(1) We can't afford to fall behind our competitors in using the new technology. <我們再也不能在使用新技術(shù)方面落后于我們的競爭對手了.> (2) She has fallen in love with him/the dress. <她已經(jīng)愛上他了/喜歡上了那條裙子.> (3) Where does the plan fall down?(=fail or to be ineffective) <失敗.不起作用> (4) This topic falls naturally into three sections.<被分成> (5) I am quite happy to fail in with you/your suggestions. <贊同> 查看更多




A Joke on a Friend

  Mark twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many famous stories which are still popular in many countries today.Mark Twain was also famous in his day 1 a public speaker.In his speaking Mark Twain always liked 2 funny stories.He also liked to listen to funny stories and to 3 his friends.One day one of his friends 4 his wallet and asked him 5 his train fare for him. 

  “But I don’t have enough money to pay 6 your fare and my fare,”Mark Twain said.

  The friend didn’t know 7 to do.He was very sad. “We can do this.”said Mark Twain.“We can 8 the train and when the conductor comes to take the tickets you can hide 9 my seat.”

  Later, 10 ,on the train,when the conductor came to take the tickets,Mark Twain gave him two tickets 11 for Mark Twain and one for his friend.Then 12 a loud voice,Mark Twain explained.

  “My friend here is a 13 strange man.When he travels on a train he doesn’t like to sit 14 a seat.He prefers 15 on the floor under the seat.”

  Of course,everybody in the train then looked at the poor friend under the seat and laughed at him loudly.


[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato say


Bto make


Cto speak


Dto tell


[  ]      

   Amake a joke about          Bhave a joke with      

Cplay jokes on


Dplay a trick on


[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato buy


Bto cost


Cto pay


Dto charge


[  ]      








Das well as


[  ]      










[  ]      


Aget on


Bgo on


Cget in


Dgo in


[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      






Ca ticket


Dthe one


[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato lay


Bto lie


Cto laying


Dto be lying



閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1 ̄25各題所給的四個選項中,選出一   個最佳答案。

    It was cold winter's afternoon. Robert stopped for a moment as he   crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were   hardly any 1 on the river. 2 the bridge, however, almost directly   below, 3 was a small canoe(獨木舟), with a boy in it. He was   4 wearing many clothes, Robert 5 . He shivered(打了個寒戰(zhàn))and walked on.

         6 he heard a cry. "Help! Help!" The cry 7 from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was   8 the water and his canoe was 9 away. "Help!   Help!" he called again.

       Robert was a good 10 . Taking off his clothes, he 11 into the   river. The 12 water made him tremble all over,    13 in a few seconds he reached the 14 . "Don't be afraid," he said and started to swim   towards the river bank, 15 the boy with him. But at that   16 he noticed a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the   boat, all 17 in his direction. Robert 18 to swim towards the boat.

       "Give me a hand," he shouted 19 he got near the boat. He 20 up into a row of faces. "It's funny," he thought. "They look so   21 ." Silently they helped the boy into the boat and   22 him in a blanket. But they did not move to   23 Robert.

       "Aren't you going to pull me 24 too?" Robert asked.

       "You!" said one of the men. Robert noticed that he was standing   next to a large 25 . "You! Why, we were making a film and you spoiled   (破壞) a whole afternoon's work! You can stay in the water!"

(1)  A. fish     B. boats      C. waves      D. sounds                              。邸 。 (2) A. From     B. Towards    C. Near       D. Beyond                              。邸 。 (3)  A. there    B. it       C. where      D. that                              。邸 。 (4) A. then     B. also       C. only       D. not                              。邸 。 (5) A. noticed  B. saw      C. guessed    D. said                              。邸 。 (6) A. Till then  B. Just then    C. Far away     D. From there                              。邸 。 (7) A. happened   B. went       C. arrived    D. came                              。邸 。 (8)  A. on     B. within     C. in       D. under                               [ 。 (9)  A. running  B. floating     C. flowing    D. pulling                               [ 。 (10) A. swimmer  B. guard      C. soldier    D. sportsman                              。邸 。 (11) A. threw    B. looked     C. dived      D. turned                              。邸 。 (12)  A. deep     B. cool       C. dirty      D. cold                              。邸 。 (13) A. but    B. so        C. and         D. or [ 。 (14) A. canoe    B. bank       C. boy      D. bridge                               [ 。 (15) A. pushing  B. dragging     C. holding    D. catching                               [ 。 (16)  A. place    B. period     C. second     D. moment                              。邸 。 (17) A. seeing   B. smiling    C. looking    D. shouting                               [ 。 (18) A. decided  B. went       C. agreed     D. promised                              。邸 。 (19) A. while    B. till       C. for      D. as [ 。 (20) A. turned   B. looked     C. hurried    D. stood                              。邸 。 (21) A. nervous  B. afraid     C. excited    D. angry                              。邸 。 (22) A. wrapped  B. left       C. placed     D. threw                               [ 。 (23) A. save     B. thank      C. help       D. wrap                              。邸 。 (24) A. on     B. out      C. away       D. off                              。邸 。 (25) A. boat     B. blanket    C. camera     D. screen                              。邸 。


閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1~25各題所給的四個選項中,選出一   個最佳答案。

      There are many different kinds of taxes 1 in the U.S. The most 2 tax is the sales tax. When someone    3 something, he pays the price of his purchase 4 a small additional percentage. This purchase is the sales tax. The revenue (稅收) from the sales goes to the state government to help pay 5 public schools, 6 safety, roads, parks   and benefits 7 the poor. Each state sets its own tax percentage.   Some states are considerably lower than others. In some states there   is no sales tax.

       A second type of tax is the 8 tax. This tax is a percentage of all the money 9 by a family each year. Americans pay income taxes to the federal government 10 uses the revenue for national expenses 11 defense, help for the needy and other public services. Some states also have a state income tax. The income tax, 12 other taxes, is usually graduated. This means the tax percentage increases 13 a family's income increases.     

    A third kind of tax is the 14 tax. This tax is paid by anyone who 15 land or a house. The 16 of the tax is based on the property's 17 . The revenue from this tax goes to    18 governments for school and community services.     

    In addition people must pay the luxury tax 19 they purchase   certain things such as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages (酒飲料).

       A fifth kind of tax is the inheritance tax (繼承稅). When someone 20 usually his family inherits the 21 person's wealth and property. However, those who inherit must pay a percentage of this 22 to the government 23 an inheritance tax.

              24 we have heard, there are five kinds of taxes that Americans pay. 25 Americans don't want more taxes.     

    (1) A. paying   B. paid  C. to be paid  D. having paid                                [ 。     (2) A. important   B. common  C. private   D. public                                [ 。     (3) A. sells     B. steals  C. loses     D. buys                                [ 。     (4) A. plus      B. times   C. minus     D. divided                                [  ]     (5) A. for       B. to    C. off     D. out                                [ 。     (6) A. private     B. public  C. official  D. bosses                                [ 。     (7) A. from      B. to    C. for     D. off                                [  ]     (8) A. salaries    B. income  C. money     D. wages                                [ 。     (9) A. to be earned  B. earning   C. earned    D. having earned                                [ 。     (10) A. what     B. all what  C. where     D. which                                [ 。     (11) A. for example  B. such as   C. for instance   D. they are                                [ 。     (12) A. like   B. as   C. except    D. except that                                [ 。     (13) A. before     B. unless  C. as      D. even                                [ 。     (14) A. houses     B. land    C. furniture   D. property                                [  ]     (15) A. buys     B. owns    C. had     D. sells                                [ 。     (16) A. amount     B. position  C. quality   D. reason                                [ 。     (17) A. value    B. position  C. percentage  D. importance                                [  ]     (18) A. state    B. local   C. federal   D. same                                [ 。     (19) A. when     B. unless  C. because   D. since                                [ 。     (20) A. died     B. will die  C. dies    D. dying                                [  ]     (21) A. death    B. dying   C. deadly    D. dead                                [ 。     (22) A. money    B. wealth  C. amount    D. debt                                [ 。     (23) A. like     B. as    C. for     D. from                                [  ]     (24) A. As       B. What    C. Which     D. That                                [ 。     (25) A. No       B. Most    C. Few     D. Fewer                                [ 。


Gordon Summer is a very good-looking man admired by millions and so rich that he can afford all he could ever wish for.  1  known as Sting, he’s the lead singer of The Police.

Suddenly Sting has become a   2  .“I can’t walk down a street any more without feeling that people are  3  me,” he says.

“When I’m not working, all I want to do is to be a   4   person. I make a point of walking round the street, just being  5  .”

He and Frances bought the house in   6  when Sting returned from The Police’s highly successful world tour.

“I picked Ireland because, apart from being  7  ,you can stay in touch with England while  8  life at a slower pace!”He also has Irish ancestry(祖先)and an Irish  9  ,Frances, a well accepted actress.

