a common name a common disease the common sense 常識 have sth in common 有-共同之處 get a general idea of 對-有大致了解 communicate with sb 通訊 communicate sth to sb 把-傳遞給-,向-表達(dá)- 查看更多



Two years ago ,Hannah Mighall ,then 13, survived a great white shark attack on Tasmania’s north-east coast, but despite the terrible scars ,the shy yet courageous teenager is determined to get back into the water.

It’s been a long journey back for the brave girl, whose life was changed forever as she was on her surfboard 60 metres offshore at Binalong, Bay ,Tasmania.

Her cousin ,32-yeaf-old syb Mundy ,was surfing nearby, “Suddenly, everything went quiet ,”Hannah ,now15,recalls of the day she almost lost her life, “I look down into the water and noticed a dark shadow under my board I knew instantly it was a shark.”

As Syb watched in horror, the five-metre shark put hundreds of sharp teeth onto Hannah’s right leg,throwing her from her board, “I was attached to my leg-rope as the shark stared to pull me under the water”,She shakes, “I was lying on my back with one leg under the shark’s body and the other still in its jaws.”

Syb desperately punched (猛擊)the shark’s nose and reached out to grab Hannah as the monster bit a huge chunk(大塊)from the surfboard, “I was still attached to my board and was dragged back under the water again,”she says ,When she came up for air, Hannah dog paddled(爬泳)to Syb’s board and he dragged her from the water to lie on his back ,”We looked down and saw the shark circling beneath us,”Hannah says.

Hannah was rushed to the hospital by helicopter ,She needed more than 400 stitches(針)on her leg and spent two weeks in hospital.

Modest about her remarkable courage, Hannah owes her survival to Syb’s bravery and the fact that great whites,despite their reputation as man-eaters, typically don’t target humans ,After the attack ,Hannah earned the Sea Shepherd award for courage for speaking in defence of the shark “I was in his territory, she wasn’t in mine,”she smiles.

1.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A、Courage Can Beat Any Difficulty

B、How to Escape from a Shark Attack

C、A Survival from a Shark Attack

D、Sharks Can Target Humans Sometimes

2.What is the correct order of the following events happening to Hannah?

a、She was bit and pulled by the shark                        d、She was dragged from the water

b、She swam to Syb’s board                                  e、She was pulled under the water again

c、She came up to take a breath                         f、She noticed the change of the things around her

A、f,a,b,e,c,d             B、f,a,e,c,b,d              C、a,e,c,b,d,f             D、a,c,b,e,d,f

3.From the passage, which statement is mentioned about Hanah?

A、was so brave that this experience didn’t have any influence on her life

B、didn’t hesitate to get hack into the water to surf immediately she recovered

C、thought it is a common thing to be attacked by a shark in the ocean

D、didn’t blame the fact that sharks are known as man-eaters for her being attacked

4.How was Hannah sent to the hospital.?

A、She was went to the hospital by Syb

B、She was went to the hospital by local people

C、She was went to the hospital by helicopter

D、She was went to the hospital by the Sea Shepherb

5.The reason why Hannah was awarded is that        .

A、She was brave to speak for the shark although she was severely injured by it

B、She successfully escaped from a dangerous situation because of her courage

C、She was courageous enough to go deep into sharks’territory and survived

D、She has been determined to go hack into the sea where there are sharks



On a cold January morning in a Washington, DC Metro Station, a man with a violin played for about an hour. During that time about 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

       After 3 minutes a middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He stopped for a few seconds and then hurried on. Four minutes later the violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat without stopping and continued to walk. After 6 minutes, a young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and walked away. After 10 minutes, a 3-year-old boy stopped but his mother dragged him along hurriedly. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

      Finally only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money, but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $ 32. When he finished playing, no one applauded.

       The violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate (復(fù)雜的) pieces ever written, with a violin worth $ 3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $ 100 each.

       The program was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about understanding, taste, and people’s social position. In a common place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we appreciate beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

      If we do not take a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

The first paragraph is aimed to tell us ______.

     A. the man chose a bad place for playing      B. what background the story was set in

     C. how busy people were that morning         D. many people showed interest in music

We can infer from the passage that ______.

     A. none of the passers-by were fond of music

     B. beauty can only be enjoyed in particular places

C. in a way, the violinist was mistaken as a beggar

D. Joshua Bell first played the violin in the station

According to the writer, people should _____.

     A. listen to as many great musicians as possible

     B. try to create beautiful things for others to enjoy

     C. show kindness to anyone whether they’re rich or not

     D. notice and appreciate what’s going on in their daily life


I’m trying to be a writer, but I can’t even start. What should I do?

Abraham, Nebraska

There are many ways to come up with ideas, one of which is to write down a list of your experiences, as well as things from your imagination. When you want to write, look in the notebook for ideas.

Books for writers often have good suggestions, too. One we like is Spilling Ink: A Yong Writer’s Handbook by Anne Mazer and Ellen Potter. Perhaps your library has it.

My classmates keep asking about a new movie I’ve seen. But I don’t want to spoil it for them. What should I do?

Corinne (by e-mail)

You could ask your classmates whether they are sure they want to know and if they insist, go ahead and tell them. You may be able to give them a general idea of the movie without revealing details of the ending.

I’m going to a soccer camp for youth, but I’m not sure if I’m good at soccer or if I’ll make friends.

Louise, New Hampshire

Soccer camp is for people who share an interest in the sport. No matter what a person’s ability is at the beginning, it’s likely that everyone will leave camp with improved skills.

