐活動)in our development(新建筑宅區(qū))and donate what I collected to a local shelter.Anything that would help finish the project seemed like a good idea, so I agreed.I made up flyers(傳單)asking for donations and placed flyers at every house in my neighborhood.

I was getting ready to fetch the cans from my neighbor’s yards on the day of the food drive when all of a sudden it started to pour.Rain flooded the roads and wind blew hard, but I was determined to complete my task.My mom drove me around our development and I jumped out at every house to collect items people had put out.

When we finally arrived the shelter, I was a little nervous because I had never been there before.The woman in charge was extremely grateful for the donations and said that the world would be ganizing the food drive and delighted that my service to the community would make a difference in people’s lives.

As I was leaving the shelter, a man asked if I was the one who had brought all the food.I shyly nodded, and he said, “A round here, you are a hero.” From that point on, I made myself a promise that I would serve the community more often, even when it was not required.Through this school assignment, I have realized that caring for others is an important part of living and the world would be a completely different place if people all help those who are less fortunate.

1.From the first paragraph we know the author          

A.was satisfied with the assignment of his teacher

B.was unwilling to do good things for others

C.thought it impossible for him to spend 10 hours helping others

D.didn’t realize his selfishness until he received the assignment

2.The author decided to serve the community more often because      

                                                      A.he was treated as a big hero by his neighbors

                                                      B.he received gratitude from the woman in the shelter

                                                      C.he found what he did had an effect on people’s lives

                                                      D.he found the people in the shelter were warm – hearted

3.The author wrote this passage in order to         

                                                      A.show his pity for those poor people

                                                      B.care about the future of the world

                                                      C.give advice on organizing a drive

                                                      D.expect more people to think of others








注:藝術節(jié)art festival“詩仙” fairy poet基礎教育elementary education突出highlight


  An art festival, in memory of Chinese greatest poet, Li Bai, will be held in the city of Jiangyou in Southwest China's Sichuan Province on September,7th, 2008.



1. 不得寫成提綱式
2. 可恰當使用課文所學美句作為過渡連接手段

