43.A.make B.give C.think D.take 查看更多



A.Try to stay friendly                               B.Look nice and neat

C.Share your interests with others             D.Join clubs to meet new friends

E.Take part in after school activities           F.Play sports to develop friendshi

How to Make Friends in High School

61. ______________

Feel nervous on the first day of high school?  Be afraid of having no friends? Here are some tips.Pick clubs that focus on something in which you are interested.This will help you meet other high school students with similar interests as yours.Make sure that you are willing to take part in club activities.These may give you an opportunity to meet high school students from other schools,too.

62. ______________

Join a sport team,but remember to pick something that you are good at.Keep in mind that you have to represent your team.When you join a sport team,you are trying to do your best and if you do that,other team members will learn to trust you.Many people who play sports form deep friendships since they spend so much time together.

63. ______________

If you have a good attitude,people will think that you are a good person to be around.Make sure that you are always friendly to others,even when you dislike someone.Other people will notice if you are mean.Be a good friend.Using your friends will earn you the reputation  (名聲)  for being a bad friend.If you want to make friends,you should make sure that you act like a friend.Resist the temptation (誘惑) to talk about someone behind his / her back.

64. ______________

People tend to stay away from a person who looks dirty.If you want to make friends in high school,you need to make sure that your clothes are neat and clean and make sure that you smell good.Brush your teeth,take a shower,brush your hair,wash and iron (熨) your clothes and clean your shoes.


Consider participating in after school activities that are organized by churches or community centers.Extra—curricular activities are an integral part of your school life.You may meet students at different ages and of different cultures from other schools who can share interests and ideals with you.Some of the friends you make can become lifelong friends.


  We are often asked to make a speech in life. Most of us are afraid of it and don’t do a good job. Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one. First of all, find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find out as much as you can about your audience(聽眾). Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Put yourself in their shoes as you Prepare your speech. Then try to arrange(安排) your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible. Never forget your audience.
  Don’t talk over their heads or talk down to them. When you are giving your speech, speak slowly and clearly and look at your audience. Pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience chance to think over what you've said. Just remember: be prepared, know your subject and your audience, say what you have to say and be yourself so that your ideas will bring you and your audience together.

  67.“Put 'yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.” means that while preparing your speech, you must ________.
  A. put your shoes aside and put on theirs
  B. try their shoes to see if they fit you
  C. wear the shoes with the same size as theirs
  D. try to imagine yourself to be in their position
  68.When he is giving his speech, the speaker is to ________.
  A. let his eyes rest to the subject
  B. follow the audience step by step
  C. face the audience in a natural way
  D. look up and down from time to time
  69.During the course of the speech it isn’t right for a speaker to________.
  A. think nothing of the audience
  B. speak in a loud voice
  C. take a short stop at times
  D. refer to the notes once in a while
  70.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?________.
  A. How to Remember the Audience?
  B. How to Improve One 's Speech?
  C. How to Prepare the Material for a Speech?
  D. How to Pick Out the Topic for a Speech?


A.Join local club to get some advice

B.Take a partner along

C.A good way for hiking

D.Let somebody know your detailed plan

E.Take along some basic equipment

F.Take along enough water and foo


If you are hiking through wild places,the possibility of getting lost or injured becomes very real.You should think about carefully whether or not you are wise to head out on your own.Taking a partner along can have many advantages,especially if that partner is an experienced hiker.As  “two heads are better than one”,if you do get lost or run into difficulty,you’re much less likely to be panic if you have somebody with you to help solve the problem or even save your life.


As a new hiker you should certainly follow clearly marked and well travelled routes.However,it won’t take you too long before you’re ready to take some more adventurous hiking and,at that point,there might be a lot of unknowns and you may need some help.For this reason you should always tell somebody where you’re going and when you will expect to return.


It’s a good idea to always carry a basic survival kit (救生包) with you and your local hiking club will be able to give you excellent advice on the kinds of items you should take with you.The things we’re talking about here might include matches and a lighter,a first aid kit,a sharp knife and a flashlight.It’s also a good idea to have a map and compass with you and a fully­charged cell phone.


      Water is clearly necessary because you may dehydrate (脫水) even over a short period of time on a hot day.Natural water sources may look clean but they can make you sick quickly.You  should remember,however,that water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon,so take enough but not too much.Also take along enough food with you.


It’s all too easy when you get out into the wilderness  to  get  carried  away,with  your  own enthusiasm (熱情) and try all kinds of things,but you will quickly realize it is stupid.Joining your local hiking club will allow you to get some advice and information on hiking,including such things as which are the best hiking boots to buy.


It is important that you make a good impression at work. If you make a good impression on your boss, he or she is more likely to give you more responsibilities which can lead to promotions (晉級) and raises. Here are some ways to make a good impression at work.

