
1The mother ___________(upset) to find her daughter hadn’t come back yet.

2While __________(wait) for the bus, I found a poster on the wall.

3The student got up so late that she had to go to class __________ breakfast.

4It is the first time that he __________(climb) a mountain alone.

5The teacher was angry because the boy broke the glass __________ purpose.

6He kept regular exercise and his health was improved __________(gradual).

7Discuss in groups and tell _________ use the people make of the river.

8They met in an old house_________ roof had been damaged by the storm.

9Many people think that the British speak the standard English. _________, it is not the fact.

10Most people prefer traveling to other places to __________(stay) at home.

11This is the very book ______ has good maps showing details of world geography.

12The two men talked happily __________ if they were close friends.

13Many houses ________(destroy) and the people didn’t know where to stay for the night.

14His friend wrote an e-mail to express her __________(congratulation) on his success.

15After __________(graduate) from college, they found time to carry out their traveling plan.


1was upset



4has climbed









13were destroyed




1考查時態(tài)和形容詞。句意:母親發(fā)現(xiàn)女兒還沒回來,很不安。upset是形容詞,意為難過的,不安的;分析句子結構,此處應該是句子的謂語,用be upset構成系表結構;根據(jù)句子后半句的時態(tài)hadn’t come back可知,是敘述過去的情況,因此用一般過去時;主語the mother是單數(shù),故填was upset。

2考查非謂語動詞。句意:在等公共汽車的時候,我在墻上發(fā)現(xiàn)了一張海報。wait和其邏輯主語也就是句子的主語I之間是主動關系;根據(jù)句意,應為“while I was waiting for the bus”, 因此用現(xiàn)在分詞。故填waiting。

3考查介詞。句意:這個學生起得太晚了,以至于她不得不沒吃早飯就去上課。根據(jù)句意,應為沒吃早飯就去上課;without 是介詞,意為沒有。故填without。

4考查時態(tài)。句意:這是他第一次獨自去爬山。固定句式It is the first / second time that…意為這是第一/二次做…”,that后的從句要用現(xiàn)在完成時;從句的主語是he,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。故填has climbed。

5考查固定短語。句意:老師很生氣,因為那個男孩故意打破了玻璃。短語on purpose 意為故意地,故填on。

6考查副詞。句意:他經(jīng)常鍛煉身體,健康狀況逐漸好轉。修飾謂語動詞was improved,應用副詞,故填gradually

7考查從屬連詞。句意:分組討論,然后說出人們是如何利用這條河流的。分析句子結構,所填詞是tell后賓語從句的引導詞;短語make use of “利用;此處填what 引導賓語從句,在從句中作定語,意為什么;“what use the people make of the river”意為人們利用這條河的什么用途。故填what。

8考查定語從句。句意:他們在一所舊房子里相遇,房子的屋頂被暴風雨破壞了。分析句子結構,空格后是定語從句,先行詞是an old house,根據(jù)句意,應為“the roof of the house”,因此用whose引導定語從句,在從句中作定語,意為“……。故填whose。


10考查非謂語動詞。句意:大多數(shù)人喜歡去其他地方旅行,而不是呆在家里。短語prefer …to...“喜歡而不喜歡,寧愿而不愿,后面接并列結構,前面prefer后是動名詞,因此to后也應是動名詞,故填staying。

11考查定語從句。句意:這就是那本書,里面有很好的地圖,可以顯示世界地理的細節(jié)。在定語從句中先行詞被the very 修飾時,在從句中作主語,用that引導定語從句。故填that。

12考查狀語從句。句意:這兩個人愉快地交談,好像他們是親密的朋友。根據(jù)句意,此處用as if 引導方式狀語從句,意為好像 故填as。

13考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)。句意:許多房屋被毀,人們不知道在哪里過夜。句子主語many housesdestroy之間構成動賓關系,應用被動語態(tài);根據(jù)后半句的時態(tài)didn’t know可知是敘述過去的事情,因此用一般過去時的被動語態(tài);主語many houses是復數(shù),故填were destroyed。

14考查名詞。句意:他的朋友寫了一封電子郵件來表達對他成功的祝賀。名詞congratulation表示祝賀,通常用復數(shù)形式;短語congratulationsto sb. on …“ 祝賀(某人)….”。故填congratulations

