4.選詞填空 hand down hand out give away glance at grow up go about hang up grow into get over give in 1) Don’t worry about Henry --- he’ll soon the problem. 2) As the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice her . 3) Although I disagreed, I had to to dad --- he’s usually right anyway. 4) The man his watch and told us the time. 5) The ring was to her form her grandmother. 6) He was leaflets to members of the audience. 7) At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and . 8) That little girl a lovely young woman. 9) Boys, what do you want to be when you ? 10) I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to it. 查看更多



選詞填空 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

 employ  pay back  calm  roll  aside from  contrary to  attach  

consist of   panic   firm

1. Three years ago, he was  ________ as a salesman by a supermarket.

2. The workers ran out in __________ when the fire broke out.

3.The ball __________ down the road and fell into a deep hole.

4.She took a few deep breaths to __________ herself down.

5.          expectation, he didn't win in the contest.

6.         the message to its leg, he set the bird loose.

7. The little boy held his mother’s hand ______ when crossing the street.

8.You must _________ Mr White for his great help.

9. A school mainly ____________teachers and students.

10.___________some old tables, his house was almost empty.




選詞填空 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

 employ  pay back  calm  roll  aside from  contrary to  attach  

consist of   panic   firm

Three years ago, he was  ________ as a salesman by a supermarket.

The workers ran out in __________ when the fire broke out.

The ball __________ down the road and fell into a deep hole.

She took a few deep breaths to __________ herself down.

         expectation, he didn't win in the contest.

        the message to its leg, he set the bird loose.

The little boy held his mother’s hand ______ when crossing the street.

You must _________ Mr White for his great help.

A school mainly ____________teachers and students.

___________some old tables, his house was almost empty.



1.Three years ago, he was ________ as a salesman by a supermarket.

2.The workers ran out in ________ when the fire broke out.

3.The ball ________ down the road and fell into a deep hole.

4.She took a few deep breaths to ________ herself down.

5.________ expectation, he didn't win in the contest.

6.________ the message to its leg, he set the bird loose.

7.The little boy held his mother's hand ________ when crossing the street.

8.You must ________ Mr White for his great help.

9.A school mainly ________ teachers and students.

10.________ some old tables, his house was almost empty.



1.The refugees need help ________.

2.A bee ________ him on the hand.

3.________ now allows short hair for women.

4.You must send an ________ with the books ordered.

5.She suffers from ________ headaches.

6.Mary ________ softly in my ear just now..

7.Lab is an ________ of laboratory.

8.I ________ a cheque with the letter.

9.He is so fat that the chair is ________ beneath his weight.

10.This kind of table cloth is ________.



take away拿走  take back收回  take care注意,當心

take care of照顧,負責  take charge of負責(管某事或照顧某人)

take down 記下  take for granted想當然  take hold of抓住

take interest in對…發(fā)生興趣  take it easy別緊張

take off起飛,脫下(衣服等)  take office就職

take on開始從事,雇用,招收,具有新面貌  take one’s seat坐下,坐好

take out拿出來  take part in參加  take pride in為…感到驕傲

take the place of代替  take turns輪流  take up選學(課程),占去(時間或空間)

(1)I’m sorry I can’t go with you.I have to ________ my little brother.

(2)In 1919, the May 4th Movement ________ in China.

(3)I will ________ an important meeting this afternoon.

(4)We ________ our responsibilities as teachers in China.

(5)He ________ at a very difficult time.

(6)When he was young, he ________ science subjects.

(7)These magazines can’t be ________ of the reading-room.

(8)These big desks ________ too much room so we’d better take them away.

(9)I was ________ as a worker in a big factory.

(10)The land around the lake ________ a different look.

(11)You have been working so hard for several weeks.You must ________ and relax over the weekend.

(12)The plane ________ from the airport and headed towards Shanghai.

(13)He ________ his glasses before going to bed.

(14)He ________ a part-time teaching job in a middle school.

(15)We ________ it ________ that they would accept our suggestions.

(16)He came over and ________ my hand.

(17)I want to ________ what I said.

(18)________ not to wake the baby!

(19)We each ________ the lessons for three classes.

(20)She ________ she was told to, careful not to miss a word.

(21)His sense of touch gradually ________ sight.

(22)We ________ to clean the classroom.

(23)I don’t use this dictionary at the moment, you may ________ it ________.

(24)They came in and ________ at the small round table.

