Busy as I am, I spend playing with two sons. A. sometimes; some time B. sometime; some times C. sometime; sometimes D. sometimes; sometimes 查看更多




I have decided to test myself every day in a different way. Today’s test: practice the art of   41  . It is something so simple, but so  42  to those who need a kind heart and a good listener. Sometimes, we all need someone to listen to us with no  43  . We just want to be heard.  44 , I really made sure that I listened to everyone who spoke to me throughout the day,  45  I was busy.

As I was  46  in the break room today, I had a conversation with a colleague I  47  talked to. She always looked like a(n)  48  lady, but today she seemed very troubled. So I sat down with my lunch and jut listened. She told me about her unlucky  49  who was killed in a car crash last year, and her  50  daughter who struggled with pain every day. I listened and made her  51  much better. At the end of the  52 , I gave the single mother a big warm hug and told her how  53  she was. Of course, we  54  friends after our first talk.

What an inspiration she is!  55  with so many difficulties and frustrations, she still comes to work with a positive attitude, a  56  to succeed and a big smile every day.

I believe everyone  57  a ray of sunshine in their life, someone that will give them a big warm 58  and say, “You’re amazing!” I hope I can always get need like this met.

I am a dreamer, but I move forward while I dream. My dream is to  59  happiness. Tomorrow, I will write “You are beautiful! :)” on small cards, hide them everywhere, and make those I work with    60  them by chance and with joy.

1.                A.listening        B.speaking        C.reading   D.writing


2.                A.complex        B.funny          C.common  D.important


3.                A.doubt          B.concern        C.opinions  D.a(chǎn)nswers


4.                A.However        B.Therefore       C.Besides   D.Afterwards


5.                A.if             B.while           C.because  D.even though


6.                A.drinking        B.kidding         C.sitting    D.lying


7.                A.never          B.seldom         C.a(chǎn)lways    D.sometimes


8.                A.lucky          B.positive         C.humorous D.outgoing


9.                A.mother         B.father          C.husband  D.son


10.               A.sick           B.lazy            C.careless   D.naughty


11.               A.eat            B.feel           C.behave    D.recover


12.               A.day            B.test            C.lunch D.conversation


13.               A.kind           B.beautiful        C.a(chǎn)mazing   D.hard-working


14.               A.helped         B.became        C.encouraged    D.comforted


15.               A.Faced          B.Shocked        C.Confused  D.Defeated


16.               A.way           B.will            C.duty  D.chance


17.               A.has            B.deserves       C.a(chǎn)ppreciates D.needs


18.               A.hand          B.welcome       C.hug   D.home


19.               A.share          B.seek           C.enjoy D.spread


20.               A.find           B.open          C.receive   D.read




I have decided to test myself every day in a different way. Today’s test: practice the art of   41  . It is something so simple, but so  42  to those who need a kind heart and a good listener. Sometimes, we all need someone to listen to us with no  43  . We just want to be heard.  44 , I really made sure that I listened to everyone who spoke to me throughout the day,  45  I was busy.
As I was  46  in the break room today, I had a conversation with a colleague I  47  talked to. She always looked like a(n)  48  lady, but today she seemed very troubled. So I sat down with my lunch and jut listened. She told me about her unlucky  49  who was killed in a car crash last year, and her  50  daughter who struggled with pain every day. I listened and made her  51  much better. At the end of the  52 , I gave the single mother a big warm hug and told her how  53  she was. Of course, we  54  friends after our first talk.
What an inspiration she is!  55  with so many difficulties and frustrations, she still comes to work with a positive attitude, a  56  to succeed and a big smile every day.
I believe everyone  57  a ray of sunshine in their life, someone that will give them a big warm 58  and say, “You’re amazing!” I hope I can always get need like this met.
I am a dreamer, but I move forward while I dream. My dream is to  59  happiness. Tomorrow, I will write “You are beautiful! :)” on small cards, hide them everywhere, and make those I work with    60  them by chance and with joy.

A.listeningB.speaking C.readingD.writing
A.complex B.funnyC.commonD.important
A.However B.ThereforeC.BesidesD.Afterwards
A.ifB.whileC.becauseD.even though
A.helpedB.becameC.encouraged D.comforted
A.handB.welcomeC.hug D.home


AHi, Tom   Haven't seen you for a long time   How are you?

BFine, thank you   And you?

