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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 If you were on the street in Mexico today you might think you were in an operating room, surrounded by doctors. You could see many concerned people with masks (口罩) trying their best to stop the swine flu (豬流感). And the masks aren’t only being used in Mexico. A friend of mine traveling from New York City to Florida was given a mask and a pair of gloves just after he reached the airport. And another friend went to get a haircut only to be faced with a hairdresser wearing a mask!

But do the masks really work? Is covering your nose and mouth the key to stopping the swine flu? To find out the truth, ABC’s reporter Sharyn Alfonsi talked with germ (細(xì)菌) expert Dr. Elaine Larsen. It turns out that when you sneeze (打噴嚏) the air coming out of your mouth at a speed of one hundred miles per hour carries germs which can travel anywhere around you and make people around you infected (被感染).

However, whether you become infected actually depends on the weather. As Sharyn reported, when you sneeze, the germs leave your body in small drops of water coming out of your mouth. If the weather is wet, the wet air will make the small drops bigger and heavier and they drop down towards our feet. If this happens, we won’t become infected. But if the air is dry, those small drops can float higher up, making it possible for them to touch someone else’s nose, mouth or their mask.

Larsen says the masks can stop the germs well but after a few hours, they start to get wet, holding a lot of germs they come across and causing you to breathe them in. The masks do work, but the key to stopping the germs is changing your masks often.

1According to Para.1, in Mexico you can see that ____.

A.the patients are treated in the open air

B.some doctors work in the street

C.people speak little to each other in the street

D.many people wear masks in the street

2According to the passage a patient spreads germs mainly through ____.


C.touching othersD.sneezing

3We learn from the passage that on a wet day ____.

A.sick people will be infectedB.germs can spread very far

C.germs spread very quicklyD.few people will be infected

4If you keep wearing a mask for a long time, ____.

A.the mask will be old and worn outB.you’ll love the feeling of wearing it

C.germs will be kept away from youD.it will be easy for you to be infected

5What should we pay attention to when wearing masks?

A.Keeping the masks dry.B.Changing the masks often.

C.Choosing very thick masks.D.Wearing big masks.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1How can people know the age of a star?

A. From its size. B. From its color. C. From its light.

2What does the man say about space?

A. There is an end in space.

B. There are still unsolved problems.

C. There are some unknown stars.

3What are the speakers doing?

A. Attending a meeting. B. Having an interview. C. Reading a book.

4What does the man think of finding life elsewhere in the universe?

A. Impossible. B. Exciting. C. Easy.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

Maybe teens are not the best years of your life, but you should still learn to make the most of your high school days.1.

1. Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a family that loves you, or simply being born in this world, remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it. 2 Remember these are the last few years you are able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you actually become an adult,

2. Choose your friends wisely. 3Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just the things you have. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

3. Be sociable. Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends.4 Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing in self-pity.

4.5. Video games, for example, are good if you're the type who can get into that kind of thing. You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical. Use your "hobby time" to start developing and uncovering passions.

5. Work at a job you can enjoy. Working is a great way to gain experience and to meet other people. Prior work experience will help you find a job more easily. If you can't find work, just volunteer or make your own job.

A. Small things may make a great difference to your life.

B. In fact, many of the "friends" you have when you are popular are not true friends.

C. Following are some tips for you.

D. You can pursue interests you enjoy.

E. Try to take part in various social activities.

F. While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people.

G. Be happy and life will reward you.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Brenda Bongos was a happy, artistic girl. She had one big ambition—to play the drums in a band. But one big problem lay in her way. To be good enough to play in a band, Brenda had to practice a lot, but she lived next-door to a lot of old people. Many of them are sick. She knew that the sound of beating drums would really get on their nerves. So, she had tried playing in the strangest places: a basement, a kitchen, and even in a shower. But there was always someone it would annoy.

One day, while watching a science documentary on TV, she heard that sound cannot travel in space, because there's no air. At that moment, Brenda Bongos decided to become a sort of musical astronaut.

With the help of a lot of time, books and work, Brenda built a space bubble. This was a big glass ball connected to a machine which sucked out all the air inside. All that would be left inside was a drum kit(成套設(shè)備) and a chair. Brenda got into the space suit she had made, entered the bubble, turned on the machine, and played those drums like a wild child.

It wasn't long before Brenda Bongos came very famous. Many people came to see her play in her space bubble. Shortly afterwards she came out of the bubble and started giving concerts. Her fame spread so much that the government suggested that she be part of a unique space journey. Finally, Brenda was a real musical astronaut, and had gone far beyond her first ambition of playing drums in a band.

Years later, when asked how she had achieved all this, she thought for a moment, and said: 'If those old people next – door hadn't mattered so much to me, I wouldn't have found a solution, and none of this would have ever happened.'

1Why did Brenda try to play in the strangest places?

A. Because she didn't want others to hear her play.

B. Because she didn't mean to disturb others.

C. Because she didn't have her own room.

D. Because she didn’t like her neighbors.

2Brenda started to give concerts _______.

A. after she practiced in her space bubble

B. when she became part of the unique space journey

C. after she became a real musical astronaut

D. when people came to see her in the space bubble

3Brenda became famous because _______.

A. she was good at music and science

B. she became a real musical astronaut

C. she invented a special way of practice

D. she played well and had a talent

4Which of the following can be used to describe Brenda?