Use Proper Office Etiquette (禮儀)

Using proper manners will help you make a good impression on your boss and also your co-workers. Office etiquette includes everything from the proper way to e-mails to knowing when, where, and how to use your cell phone at work.

Face up to Your Mistakes

When you make a mistake at work, which everyone inevitably (不可避免地) does at some points, face up to it. Don’t ignore your error or place the blame on others. Take responsibility and come up with a solution to fix your mistake. Your boss may not be too happy about it, but she will at least be impressed with your response.

Know to Call in Sick

Do you think coming to work when you are sick instead of staying at home will impress your boss? Reasonable bosses know that a sick employee not only is unproductive but also he or she can spread an illness around the office. Call in sick(打電話請病假) when you are ill.

Come Through in a Crisis

When the unexpected happens at work, who will make a better impression on the boss? Of course it’s the employee who deals with the crisis quickly and effectively.

45.  What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Use Good Etiquette

B. How to Deal with Mistakes at Work

C. How to Be a Good Worker in the Future

D. How to Make a Good Impression at Work

46.  What should you do if you make a mistake at work?

A. Try to ignore the mistake.

B. Put the blame on others.

C. Think out a solution to your mistake.

D. Leave the company as soon as possible.

47.  According to the writer, when you are ill you’d better _________.

A. go to work on time as usual

B. stay at home without telling others

C. go on working but stay away from others

D. stop working and ask for a leave

48.  Who will make good impressions on the boss?

A. Employees who deal with the crisis quickly and effectively.

B. Employees who often make mistakes.

C. Employees who go to work though they are ill.

D. Employees who often use their cell phones at work.


Red Roses

Red roses, as we think of them today, are the traditional symbol for love and romance and a time-honored way to say “I love you.” The red rose has long symbolized beauty and perfection, so a bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to express your deep feelings for someone special. For the budding relationship, a red rose bouquet can also signal the beginning of romantic intentions. They can send a message of commitment and an invitation to take the next step.

A.  Carnations

The meanings of carnations include fascination, distinction, and love. Like many other flowers, different messages can also be expressed with the flower’s different color varieties. Light red carnations, for example, are often used to convey admiration, whereas pink carnations are often given as a sign of gratitude. Today carnations are worn and gifted worldwide on Mothers Day and have become symbolic of purity, strength and endurance of motherhood. As a custom pink carnations are worn to honor living mothers and white carnations for the deceased mothers.

B.  Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums were cultivated in China as a flowering herb as far back as the 15th century BC. It was named from the Greek prefix chrys-, which means golden (the color of the original flowers), and –anthemion, meaning flower. Chrysanthemums can be yellow, white or even bright red. Many flower forms are available, spoon-shaped, threadlike or spiderlike. With its special meaning “Rest” associated with them, chrysanthemums are one of the traditional funeral flowers which you can even convey your sincere feelings for the deceased.

C.  Sunflowers

Sunflowers turn their heads towards the sun and this is how they got their common name. They originated in Central and South America. Sunflowers are not only pretty to look at but sunflower seeds are power-packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamin E – all important to the nutritional quality of your diet.

D.  Purple hyacinth

The language of flowers can be found as far back as the 14th century. Every flower has a special. Purple hyacinths are a meaningful gift, perfect for expressing feelings for a friend to convey the feelings like “You are a wonderful friend and I wish you peace, prosperity and happiness” or “I am sorry. Please forgive me.”

E.  Forget – me – not

The little blue Forget Me Not flower, though quite small in size, expresses sweet memories of true and faithful love, a soft cry – “Do not forget” the sunny and cloudy days of a deep relationship. Medicinally, this plant has a strong affinity for the respiratory organs, especially the let lower lung. In some countries, it is sometimes made into syrup and given for lung affections.


56.David has just heard that one of his friends he knows has lost a favorite relative and he knows that his friend really needs to be concerned at this moment. So he calls the flower shop for flower delivery as a way to show his friendship and support during this difficult time.

57.Mary has not met her mother since she moved to Paris after the graduation from Cambridge University. When Mothers’ Day is coming this year, she wants to send something special to help her express respect and thankfulness for the virtues of motherhood.

58.True love’s difficult to find, but Catherine is fortunate enough to have found it, so she intends to give her beloved a gift on the Anniversary Day, which his regarded as an emblem of loving remembrance, faithful love, constancy and undying hope.

59.Tony met Gloria at his friend’s graduation party last weekend, and fell into love with her at the first sight. He is planning to ask her for the first official date, expecting Gloria to receive them with a sparkle in her eyes.

60.Hebe has really got a reason to send flowers to her friend Carrie who was deeply hurt by her careless mistake. What she needs to do is make an apology, showing how regretful she is. For this special occasion, she is wondering what flowers will be appropriate to send.

