【題目】 How to prevent being infected with the virus? There are a number of standard hygiene (衛(wèi)生) practices 1 have been recommended to protect against infection and 2(far) spread. These include covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a medical mask, tissue or flexed elbow; avoiding contacting with those who are unwell 3(close); the appropriate use of masks and personal protective 4(equip), especially in a healthcare setting; washing hands regularly with water and soap, 5 alcohol-based hand sanitizer (洗手液). 6(action) that can be taken to prevent infection from an animal source include: avoiding unnecessary unprotected contact with animals; washing hands after contact with animals or animal products; and ensuring that animal products are cooked thoroughly before they 7(consume).

It is important8(stay) home if you’re feeling unwell. But if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty 9(breath), seek medical care early and share your previous travel history 10 your healthcare provider.








7are consumed

8to say






考查定語從句。此處是限定性定語從句,先行詞為practices,關(guān)系詞在從句中做主語,所以用關(guān)系代詞whichthat。故填that /which。












考查動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)。句中they指代animal products,與動詞consume之間為被動關(guān)系,所以被動語態(tài)。根據(jù)句中時態(tài)可知,應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時。故填are consumed


考查非謂語動詞。這里考查句型:It be + adj. + to do sth.“做某事是怎么樣的”。故填to say


考查非謂語動詞。句意:但如果你發(fā)燒、咳嗽、呼吸困難,盡早就醫(yī),并與醫(yī)療服務(wù)提供者分享你的旅行史。have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困難”。故填breathing。


考查介詞。句意:但如果你發(fā)燒、咳嗽、呼吸困難,盡早就醫(yī),并與醫(yī)療服務(wù)提供者分享你的旅行史。share sth. with sb.“和某人分享某物”。故填with。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 We assume exercise improves our mental health. But what kind of exercise works best? Researchers analyzed the effect of different types of exercise. They looked at the link between physical activities and mental health and found team sports were the best, followed by cycling, either on the road or a stationary bike. Physical activities typically performed in groups, such as team sports and gym classes, provided greater benefits than running or walking.

Researchers rated mental health based on a survey. It asked respondents how many days in the previous month their mental health was “not good” due to stress, depression or problems withemotions. People who played team sports like soccer and basketball reported 22.3% fewer poor mental-health days than those who didn’t exercise. Those who ran or jogged fared 19% better, while those who did household chores 11.8% better.

They found team sports may have an extra benefit because of the social component, and yoga or tai chi can promote mindfulness, which is often touted as beneficial for mental health.

The researchers also found that those who exercise between 30 and 60 minutes had the best mental health, with 45 minutes the optimal duration. Exercising three to five times a week correlated with fewer dark days. “Over 90 minutes of exercise and there isn’t an extra benefit,” Dr. Chekroud said.

The study analyzed the exercise habits and mental health of 1.2 million US adults, based on self-reported answers to survey questions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It wasn’t a randomized controlled study and just an association between exercise and better mental health. It can’t explain if poor mental health causes people to exercise less or exercise causes people to have better mental health.

1Which exercise will best help to cheer up the depressed?

A.Running and jogging outdoors.B.Playing soccer and basketball.

C.Doing some household chores.D.Cycling or riding a stationary bike.

2What do the researchers say about team sports?

A.They boost self-esteem.B.They offer inner peace.

C.They involve interaction.D.They help achieve goals.

3What Dr. Chekroud said means that_______.

A.more exercise isn’t always better

B.exercise habits decide mental health

C.exercise leads to better mental health

D.mental health causes people to exercise

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.What sports work best for mental health?B.More exercise, better mental health!

C.Less exercise, poor mental health!D.What is the good effect of exercise?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Have you ever experienced any inconvenience caused by language barriers while travelling? Have you ever thought how awesome those language courses would be if they didn't cost so much money and require so much time?

Translaty is created to serve this purpose- without wasting your money and time on language courses, you can instantly become“fluent" in more than 40 languages with this genius device!

What is Translaty?

Translaty is a simple yet life-changing invention that helps you to overcome any obstacles caused by foreign languages, whether you 're in a business meeting with an international client or sunbathing somewhere on a Spanish beach. This small but ingenious device is able to instantly recognize and translate over 40 different languages, making I intercultural communication completely effortless!

What languages can I actually communicate in?

