sign 招牌.跡象 a sign of danger advertising signs 廣告牌 traffic signs Dark clouds are the sign of rain. He showed no sign of leaving. sign one’s name 簽名 查看更多



閱讀下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后從1~25各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中, 選出一個(gè)最佳答案。

          After she did a lot of shopping, Mrs. Smith came out of the shop and started to walk towards the bus-stop. Her bag was so    1 that she had to rest for a few minutes. She stopped    2 a new, bright car. It was just at the side of the road. As she stood there, she saw a policeman    3 towards her. "Excuse me, madam," said the policeman. "Can you    4 that sign over there?" "Yes, I can," said Mrs. Smith. "It    5 'No Parking'."

       "Yes, madam. So why have you parked your car here? I shall 6 to give you a parking ticket."

         "But this isn't my car." said Mrs. Smith.

         "Isn't it!" said the policeman, and his face turned 7 "I'm very 8 . Still I shall have to put a ticket on the front of    9 car." But he was not able to finish because 10 woman arrived. She kissed the policeman and said, "Hello, dear. I knew I could 11 you here this time of day. Happy birthday! I have got a 12 for you. I have 13 you your birthday present."

         "Thank you, dear," said the policeman. "But 14 is it?" His wife pointed at the red car. "Here it is," she said. "But you 15 leave it in this road for very long. There's a 'No Parking' sign over there." (sign 招牌 park 停車 point 指)

1. A. beautifulB. expensive  C. heavy  D. important [    ]
2. A. inB. by  C. on  D. under[    ]
3. A. coming B. come  C. comes  D. came[    ]
4. A. tell  B. believe  C. look  D. read[    ]
5. A. was  B. says  C. spoke  D. wrote[    ]
6. A. promise  B. decide  C. love  D. have[    ]
7. A. red  B. left  C. right  D. back[    ]
8. A. angry  B. happy  C. satisfied D. sorry[    ]
9. A. my  B. your  C. the  D. her[    ]
10.A. a  B. another  C. other  D. the other[    ]
11.A. catch  B. find  C. get  D. frighten[    ]
12.A. ticket  B. cake  C. thief  D. surprise [    ]
13.A. sent  B. taken  C. given  D. brought[    ]
14.A. how  B. where  C. what  D. which[    ]
15.A. needn't  B. mustn't  C. won't  D. shan't [    ]

      Nathan Hale was a young American captain. He tried to 16 some maps of the British army's defence works to General Washington. Some British   17 caught him and 18 the maps in one of his boots.

         The guards took him to General Howe. 19 British general asked Hale to work for the British army. He said 20 Hale worked for them, he would not have to worry 21 his rank or pay. But Hale 22 to work for his enemy. He said 23 could make him turn 24 his country. So the general decided to hang Nathan Hale.

         Before he died, Hale took a last look at his country and said, "I only 25 that I have but one life to lose for my country."

16.A. draw  B. send  C. hold  D. lend[    ]  
17. A. servants B. conductors C. guards D. peasants[    ]  
18.A. found  B. handed  C. hid  D. kept[    ]  
19.A. One  B. A  C. An  D. The[    ]
20.A. what  B. if  C. how  D. where[    ]  
21.A. with  B. down  C. about  D. out[    ]  
22.A. flew  B. drove  C. rode  D. refused[    ]  
23.A. nothing  B. everything C. anything D. something[    ]  
24.A. into  B. over  C. against  D. back[    ]  
25.A. return  B. regret  C. reply  D. repeat  [    ]