15考查非謂語動詞。句意:大學畢業(yè)后,他們找出時間去完成他們的旅行計劃。graduate和其邏輯主語也就是句子的主語they之間是主動關系;根據(jù)句意,應為“After they graduated from college”,因此用現(xiàn)在分詞。故填graduating。


1.當從句的主語是it, 且謂語動詞是be或包含be的某種形式時, itbe?赏瑫r省略。如:
 If (it is) possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.如果可能的話,他會幫你擺脫困境。
 You must attend the meeting unless (it is) inconvenient to you.除非情況對你來說不方便,否則你必須出席這次會議。


After taking the medicine, she felt much better. (=After she took the medicine,…)


When asked why he was late, he said he missed the train.( =When he was asked why he was late,…)



Whenever (she is) free, she often goes shopping.她有空就去逛商店。

She hurried out of the room, as if (she was) angry. 她匆忙地出了房間,好像很生氣的樣子。

He could write poems when (he was) yet a child. 他還是個孩子的時候就會寫詩了。

 While (she was) walking along the river bank, she was singing a pop song.她沿著河堤邊走邊唱著流行歌曲。
 The boy is running impatiently here and there as if (he is) searching for somethng lost on the sports ground.這男孩很不耐煩地在操場上到處跑著,好像在找什么東西。


Unless (he was ) asked, he wouldn’t tell the truth. 除非問他,否則他不會說實話的。

He stood up as if (he were) to say something.當時他站起來好像要說什么。

He wouldn't solve the problem even if (he were) to take charge.即使他來負責,他也解決不了這個問題。

She looked anxious as though (she was) in trouble.她看上去很焦急,好像遇到了麻煩。

He came across one of his friends while (he was) on a visit to New York. 當他去紐約的時候,他偶然遇到一個朋友。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 The time-out (暫停)is a method to punish your children's misbehavior (不當行為).Children are taken away from their present situation for a few minutes. During the time-out they are put in a place and not allowed to do anything. It's a great way to help your children calm down and realize their shortcomings. 1.

Decide what is worth a time-out

Find a quiet moment to discuss a time-out principle for your family, determining where you'll give time-outs, for what reasons, and for how long. 2. And you can make your first time-out feel prepared and calm.

Give a warning

Instead of suddenly giving a time-out to your children, warn them that they'll get one if they continue to be naughty. 3. At this age children are often angry without realizing it.

Giving them a time-out can make them calm. Some kids dislike time-outs very much, so that finally the warning itself does the job. However, warnings are not enough. When your children hit, kick, or bite someone, use a time-out right away.


It's a good idea to choose a time-out place, such as a chair or the end of a hallway. But remember that the place you choose needs to be safe and shouldn't be frightening.

Decide how long time-outs will last

5. Your children should have enough time to stop misbehaving and calm down. If it is too short or too long, your children may forget the punishment or become upset. Many experts advise one minute per year of your children's age. You can watch the clock yourself or set an alarm clock and tell them that the punishment is over when it rings.

A. Select a place

B. Use time-out regularly

C. A time-out needs enough time

D. You needn't make decisions in a hurry

E. Here are a few ways to make it work for you

F. Give your children hugs and kisses after the time-out

G. This gives them a chance to control their own behavior first


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1. 該活動的意義;

2. 同學們參與的情況;

3. 你推薦的書籍及理由。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。

Dear Tristan,



Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,你們班計劃為即將回國的美籍外教 Peter舉行歡送會。請用英語給他寫封郵件,邀請他參加。內(nèi)容包括:






Dear Peter,



Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1In the accident, three people were killed and more badly i__________.

2The old man has been s___________ from his illness for a long time.

3It is nearly certain though it is not _________(官方的) news.

4This is not a word in common __________(使用).

5Although we hadn’t met for almost ten years, I r___________ her as soon as I saw her.

6When you are looking for a job, you should know what your __________(優(yōu)勢) are.

7Please let me know your __________(時間安排) of the activity.

8He is r__________. He can do his work very well and you can trust him.

9He speaks English quite well and can freely e_________ himself in English.

