(1)It's (典型的) of him to be ready to help those in trouble.
(2)Good work (吸引) to every student majoring in literature.
(3)The company has been (轉(zhuǎn)變) from a family business to a multi-million-pound operation.
(4)All of us like John Smith, because he is very (靈活的) in dealing with relations.
(5)Because final exams are coming,most students are under a lot of (壓力).
(6)They promised to (加強) the cooperation between the two nations in more fields.
(7)Many residents are (反對) to the plan of building the motorway.
(8)Under the (情況), it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.
(9)I think you're (絕對地) right.
(10)It's still under (保修期), so the company will have it repaired.

【解析】(1)句意:他一向樂于幫助困境中的人。be typical of固定短語,“是.....的特點,典型的:It’s typical of sb to do sth. 固定句型“某人一向…...”。故填typical。
(2)句意:好工作吸引了專修文學(xué)的每個學(xué)生。appeal to固定短語,“呼吁,吸引”;本句的主語是good work這是一個不可數(shù)名詞,所以謂語動詞使用單數(shù)形式。故填appeals。
(3)句意:家公司已由一個家庭企業(yè)變成為數(shù)百萬英鎊的公司。transform sth from…to…固定短語,“把某物從...…轉(zhuǎn)變成…...”;本句是一個被動語態(tài),所以使用過去分詞,故填transformed。
(5)句意:句意:因為期末考試就要來了,大部分學(xué)生都處于壓力之下。under stress/pressure固定短語,“在壓力下”,因此答案為stress/pressure。
(7)句意:很多居民都反對建設(shè)高速公路的計劃。be opposed to…固定短語,“反對…...”,故填opposed。
(8)句意:在這種情況下,不告訴他有關(guān)這次事故的情況似乎更好。under no circumstances固定短語,“任何情況下都不”,該短語表示否定含義,放在句首的時候,要使用部分倒裝的形式。故填circumstances。
(10)句意:這個產(chǎn)品還在保修期內(nèi),所以公司會把它修好的。under guarantee固定短語,“在保修期內(nèi)”,故填guarantee。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Dear friends,


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Don’t try and be happy—it will only make you sad. Desperately 1 (try) to keep a smile on your face will only make your depression 2(bad), a new study suggests. Feeling content has become the only goal for many 3 recent years, but accepting your 4 (sad) may be more beneficial. Dr. Brock Bastian in 5 University of Melbourne said “Depression rates 6 (be) higher in countries that seek for happiness now.” Rather than being the by product of a happy life, feeling happy has become a goal in 7 (it). This strengthens the message that we should aim 8 (increase) our positive emotions and avoid our negative ones. Society needs to change its attitude on depression if the disorder is to be solved effectively.

He added that people have become so used to not showing signs of weakness 9 (intention) due to social media being used to celebrate achievements. For the study 10 (publish) in the journal Depressing and Anxiety, the researchers assessed depressed patients.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like?
A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students.When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather rent than buy them.
American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough.When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.
They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.
The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports-especially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.
A. Every student is given a locker.
B. Each day, students take six or seven classes.
C. Sometimes their parents drive them to school.
D. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.
E. This is because each teacher has their own classroom.
F. The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon.
G. This article will describe a typical American high school and its students.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】As the richest man in the world, Bill Gates is no stranger to success. So when the billionaire offers advice, it’s smart to listen. On Monday, Bill Gates hosted an “AMA” or “ask me anything” session(會議) on Reddit, during which a participant asked, “If you could give 19-year-old Bill Gates some advice, what would it be?”

Gates said: I would explain that smartness is not single dimensional and not quite as important as I thought it was back then. I would say you might explore the developing world before you get into your forties. I wasn’t very good socially back then, but I am not sure there is advice that would fix that--maybe I had to be awkward and just grow up...”

In short: Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional-and it’s not the only ingredient required for success.

This isn’t the only time Gates has given out advice on navigating your years as a young adult. One of his best pieces of wisdom comes from fellow billionaire and friend Warren Buffett: Keep things simple. In a 2009 interview with CNBC. Gates said: “You look at his calendar; It’s pretty simple. You talk to him about a case where he thinks a business is attractive, and he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And he knows a few basic numbers and facts about it. And if it gets less complicated, he feels like then it’s something he’ll choose to invest (投資) in. He picks the things that he’s got a model of, a model that really is predictive and that’s going to continue to work over a long-term period. And so his ability to boil things down, to just work on the things that really count, to think through the basics —it’s so amazing that he can do that. It’s a special form of genius(天才).”

