A man cannot smile like a child. a child smiles with his eyes.while a man smiles with his lips alone. A.so B.but C.and D.for 答案 D 解析 本題考查連詞的用法.因后一句是前一句的原因.因此D項正確.for為并列連詞.其作用是補充說明. 查看更多



You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason________you reach any decision.????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? (2013·湖南,23)

Aalthough? Bbefore

Cbecause Dunless




The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉嚨) operation.His throat  21  ,and he was afraid.However.the young nurse  22  By his bed  smiled so  23  hat the little boy smiled back.He  24  to be afraid.The young  nurse  was  May Paxton  25   e was deaf (聾的).May Paxton graduated  26   the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909.Three years   27  she went to see Dr.Richard son about   28  nurse.Dr Richardson was one of the founders of  Mercy Hospital of Kansas City.  29  had never heard of a deaf nurse.She told May that her  30  would be very low and that the work would be   31   . However,May said that hard work did  not frighten her.Dr. Richardson was  32  her,and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr.Richardson never  33  her decision  34  ,she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses.The  35  was Miss Marian Finch,who was hard of  36  .The second was Miss Lillie Bessie.These three were   37  “the silent angles(天使) of Mercy Hospital”during the  38  they worked there.

Dr.Richardson often  39  her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing.She wrore to May,“For three years,you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man.  40   or child ever,to my knowledge,made a complaint(投訴) against you…”

21.A.cut                       B.burt                   C.wounded                   D.darnaged

22.A.standing                B.jurnping              C.lying                         D.crying

23.A.shyly                    B sadly                  C.cheerfully                  D.weakly

24.A.continued              B.began                 C.stopped                     D.forgot

25.A.for                       B.so                      C.and                           D.but

26.A.as                        B.from                  C.with                          D.in

27.A.later                            B.before                C.ago                           D.then

28.A.seeking                 B.changing            C.hiring                        D.becoming

29.A.You                      B.She                    C.We                           D.He

30.A.money                  B.check                 C .pay                          D.price

31.A.easy                            B.disappointing   C.joyful                         D.difficult

32.A.angry with            B.sagtisfied with     C.sorry for                   D.ashamed of

33.A.regretted               B.thought of          C.liked                         D.believed

34.A.In fact                  B.In a hurry           C.In surprise                 D.In public

35.A.one                      B.others                C.first                          D.other

36.A.reading                 B.hearing               C.listening                    D.writing

37.A.offered                 B.chosen               C.told                           D.called

38.A.year                            B.month                C.time                          D.term

39.A.spoke of               B.said                    C.heard of                    D.noticed

40.A.person                  B.wornan                     C.boy                           D.girl




I returned to Abujs,the capital of Nigerin,after college gradvation.I had been there before my mother became a minister.

Two weeks Inter.I told  my mother I was bored.She said.“Here’re the car keys.Go and buy some fruit.”  36   ,I jurnped into the car and speeded off.

Seeing me or rather my  37   ,a boy sprang up(跳起來).  38    to sell his banan is and peanuts.“Banana 300 naira.Peanut 200 naira!”

Looking at his bbinck-striped bananas,I  39    to 200 total for the fruit and nuts.

He  40   .I handed him a 500 naira note.He didn’t have  41   .So I told him not to worry.He was  42   and smiled a row of petfect teeth.

When.two weeks later.I  43   this same boy.I was more aware of my position in Nigerian soeicty.I should  44   this country as the son of a  45   .But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so  46   to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.

    “What’s up?”I asked.He answered in  47   English,“I…I no get money to buy book.”I took out two 500 naira notes.He looked around  48   before sticking his hand into the car   49  the bills.One thousand naira means a lot to a farnily that  50   only 50,000 cach year.

    The next morning,security officers told me,“In this place,when you give a little,people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(機會).”

  51    it’s right,but this happens everywhere in the world.I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for  52   .

    After six months’work in northern Nigeria,I returned and saw him again standing on the road.

“Are you in school now?”

He nodded.

A silence fell as we looked at each other,then I  53    what  he wanted.I held out a 500 naira note.“Take this.”

He shook his head fiercely and stepped back  54    hurt.

“It’s a gift.”I said.

    Shaking his head again,he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts,“I’ve been waiting to 55   these to you.”

36.A.Encouraged                  B.Disappointed              C.Delighted                   D.Confused

37.A.car                              B.mother                      C.drivet                        D.keys

38.A.willing                         B.afraid                        C.cager                 D.ashamed

39.A.got down                            B.bargained down          C.put down                  D.look down

40.A.explained                     B.promised                   C.agreed                       D.admitted

41.A.change                        B.notes                         C.checks                      D.bills

42.A.troubled                       B.regretful                    C.comfortable               D.graleful

43.A.ran after                      B.ran into                            C.ran over                    D.ran  to

44.A.proteet                         B.enjoy                         C.help                          D.support

45.A.minister                       B.headmaster                C.manager                    D.president

46.A.lucky                           B.amazing                     C.funny                        D.common

47.A.old                              B.broken                      C.traditional                  D.modern

48.A.proudly                        B.madly                        C.cunously                   D.nervously

49.A.for                              B.with                          C.at                             D.upon

50.A.spends                         B.pays                          C.makes                       D.affords

51.A.Possibly                       B.Actually                     C.Certainly                   D.Fortunately

52.A.joys                             B.nuts                          C.books                       D.bananas                      

53.A.asked                          B.unagined                    C.reminded                   D.realized

54.A.when                           B.as if                          C.even if                      D.after

55.A.send                            B.provide                      C.sell                           D.give



二. 語言知識及應(yīng)用 (共兩節(jié),滿分60分)

第一節(jié) 完形填空 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)


Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader’s Choice.