Translaty has more than 40 languages pre-installed, so you' re able to use it the minute you get it! It provides fast and accurate two-way communication and allows you to install some other languages that you might be missing.

What makes Translaty so special?

* Makes travelling easier- forget language barriers and become “fluent” in 40+ languages.

* Helps in business- strengthening your international business relationships. It's easy when you speak the same language.

* Assists in daily life- allowing you to overcome language differences with your foreign friends.

* Convenient and easy to use- lightweight and simple design' ensures it's there when you need it the most.

* Offers 100% accurate, two-way translations.

* High sound and recording quality ensure there are no misunderstandings.

To sum up—get it while you can!

1Translaty can help users

A.better understand foreignersB.learn foreign languages well

C.spend less in learning a languageD.build relationships with colleagues

2What is special about Translaty?

A.It's reliable.B.It's enormous.

C.It's secure.D.It's influential.

3What's the purpose of the text?

A.To declare.B.To advertise.

C.To demonstrate.D.To criticize.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:









科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Maybe you pop vitamins supporting brainpower, or stock upon these foods that boost brain health. But new guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology suggest there's something better you can do to keep your mind sharp.

A quarter of adults aged 80 to 84 experience mild cognitive (認知的) impairment, according to AAN. To address the widespread problem, a group of neurologists and Alzheimer's (阿爾茲海默氏癥的) specialists went through existing studies to define the best ways to prevent and treat cognitive decline-and you might be surprised by what they included and what they didn't.

Surprisingly, the AAN guidelines don't include any medication (藥物) or dietary recommendations. The authors stress that there haven't been any high-quality, long-term studies finding foods or medication can help cognitive decline. The guidelines also say doctors can consider suggesting cognitive training to patients with memory loss but not to rely on it. So far, the report's authors say the evidence is too inconclusive to say for sure if brain exercises, like memory and attention training or problem solving for everyday issues associated with memory loss, are beneficial. Still, these morning brain exercises can't do any harm.

But there was one big discovery from the new guidelines: Exercising just twice a week could improve cognitive decline. One study showed adults with mild cognitive impairment who did resistance training twice a week scored better on executive function and associative (聯(lián)想的) memory tests than a group that worked on balancing, stretching, and relaxing.

What's more, another study had older adults attend either biweekly health classes or sessions of aerobics, strength training, balance exercises, and multitasking training. Six months later, the ones who'd exercised regularly scored better on cognitive health and memory tests, plus had less brain shrinkage.

AAN now recommends doctors tell patients with memory loss to exercise twice a week to keep their minds sharp. This is the best time to exercise if you want to improve your memory. It looks like you've got just one more reason to clear time in your schedule for a workout — even if it's only on the weekends.

1What does the underlined word 'impairment' in paragraph 2 refer to?


2AAN may be uncertain about .

A.strength trainingB.resistance training

C.exercises twice a weekD.brain exercise

3Which of the following may the author agree with?

A.Daily exercises are beneficial to Alzheimer.

B.The AAN guidelines attach importance to workout.

C.Medication is of significance in the AAN guidelines.

D.Stocking up on vitamins supporting brainpower means nothing.

4In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Some best music and opera holidays for 2019.

Tangle wood Festival

The villages of Lenox and Stockbridge in western Massachusetts have been the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for more than 80 years, and its annual Tanglewood festival is East Coast America’s most distinguished music event. Andris Nelsons, BSO music director, conducts 14 of the concerts and star performers include Emanuel Ax, Paul Lewis and Anne-Sophie Mutter. Tickets on sale Feb 10.

June 15—Aug 25 (tanglewood.org)

Aspen Festival

This year is the 70th anniversary of the Aspen Music Festival, one of the longest-running and most prestigious festivals in the United States. The 2019 program has yet to be announced, but a typical eight- week summer season includes more than 400 classical music events—including concerts by five orchestras, solo (獨奏) and classical music performances, fully staged opera productions, music lessons, lectures, and children’s programming. Tickets and details available in February.

June 27—Aug 18 (aspenmusicfestival. com)

Grand Teton Music Festival

Aspen’s great classical music competitor in the Rocky Mountains is the Grand Teton, which has been held in Jackson Hole since 1962 and at its heart is a timber concert hall, the Walk Festival Hall, famous for its friendly atmosphere and excellent natural sound. Despite its relatively modest size, the hall attracts the greats—current music director is the Scottish conductor Donald Runnicles. The program for 2019 is yet to be announced but subscriptions are on sale from Feb 1, single tickets from March 1.