10It is easy for old people to get ill when the air is not clean, e__________ in winter.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Alzheimer’s disease is _______ as the most common mental disease among older people, and the number of sufferers is growing.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設你是李津,你校學生會計劃創(chuàng)辦英語報,該報開設文學,體育,音樂,科 技;校園生活等五個欄目,學生會招募本校學生擔任專欄作者,申請者需要提交不少于 100字的英文版的自薦信,請你給負責這項工作的外教Mr. Smith寫信,主要內(nèi)容包括:






Dear Mr. Smith,



Li Jin


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Some of the greatest problems we face today are the destruction (破壞)of our environment.Brown clouds, polluted water, endangered wild animals..., these problems seem so huge.

So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don’t have to drive.

But does it do any good? When I am the only one in line at the market with cloth bags, am I doing any good? Does my walking to stores make any real difference to the world?

I recently learned something about flamingos(火烈鳥)which like to get together in groups of a thousand or more Every year when the time comes for migration (遷徙), a few of them first take off from the lake. But none of the others seem to notice, so the small group returns. However, the next day they try again. This time a few more fly along with them, but most of them still pay no attention, so they return again. They try for several times. Every time a few more birds join in but ,since the thousands of others still take no notice, the great migration plan is once more stopped.

Then one day something changes. The same small group of birds once again starts flying and a small number more join in just as before, then more. Finally, they all take flight and the migration really begins. What a spectacular sight it must be--thousands of flamingos taking off into the sky at once!

A few can make a difference. Even if you’re the one to take the first step, and continue trying,others will someday take notice and together we will solve even our greatest problems.

1Where would you most probably read this passage?

A.A guidebook.B.A movie poster.

C.An animal magazine.D.A personal blog

2Why does the writer use cloth bags in stores?

A.There are only cloth bags in stores.

B.All the people use cloth bags in stores.

C.He thinks plastic bags are more expensive.

D.He wants to do some good to the environment.

3What does the underlined word “spectacular” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?



4What's the writer's purpose of writing this article?

A.To show that the writer loves to see the migration of flamingos.

B.To tell readers to continue trying and it can make a difference.

C.To introduce a special kind of flamingo to readers.

D.To show that there' re many problems in the world.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 I’m always surprised when I hear how little time kids spend outside. One study found that kids spend almost seven hours a day using electronic media.

A public school in Quechee, Vermont is taking it seriously and fighting against indoor-centric (中心的) childhoods. Eliza Minnucci’s kindergarten class there engages (參與) in Forest Mondays, during which the students spend the whole day in the woods. It’s modeled after the Forest Kindergarten in Switzerland, which is all outside all the time. The idea that’s shared across the school is to let kids learn lessons from the natural world.

So what have the results been? Mostly good.

I taught kids aged 4 through middle school. While I had some basic ideas to teach, it was mostly kids’ natural interest that drove much of what we did.

They wanted to know the names of birds and plants (biology). We created something with wood and stones (physics and teamwork). We even made up stories about ants and butterflies (language, organizing information and creativity). For the older kids, we had much clearer lesson plans, but we were still outside the whole time, and we would often suddenly start talking about a completely new subject if something interesting was happening. So the learning experience was always fresh.

On top of learning and moving around freely instead of sitting at desks, the kids were having fun while they learned, which made them excited for the next lesson. Shouldn’t that be the goal of all education?

Perhaps Vermont’s kindergarten program is an example of breaking away from the test-centric educational method. While some parents are taking their kids out hiking on the weekend or stopping their use of electronic media, teachers are bringing some of that same thinking to their classrooms.

Considering all the good evidence that being outside is great for mind and body ---as well as test scores---it seems like this kind of education is a natural next step for teachers.

1What can we learn about the public school in Quechee?

A.It lies in the woods.

B.It is the first of its kind.

C.It teaches more than other schools.

D.It values outdoor activities very much.

2What does the author mainly try to show through Paragraph 5?

A.Teaching outdoors brings her some thinking.

B.Learning outdoors can make kids learn more.

C.Playing outdoors brings kids many advantages.

D.Teaching outdoors proves to be more difficult.

3What should be the goal of education according to the author?

A.To develop students’ life skills.

B.To encourage kids’ great creativity.

C.To make kids have fun while learning.

D.To teach students to think independently.

4Why does the author write the text?

A.To encourage outdoor education.

B.To suggest spending more time in nature.

C.To give kids tips on spending time outside.

D.To ask kids to take part in after-class activities.

