27.――Jack. the tree.Arc there any orange on it? ――Yes.there are a lot of oranges. A.1ook B.look after C.1ook like D.1ook at 查看更多



     Jack and his brother lived in a small village. They were very poor. To help his family, Jack often collected wood from
the forest
. he also cut down small trees. One morning, a bird flew down from the tree and asked him not to cut down the
tree. The bird said that its home was in the tree.
     Jack left the tree alone. The bird was happy and it asked Jack to bring an empty bag the next morning. Early the next
day he went to the tree and waited for the bird.
     The bird soon came and asked Jack to follow him. They went to a mountain. Jack saw gold all over the ground. up, of ,
and, into, his, picked, gold, them, he, pieces, bag, put
. The bird told Jack that he must leave the mountain before the
sun came up. Jack quickly filled (裝滿) his bag and left the mountain to go home.
     He now had a lot of money for himself and his brother. Jack told his best friend about the tree, the bird and the gold.
His friend wanted some gold, too. He went to the same tree and pretended (假裝) he was going to cut it down.
     The bird asked him not to do so. The next morning Jack's friend followed the bird to the mountain of gold, when the
sun was going to appear in the east, the bird told him to leave. The boy didn't want to leave. The sun came up and he
was changed into a bird.
1. Where did Jack and his brother live?
2. 將文中畫線部分翻譯成中文:
3. Who told Jack not to cut down the tree?
4. 將第三段斜體部分連詞成句.
5. Why did Jack's friend change into a bird at last?


     Look at the woman in a yellow coat. She is my teacher. She is from England. She is tall and thin. She
has long blond hair and big eyes. Her nose is big and her mouth is small.
      She teaches me English. She is a good teacher. Her name is Maria. Her bike is red. It's under the tree.
This is her brother. His name is John. He is in a black jacket. His bike is black. Jack and Mike are their
good friends. They are English, too. They study in our school. My teacher, Maria and their friends are at
home now. They are happy (高興). 
1. Who is my English teacher? ________________________________________.
2. Where is my teacher from? ________________________________________.
3. What does Maria look like? ________________________________________.
4. What color is Maria's bike? ________________________________________.
5. Whose jacket is black?       ________________________________________.


     We live in different places. For example, some people live in the mountains; some people live on plains;
some people live near water.
     Mary lives near the sea. The sea is blue. She likes to play on the beach with her friends.
     Tom lives by a lake. The lake is very big. The water is clear. He often goes boating with his family on
fine days. Sometimes he goes fishing with his father on Sundays.
     Jack lives in the mountains. The mountains are very high. In the summer, it's very cool there. In the
winter, the mountains are all white. Jack likes to play in the snow with his sister. 
     Jim lives on a plain (平原). He likes flying kites when the weather is fine.
     Tony lives in the desert (沙漠). It is very hot and dry. It doesn't get much rain. Tony likes to ride his
camel all around.
     David lives in a forest. The forest has many trees. It rains a lot there. David likes to climb the trees and
play in his tree house.
Name Place to live Things to do
Mary 1.__________ plays on the beach with her friends
Tom by a lake 2.__________
Jack in the mountains likes to play in the snow with his sister
Jim on a plain 3. __________
Tony  in the desert 4. __________ all around
David 5.__________ likes to climb the trees and play in the tree house


     Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single (單身的). Sally is married
(已婚的). Her husband's name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their
son, and Sarah is their daughter.
    Tom is also married. His wife's name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is
their daughter, and Kevin is their son.
     Jimmy, Sarah, Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.
1. A " family tree " is _____.


Reading comprehension.
     There was a little dog in the street. He liked watching the children play. One day, he followed two children
home from school. Suddenly, he saw the children's house was on fire. He knew he needed to help them right
away. So he ran down the street to the fire station, barking all the way.
     When he arrived at the fire station,he saw the firemen leaving. He tried to run after them, but he could not
keep up. By the time he got back to the house, the street was filled with people. He looked for the children but
could not see them. He was very worried.
     The firemen worked very hard till the fire was out. A fireman named Jack noticed the little dog under a tree,
looking across the street at the burned house.
     Jack thought, "The dog could cheer up the kids." So he brought the little dog over to the children. The little
dog could not believe his eyes! The children were safe! He rushed to them. The children held the little dog and
felt a little better.
Fill in the blanks according to the passage.
     Only one word for each blank. A little dog and two children are good (1) _______. One day, he found the
children's house (2) _______ after the two children arrived home. At once he ran down to the fire station,
barking (3) _______ the street. When he (4) _______ back, he didn't find the children. He was so worried.
Just then a fireman, Jack, helped the (5) _______ dog find the children.