AI'm fine, too   Thanks How are you getting on with you work in the shop?

B 1  I changed my job two weeks ago

A    2  Where are you working now?

BI'm working in a school library

AOh, great! Do you like your new job?

BYes, I like it very much 3  I can do some reading when free   Besides,  4 

AI'm glad to hear it   How about coming to my house this Saturday afternoon and having supper with my family? My elder brother has just come back from the USA   He'll be very happy to meet you

BThat'll be very nice!  5  I'm sure he'll tell me something very interesting about the United States   See you then!

ADo come   Bye!

AI see!

BOh, did you?

CI'd like nothing better than to meet him

DI work very hard

EI'm not so busy as I was

FI no longer work there

GI am paid better than I was


One cold night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco.There I was walking home around one o’clock in the morning after a  1  practice at the theatre. With the opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines by heart. I was having   2  handling my part-time job at the bank in the daytime and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about  3  both acting and San Francisco. I had  4  too much of city life.

    As I walked down the  5  streets under the tall buildings, I felt very small and cold, so I began  6  both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few homeless people under blankets.

    About a block from my  7  , I heard a sound behind me. I   8   quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me  9  ,so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I   10  what the noise had been. It had been my wallet  11  to the sidewalk.

    Suddenly I wasn’t cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where I’d heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk   12  for 15 minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.

    Just as I was about to quit the  13  , I heard the garbage truck stop to the sidewalk next to me. When a voice came from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened and out jumped a small blonde man with an  14  look in his eyes. “Is this what you’re looking for?” He asked, holding up a wallet.

    It was already 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I couldn’t get much sleep, but I had got my wallet back. I also had got back some  15  of city life. I realized the city couldn’t be a bad place as long as people were willing to help each other.

1.A.comfortable       B.serious          C.tiresome         D.fortunate

2.A.comfort           B.desire           C.pain             D.trouble

3.A.setting up        B.giving up        C.holding up       D.picking up

4.A.expected          B.changed          C.controlled       D.possessed

5.A.deserted          B.crowded          C.busy             D.wild

6.A.running           B.jumping          C.moving           D.marching

7.A.bank              B.theatre          C.a(chǎn)partment        D.office

8.A.stood             B.walked           C.turned           D.left

9.A.satisfied         B.confused         C.frightened       D.a(chǎn)nnoyed

10. A.turn out         B.figure out       C.give out         D.pull out

11. A.belonging        B.a(chǎn)dding           C.sticking         D.falling

12. A.a(chǎn)imlessly        B.a(chǎn)nxiously        C.skillfully       D.delightedly

13. A.discovery        B.research         C.hunt             D.finding

14. A.a(chǎn)mused           B.unpleasant       C.uneasy           D.embarrassed

15. A.production   B.judgment C.friendship   D.a(chǎn)ppreciation



Driving to a store after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing near the store holding a sign that said, “Will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I was going into the store and   36  him something to eat.
As I   37   the car park, I saw in my car mirror a lady come out from a hairdresser’s and 38  the man. I thought she must be going to give him some   39   or something to help him out. In the store I was   40  to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside. I hurried out to my car and   41   that I was going to be able to hopefully help this man.
When I drove out of the car park, I couldn’t see the   42 . As I turned the corner I saw the man sitting in a   43  area away from the hairdresser’s and still   44  up the sign. I immediately  45  over and gave the man the dinner and soda and said, “  46  this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said, “Thank you so much!”
As I got back into my car, I looked in the   47   and saw the man swallowing the dinner like he hadn’t eaten for days.
I was so   48  that I was able to help him and at the same time I was so sad that the woman from the hairdresser’s,   49   , had asked the man   50   from her shop. It’s sad to say that   51  I live in a small city where homeless is not as   52   as in larger cities, people are uncomfortable with these people in  53 . All they need to do is lend a helping hand 54  and it could make a huge   55  in their lives

A.turned intoB.got overC.called atD.pointed out
【小題3】A, interview          B. comfort.         C. blame             D. approach
A.manB.foodC. ladyD.sign
A.turnedB.thoughtC. pulledD.looked
A.store B.mirrorC.squareD.crowd
A.immediatelyB.obviously C.carefullyD.nervously
A.a(chǎn)t timesB.a(chǎn)t the timeC.a(chǎn)t one timeD.a(chǎn)t a time