1What can we learn about 19-year-old Bill Gates?

A. He was not a smart youth.

B. He overvalued the importance of smartness.

C. He had developed great social skills.

D. He thought intelligence was multidimensional.

2What’s Warren Buffett’s motto?

A. Keep learning. B. Keep things simple.

C. Intelligence isn’t one-dimensional. D. Intelligence is the key to success.

3What does the underlined phrase “boil things down” mean?

A. Take things down clearly and in detail.

B. Break things down into many smaller pieces.

C. Make things shorter by leaving out unnecessary parts.

D. Do things at a slower pace in order to be careful.

4What does Bill Gates think about Warren Buffett?

A. Hard to understand. B. Easygoing and talkative.

C. Fearless in investment. D. Wise and extraordinary.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】閱讀下面短文, 根據(jù)其內(nèi)容寫一篇60字左右的內(nèi)容概要。
Over the past few years, there has been a big increase in the number of people sharing information online. In this article, we will learn about some positive reasons for people to share information online.
94% of those surveyed by The New York Times said they put a lot of thought into how the content they are sharing will be beneficial to others. We often share information with our friends in the office or at home to educate, entertain, or pleasantly surprise them. This is also true while sharing information online. If you look at the Facebook wall posts of your friends, you will realize that most of their updates are usually famous quotes(引述), entertaining videos, humorous images, funny jokes, etc.
A lot of people share information online to picture their true self to the outside world. Some people, especially those who are shy and not comfortable talking about their areas of interest in the presence of others, find it extremely convenient to share that information online with others.
According to the study, 78% of the people said they shared information online because it helps them develop better relationships. Today, people are so busy that they do not have the time to meet each other personally. A lot of people now “meet” each other online, rather than in places like restaurants and pubs.
Lastly, when we share our thoughts online, we are actively communicating with a large number of people who are a part of the World Wide Web. Sharing information will affect the viewpoint of others, or add to their understanding about the world.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】A case of suspected food poisoning in a kindergarten in Liaoning Province has led to several children ________ to hospital.
A.being sent
D.to be sent


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Most people in school liked Gloria. So when she got sick, some boys 1 to visit her. But none of them wanted to 2 any money for a gift to bring along.
Then Willie said, “We can 3 some flowers from a 4.”
Gloria will not know 5 they come from, and the dead man will not 6 them.
Everybody was afraid, 7 Willie. So he went alone and 8 some beautiful flowers. Then they went to Gloria's 9, and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them, but 10 did not mind.
After their visit, Willie 11 the other boys, “It is a good thing that I was not afraid. Gloria 12 the flowers.”
The other boys laughed. Gloria would not have liked the 13 if she had known they had come from a grave.
That night, Willie was reading a book 14 his mother came into his room. “Willie, did you and other boys buy some flowers today 15 Gloria?” she asked. “There's a man 16 asking for you,” she added. “He says that you didn't 17 the flowers.”
“What does he look 18?” Willie asked.
“That's hard to say,” Willie's mother answered. “He is all 19 with mud.”
Willie, all of a sudden, turned 20.
(1)A.thought B.asked C.planned D.took
(2)A.keep B.cost C.take D.spend
(3)A.steal B.pick up C.buy D.plant
(4)A.shop B.store C.street D.grave
(5)A.how B.where C.when D.why
(6)A.miss B.lose C.hate D.love
(7)A.beside B.besides C.including D.except
(8)A.saw B.thought C.looked for D.found
(9)A.room B.garden C.school D.library
(10)A.Gloria B.some C.Willie D.nobody
(11)A.ordered B.asked C.said to D.explained
(12)A.refused B.liked C.hated D.missed
(13)A.boys B.flowers C.secret D.news
(14)A.as B.when C.where D.if
(15)A.to B.for C.on D.with
(16)A.inside B.outside C.still D.also
(17)A.ask for B.water C.like D.pay for
(18)A.as B.about C.like D.for
(19)A.painted B.dressed C.wrapped D.covered
(20)A.sad B.red C.pale D.glad


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Dear editor,
I'm a Senior Two student in a high school. I'm writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. ……
Li Hua