The book    11   many types of selections on a wide variety of topics. These selections provide practice on    12    different reading skills to get the  13   of the writer. They also give students   14   in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for   15   comprehension, and critical reading. E:\zujuan\upload\quesFile\gzyy\2010-05-06\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI00.140\www.canpoint.cn\

Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. This kind of rapid reading is   16  when you are trying to decide if careful reading is desirable or when there is not    17    to read something carefully.

Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading. However, in this case the search is more    18    .To scan is to read quickly in order to find out specific information. When you read to find a    19   date, or number you are scanning. E:\zujuan\upload\quesFile\gzyy\2010-05-06\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI00.140\www.canpoint.cn\

Reading for thorough comprehension is   20    reading in order to understand the total   21   of the passage. At  this level of comprehension the reader is    22    to summarize the author’s ideas but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas. E:\zujuan\upload\quesFile\gzyy\2010-05-06\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI00.140\www.canpoint.cn\

Critical reading demands (需要)that a reader   23   judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reeding    24    posting and answering questions such as “Does my own experience support that of the author?”, “Do I    25    the author’s point of view?” And “Am I convinced by the author’s arguments and evidence?

11.A.contains                B.uses                   C.put                    D.writes

12.A.making                 B.understanding     C.speaking             D.employing

13.A.message                B.secret                 C.content               D.nature

14.A.power                  B.point                  C.practice              D.opinion

15.A.better                   B.basic                  C.general               D.thorough(徹底的)

16.A.suitable                B.interesting          C.wrong                D.true

17.A.interest                 B.habit                  C.time                   D.desire

18.A.funny                   B.concentrated(專心的) C.perfect     D.important

19.A.common               B.different             C.fine                   D.particular

20.A.carefully               B.slowly                C.quickly                     D.perfectly

21.A.design                  B.explanation         C.meaning             D.feeling

22.A.impossible            B.able                   C.difficult             D.simple

23.A.makes                  B.findsE:\zujuan\upload\quesFile\gzyy\2010-05-06\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI00.140\www.canpoint.cn\                  C.puts                   D.offers

24.A.lacksE:\zujuan\upload\quesFile\gzyy\2010-05-06\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$DI00.140\www.canpoint.cn\                  B.requires              C.demands       D.affords(提供)

25.A.tell                       B.express               C.share                  D.argue



The coyote(叢林狼).that elever animal of wide-open space .has come to the nation’s captial.In fact ,coyotes have spread to every comer of the United States,changing their behaviors to fit new envioronments and causing researchers to deal with a troublesome new kind of creature:the city coyote.

The coyote originally lived in the middle of the continent.One of its most obvious characters is its smartness, which has made the animal a notorious(臭名昭著的)pest.Hunters trapped,shot and poisoned more than a million coyotes in the 1900s.It’s still one of America’s mosthunted animals. Yet the coyote has survived.How has the coyote shown this extraordinary ability?”I guess if you wanted to use one word,it’d be ‘plasticity’.”says Erie Gese,an expert at Utah State University. Coyotes can live alon, in pairs, or in large packs like wolves,hunt at night or during the day , occupy a small region or an area up to 40 square miles,and live on all sorts of food,from lizards(蜥蜴)and shoes, to ants and melons.

    Unbelicvadly  people  helpcd coyotes  increase  when  they kiltcd most of the wolves in the United States. The sprcdding of coyotes into city areas,though.is rccent.They travel at night,crossing sidcwalks and bridges.running atong roads and ducking into cuinerts (鉆入涵洞)and underpasscs .No one knows why coyotes are maving into cities.but expertsexplaih that clevcter,more human-tolerant(不怕人的)coyotes are teaching urban survivalskills to new generations.

Occasionally.coyotes mighe attack human beings.There have been about 160 attacks on peoplc in reccnt years Therefore,people have bccn consistently told not feed coyotes or leave pct food unseeurcd.That ,plus a large trapping program in the neighborhood.has cur down on the coyote population.

63.The underlinged word “plasticity”in Paragraph 2refers to____________.

A.the ability to fit the environment             B.notonous smartness

C.hunting ability                           D.being human-tolerant                   

64.The aim of the passage is to_____________.

A.tell pcople how to fight against coyotes

B.tell us why the coyote is the most hunted animal

C.supply the reason why the coyote is a kind of motorious pest

D.explain how the coyote has spread to and survived in cities                        

65.According to the passage,coyote__________.

A.originally lived in the west of the continent

B.sleep dung the day but look for food at night

C.are teaching survival skills to therr younger generations

D.suffered a population deerease because pcople killed wolves                       

66.According to the passage,to cut dowa on the coyolc population.people are advised to_______.

A.leave pct food secured                     B.keep coyotes in small regions

C.foree coyotes to live alone                  D.avond using trapping programs             