July 2—Aug 17 ( gtmf. org)

Salzburg Festival

The excitement is building in Salzburg both for this summer and for its 100th anniversary year in 2020. Bar the Proms, it is the world’s oldest music festival and this year it will pack in an unbelievable 199 performances in 43 days at 16 venues. This year’s theme is ‘Myths’ and includes first public performances of Mozart’s Idomeneo and George Enescu’s opera dipe.

July 20—Aug 31 (salzburgfestival. at)

1Which of the festivals has the shortest history?

A.Tangle wood Festival.B.Aspen Festival.

C.Salzburg Festival.D.Grand Teton Music Festival.

2What can we learn about Tanglewood Festival?

A.It is held from June 27 to Aug. 18.

B.Its tickets can be available from March 1.

C.It is best known in the east coast of America.

D.Its more information can be got from gtmf. org.

3What is the similarity of Aspen Festival and Salzburg Festival?

A.Their tickets can be got in February.

B.They will be held in the same months.

C.They both have music and opera performances.

D.Their audience can be both adults and children.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


China's TikTok, which 1 (take) the world by storm in the past three years, is working its magic in its home nation, too.

In the annual report of 2 (it) parent company ByteDance this week, the Chinese version of TikTok, 3 (call) Douyin, has accumulated 400 million daily active users. This is an 4 (impress) growth for the addictive video app, 5 had 250 million daily active users in January last year.

The report not only describes the user behavior and trends but also illustrates the cultural difference 6 China and the US. For example, knowledge-based content is 7 (extreme) popular in China, and less so in the US. Also, in the US, it seems that it's mostly teenagers who are creating the dances, but in China those who produce the most dance videos are users born in 8 1960s.

With Douyin, users can record videos, edit them and share them online. It is a great way 9 (spend) the leisure time browsing these funny videos. Now, Douyin has established itself as one of the largest knowledge, culture and art 10 (platform) in China.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Tiny microbes (微生物) are at the heart of a new agricultural technique to manage harmful greenhouse gas. Scientists have discovered how microbes can be used to turn carbon dioxide into soil-enriching limestone (石灰石), with the help of a type of tree that grows in tropical areas, such as West Africa.

Researchers have found that when the Iroko tree is grown in dry, acidic soil and treated with a combination of natural fungi (霉菌) and other bacteria, not only does the tree grow well, it also produces the mineral limestone in the soil around its root.

The Iroko tree makes a mineral by combining Ca from the earth with CO2 from the atmosphere. The bacteria then create the conditions under which this mineral turns into limestone. The discovery offers a new way to lock carbon into the soil, keeping it out of the atmosphere. In addition to storing carbon in the trees' leaves and in the form of limestone, the mineral in the soil makes it more suitable for agriculture.

The discovery could lead to reforestation projects in tropical countries, and help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the developing world. It has already been used in West Africa and is being tested in Bolivia, Haiti and India.

The findings were made in a three-year project involving researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Granada, Lausanne and Delft University of Technology. The project examined several microbiological methods of locking CO2 as limestone, and the Iroko-bacteria way showed best results. Work was funded by the European Commission under the Future&Emerging Technologies(FET)scheme.

Dr Bryne Ngwenya of the University of Edinburgh's School of GeoSciences, who led the research, said"By taking advantage of this natural limestone-producing process, we have a low-tech, safe, readily employed and easily operating way to lock carbon out of the atmosphere, while improving farming conditions in tropical countries."

1The passage is mainly introducing ______ .

A.some useful natural fungi and bacteria

B.the soil-enriching limestone created by scientists

C.a newly-found tree in West Africa

D.a new way to deal with greenhouse gas

2Which of the following is True about tiny microbes?

A.Tiny microbes get along well with the Iroko tree in special soil.

B.CO2 can be broken down by natural fungi and bacteria.

C.The more greenhouse gas is, the more active tiny microbes become.

D.Most tiny microbes like living in dry, acidic soil.

3What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.Carbon dioxide.B.Soil.


4According to the passage, what can we infer?

A.The action of the tiny microbes can increase the oxygen in the earth.

B.Researchers tend to use natural power to solve their problem.

C.Researchers have done the experiment on trees in Africa for three years.

D.West Africa is one of the most polluted areas all over the world.