Sting is very much a man  10  the eighties:“Frances  11  to be considered as only my wife, which I’m   12   about. She has her own  13  .She’s ambitious(雄心勃勃的)and clever, but she has never let it affect her. It’s  14  been that way. When we got married and had Joseph,”explains Sting,“we both agreed that being  15  was not going to affect our work.”

A fixed  16  life is clearly important to Sting. It remains the one constant factor in a world that has changed completely for him since he   17  a job in teaching for the music business. Sting loved  18  ,but could not help playing in bands. So he tried to  19  both, teaching by day, playing by night. It left him so  20  that he knew he had to choose one or the other.

1. A.Hardly                            B. Better

C. More?                           D. Less

2. A. superstar                         B. teacher

C. singer                            D. player

3. A. following                         B. calling

C. watching                          D. waving

4. A. famous                            B. rich

C. normal                           D. poor

5. A. myself                           B. himself

C. ourselves                         D. themselves

6. A. England                           B. America

C. Scotland                          D. Ireland

7. A. near                               B. area

C. pleasant                           D. mountainous

8. A. suffering                       B. leading

C. protecting                          D. enjoying

9. A. wife                              B. friend

C. partner                            D. parent

10. A. of                              B. in

C. for                              D. at

11. A. agrees                            B. asks

C. refuses                          D. likes

12. A. worried                       B. glad

C. thankful                         D. angry

13. A. child                            B. life

C. job                              D. mind

14. A. seldom                           B. sometimes?

C. recently                         D. always

15. A. parents                          B. singers

C. players                           D. teachers

16. A. singing                           B. family

C. teaching                         D. playing

17. A. took up                          B. gave up

C. picked up                         D. put up

18. A. working                         B. traveling

C. changing                          D. teaching

19. A. make                           B. get

C. have                            D. do

20. A. given out                          B. picked out

C. died out                         D. tired out



“Do you think we’ll win? ”ten-year-old Tyrus Lucas asked his mother   1    he wrote his name on the entry(參賽作品) to Cartoon Network’s toy sweepstakes.

“We can   2    , ”said his mother, a divorced mother who works as a teacher and struggled to   3     her kids, she didn’t have much money for   4    .

A week later the phone rang. “Your son won our drawing!” a woman    5    .

“Great, ”cried his mother, “Which   6   did he win? ”

“All of them. A thousand toys!”

The next Saturday when the doorbell of their home rang, Tyrus, not   7   the surprise, opened the door and his face    8   up. “Mom, ”he cried, “Cartoon Network is here!”

So were dozens of   9   kids who had run over to the cartoon-covered truck. They jumped   10   as hundreds of toys tumbled(搖晃) from the truck’s back doors.

Tyrus thought he could   11     his whole room with them. But as he looked at the children around him, he   12   . The others in their working-class neighborhood didn’t have

    13   either.

“Here, ”he said,    14    a doll to a little girl. Then he handed a boy another. “Take

    15    you want, ”Tyrus told the kids—and they did,   16   him over and over.

Tyrus kept several games, but he hasn’t done giving. “Why don’t we give some to your

    17    , Mom? ” he asked. They   18   almost 100 toys to the elementary school where she works. “The first thing my son thought of was to   19    , ”his mother says, smiling, “I’m so   20     of him. ”

1. A. though                           B. as

C. as long as                            D. so that

2. A. guess                                B. ask

C. wait                             D. try

3. A. support                           B. promise

C. treat                           D. consider

4. A. drawings                           B. extras

C. food                           D. schooling

5. A. declared                           B. explained

C. spoke                                D. praised

6. A. prize                                B. pay

C. toy                                   D. wealth

7. A. seeing                           B. helping

C. knowing                           D. enjoying

8. A. lighted                           B. looked

C. turned                                D. set

9. A. attractive                           B. warm

C. helpful                                D. excited

10 . A. off                                B. out

C. down                                D. up and down

11. A. join                                B. fill

C. keep                           D. have

12. A. worried                           B. stopped

C. laughed                                D. examined

13. A. much                           B. great

C. little                             D. quantities

14. A. showing                           B. moving

C. handing                               D. driving

15. A. wherever            &nbsp;                B. however

C. whenever                           D. whatever

16. A. troubling                           B. interrupting

C. reminding                          D. thanking

17. A. schools                          B. friends

C. students                                D. children

18. A. contributed                        B. delivered

C. sold                             D. lent

19. A. take                               B. lend

C. give                             D. imagine

20. A. fond                           B. proud

C. sure                             D. kind