Sharing a common interest may make conversations easier. Smile, be friendly, and have a sense of humor. Before long, you may find that you’ve made some good friends.

Someone invited me to a birthday party. When I got there, kids were doing stuff I’m not interested in, like watching scary movies. I told them my mom would pick me up, so I just left. Was I rude for doing that?

Sam (by e-mail)

You just did the right thing and that isn’t being rude.

We hope you’ll talk with your parents about this. They’re probably proud of what you did. They may have other suggestions for you, too. Talk about different situations that might come up and what would be the best way to handle (處理) them.

1.Who is interested in Spilling Ink: A Yong Writer’s Handbook?

A.Corinne.          B.Louise.            C.Abraham.          D.Sam.

2.What can we learn about the soccer camp?

A.The practice is hard but interesting.

B.It is difficult to make friends in the camp.

C.The camp only wants people who are new to soccer.

D.One’s skills can be improved when leaving the camp.

3.The answer to Sam’s question shows what Sam did is _____.

A.funny            B.strange           C.foolish            D.smart

4.According to the passage, you can make friends by the following means EXCEPT _________.

A.keeping smiling                         B.Being humorous

C.Changing your habits                     D.Being friendly to others

5.This purpose of the text is to _____.

A.give advice        B.tell stories         C.find friends        D.share interests



A black car rushed around the busy street corner, towards the courthouse. The dark       window rolled down and a semi-automatic        stuck out.

   Pauly Gillespie, a government protected witness (目擊者), stood      , seeing death walking toward him. Pauly’s FBI bodyguards       themselves on top of him, but two     were fired and Pauly was hit       the shoulder.

   The car       across two lanes (車道) of traffic. Then it turned left down a path and got __    behind a large truck. The two men in the car       out and raced away ---      into the arms of four policemen.

         Special agent (特工) Brown was new to the police unit and was told to    __ the car out of the path so that the traffic could return to      . Brown changed the position of the rearview (后視) mirror     _ and drove it around to    __ his boss was questioning the two men.

   Brown stood and watched. One of the men was tall and thin, and     _ was five inches shorter, about Brown’s      .

Agent Fordney asked the two men who had done the shooting. They    __ to tell him. Then Brown smiled and said, “I know who the shooter was.” His boss was surprised. How could Brown know that without getting any answer from the two men?

When Brown got into the car, he had to adjust the rearview mirror. That meant the previous driver had been of a       height. Since the shorter man was close to Brown’s height, he knew the taller man must have been the     _. Therefore, the shorter man had done the      .

1.A. driver-side          B. passenger-side      C. right-hand side      D. left-hand side

2.A. hand           B. camera C. handgun                 D. knife

3.A. frozen        B. calm               C. quiet              D. still

4.A. put              B. rushed           C. jumped          D. threw

5.A. bullets      B. shots              C. guns               D. shoots

6.A. on             B. at           C. over               D. in

7.A. sped  B. rolled             C. moved           D. went

8.A. damaged    B. destroyed     C. stuck              D. injured

9.A. came          B. hurried C. walked         D. crawled

10.A. suddenly B. right               C. quickly         D. immediately

11.A. clear                  B. ride                C. carry              D. push

12.A. common  B. ordinary        C. usual              D. normal

13.A. up             B. down              C. in           D. out

14.A. where      B. there              C. which                    D. what

15.A. another   B. other              C. the other                D. one

16.A. size           B. length            C. age                 D. height

17.A. decided   B. refused         C. had               D. pretended

18.A. same        B. large               C. different        D. small

19.A. murderer         B. shooter          C. driver             D. killer

20.A. killing       B. shooting        C. driving           D. murdering



Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another in some way. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar.

In western countries, people usually celebrate New Year at midnight on January 1st. People may go to parties, dress in formal clothes—like tuxedos(小禮服)and evening gowns, and drink champagne at midnight. During the first minutes of the New Year, people cheer and wish each other happiness for the year ahead. But some cultures prefer to celebrate the New Year by waking up early to watch the sun rise. They welcome the New Year with the first light of the sunrise.

It is also a common Western custom to make a New Year’s promise, called a resolution. New Year’s resolutions usually include promises to try something new or change a bad habit in the new year.

Many cultures also do special things to get rid of bad luck at the beginning of a new year. For example, in Ecuador, families make a big doll from old clothes. The doll is filled with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, these dolls are burned to show the bad things from the past year are gone and the new year can start afresh (again). Other common traditions to keep away bad luck in a new year include throwing things into rivers or the ocean, or saying special things on                the first day of the new year.

Other New Year traditions are followed to bring good luck is to eat grapes on New Year’s Day. The more grapes a person eats, the more good luck the person will have in the year. In France, people eat pancakes for good luck at New Year. In the United States, some people eat black– eyed peas(豇豆)for good luck——but to get good luck for a whole year you have to eat 365 of them!

Which culture celebrates New Year in the morning?

A. The United States.                       B. Spain.

C. France.                                D. The passage doesn’t say.

According to the third paragraph, what is a resolution?

A. Something you burn.                    B. Something you eat.

C. Something you say.                      D. Something you wear.

What is the topic of the fourth paragraph?

A. Bringing good luck.                             B. Keeping away bad luck.

C. Planning for the next year.                     D. Remembering the past.

Which is probably true about eating black – eyed peas on New Year?

A. Black-eyed peas taste bad.               B. The peas are very difficult to cook.

C. One pea brings one day of luck.              D. It is bad luck to eat a lot of black-eyed peas.