A. Kind, hardworking and clever.

B. Brave, kind and hardworking.

C. Lovely, brave and kind.

D. Nervous, kind and clever.

5It can be inferred from the text that: " _______".

A. He laughs best who laughs last

B. It's never too old to learn

C. Two heads are better than one

D. One good turn deserves another


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi’an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.”

Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi’an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.

When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xi’an and his early dreams were coming true.

Robert Friedlander’s next destinations were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.

1】【1The best headline for this newspaper article would be ______ .

A. The Kingdom of Bicycles B. A Beautiful Hotel in Xi’an

C. Marco Polo and the Silk Road. D. An American Achieving His Aims

2】【2The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because______ .

A. he asked to see the manager

B. he entered the hall with a bike

C. the manager had to know about all foreign guests

D. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him

3】【3Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order. ______ .

A. China, India, and Pakistan B. India, China, and Pakistan

C. Pakistan, China, and India D. China, Pakistan, and India

4】【4What made Friedlander want to come to China? ______.

A. The stories about Marco Polo . B. The famous sights in Xi’an .

C. His interest in Chinese silk. D. His childhood dreams about bicycles .

5】【5Friedlander can be said to be _______ .

A. clever B. friendly C. hardworking D. strong—minded


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】There is a lot of poisonous gases in the hall. If ____in, they can result in illness and even death.

A.breathedB.breathingC.to be breathedD.breathe


科目: 來源: 題型:


It was 1st January, the first day of the year and a holiday for me. What luck! I decided to withdraw some money from the bank, The bank person, an elderly gentleman with a white beard, replied indifferently as usual to my polite “Happy New Year.” He nodded and I sat in front of him.

Minutes passed but he didn’t raise his head.

Then very hesitantly I put my form and booklet in front of him. He was busy filling up entries in his register. After a few minutes he took my form and from his cabinet he took out a very thick file, from which he started filling in my details, I sat there wondering why we had computerized banking if we were still filling in forms and register.

After waiting for a few more minutes, in which I showed all signs of being impatient, I asked him if my work was done. The moment I said the words, I felt as if a bomb had fallen on him. He shouted, “Nothing is done, it will take time!”

Just then I saw his morning cup of tea which had been lying there for the last ten minutes, untouched. The tea had tuned almost cold while he was doing his work. Suddenly I felt what this man, who had been working at this counter for the last God-knows-how-many years, must be feeling when customers like me come who are always in a hurry to get their work done. We do not even feel the need to thank them for being there, He must be feeling so anxious that “here comes another person who will push me for doing his work first.”


1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右;

2. 至少使用5個短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;

3. 續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;

4. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。

Paragraph 1:

Thinking of this, I told him, “Sir, you please hare your tea, I am not in a hurry.”


Paragraph 2:

What he said really touched my heart.



科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是學(xué)生會主席李華,你校英語社團(tuán)排練的話劇 The Million Pound Note在市話劇比賽中獲得一等獎。請給已回國的外教 Susan寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:

1. 表達(dá)感謝;

2. 回顧 Susan的指導(dǎo);

3. 表達(dá)祝愿。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)80左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。

參考詞匯:排練: rehearse vt.



科目: 來源: 題型:


1What was Bonzo doing when hit by a car?

A. Playing in a garden.

B. Running after a ball.

C. Walking on the road.

2What do we know about Bonzo?

A. He is a pet.

B. He is Megan’s brother.

C. He is having an operation.

3What will the speakers do later?

A. Do some shopping. B. Go to the hospital. C. Have some coffee.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 I saw the most beautiful thing ever one morning. It was early with a slight frost on the ground, and I was walking on grass down to the farm—my mind on the daily routines.

Suddenly a shining flash erupted straight from the ground about 15 feet in front of me, and shot up into the sky. It was so brilliant, clear and clean. I thought the only thing that could make such a flash must be a diamond—maybe someone had lost some kind of jewelry. Or some kind of lightning strikes—so bright. I waited to see if it repeated but it didn’t.

I walked slowly towards it. There was nothing to see. I stared down at the grass, searching for gold or some kind of metal. Nothing. So I dropped down really close and there it was! A tiny spider’s web, delicately hanging between grass, flashing in a number of colors. The rising sun had caught the exact angle of the dewdrops (露珠), and that light had exploded up into the sky.

It was unbelievable, such a powerful flash from something so small and fragile, and I would have destroyed it beneath my feet. It was as if the unseen world was giving me a heads-up. Hello! Look what’s around you. I’ve never forgotten that moment.

So take some time to notice the wonder of nature that most of us never even see. So much beauty all around us if we would only take the time. Look at the tiny flowers that cover playing fields—we walk all over them without a second glance. The colors of practically any flower on the earth are breathtaking and all natural—if we would only notice. Take the time and discover from nature one secret beautiful thing that you can keep in your heart. Take a picture. It’s what life really consists of. And it’s free.

1What actually caused the flash?

A.A diamond.B.The lightning.

C.A piece of metal.D.A spider’s web.

2Why did the writer feel the discovery unforgettable?

A.The flash is very splendid.B.The spider’s web is mysterious.

C.The shining object was priceless.D.Something small touches her soul.

3What does the writer try to convey in the last paragraph?

A.Appreciate the beauty of nature.B.Be considerate towards the weak.

C.Find time to play outdoors.D.Keep a secret deep in heart.

